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Facts For The People

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Tlicre is a street in Washington City. calleü f bo Pennsylvania Avenue, which is 6.650 fet ang, and 160 feetwide. The sidc-walka of ihi? ' treel are built out 27 feet wide on oach sirle. nakinc 54 fcel widc of wnlks, 80 feet wide f f pel'ble pavement, and 23 foct wide of gravel, j A stréct of these dimensions is no doubt very j rand to look at, ond very spacious nnd roomy o walk or ride in : but it is somewhat costly to nake and keep in repair. The sums originally ' md out on this street we know not: but we know ' hat in Feb. 1844. the lnw makers of tho nation, ( laving ihe treasury todip into for süpplies, iropriated $28,000 to begin odditionol improveinents and repairs upon the street. Theae improvemenis were to consist in perfecting the strip oí gravel of 23 feet wide, two additional ' 'trips, each 27 feet wide, to be paved wilh plierical stoncs not more tlian thrce nchos in diameter, and ihc sidc-wnlks to be extended into the streeis 13 feet further, wilh an additional row oT trees on eacli 8;de, oirteide of the curb stones. One would think thit ride-walka 27 feetwide. (tlie enginoor says they are the widest in the world.) were of ampie latitude (or even members of Congress to walk in : but theso dignitnries were of a düTcrenl opinión; Thcy ordered them tobe extended 13 foet more: but ns this alone would swnllow up almost the wholo npproprialion oCjgfepOO, the engincer haslaid out all tlic moncy onïïïc other pnrtsof the streef Bosidea, the shop keepers, ond indeed the wbole citizen populutiou, wcro unwilline: ta have tha sidewalks widencd, a earriages would thereby be remofed a long disianco from tho buildings, and the labor of cleaningsuch sido walka, espccially of Éiiuw, would bo very great. Well, the Twenty-eight Thousand dollars is expended on this street, ond without touching ihe side-walks. Uut it is fourid to be insudicicnt, and the engineer submits an estimato of .$16.238 more for coinpUümr the improvements alrcady commenced. Thus tho total expense of repniring ihe body of the street expended and östimated, ia $14238. Uut a the mombers must hnre n itnooth walk for their feet. tho engimer concludes it iaalmost indispensablrf that the íide-walki bu relaid of ihe uresent width, if no wider. Tuis is estimated -o coei $18,302 45. (o which add $2,U00 for planting extra Jrees, &c, nnd you have a total for ,l,e sidc-walks, of $20,372 45. To thia add the previoujssum for tha body of ihe str,cct, and you bave a total expenac of $G4,6-)0 fok kki-aikinc rrowr. This ium will undouUcdly be ueed, and probably more. But how would it look to have onc very fine streot.and many poor. hoineïy ones! As cousistency is a jewcl, i' becomes neccs3ary to improve the uthcr streets mIsj. Ilencc tlie Topographicul departrnent recomnvended to iho last scdsiou opprt,riatioii3im.)untingto$37,2Jr) or iroproving the streets which lead to ihe Prmideni'a liouie, , and Ihe buildings of ihe Dcpartinents. For the ieair of Fift&nth eireci, 800 feet long, $11,140 wanted. For the itpaire oí 'Exccuiiva Avenue, $14,761. Six er. s on tlns i:reot, are to eost $Ö4Ö. The S]1C i on 17th sirt'ut. H00 feci lon, nru e&timn, it $11. 324. Töla} üb ubovo, $;7,-2I,'-rV - ! uipr)priatiii3 mudo and Wanted, 111 two 1, lor four strtíets, 101,825. m s i! cntirc estimaios miy bc found in the Doeat tl nts accoaipanying the Presido ni'fl last A nmai Message, pages 377-d, and ?i)2-7. Any u, er inforiuaiion wantod can be had by apply oour áeiiatorsand RoicsentativíS. Wlioth b appropriaiiona reoomtnènded were passcd n ie lai session of Congress. wo aro nol inbut ed: but they wcio in whulo or in , 'e don't khow a wc tleod to ofler a word ot ment on, this statement. Wc givo the facts as u matter Of news. Tho laliorinq part of Wil nation, who pay thee expenses, don't care: fro if thc-y choo8e 10 havo the avails ol thcir labor e nded in such ways, wc ahall stand our taxaas besl wo may, , he