ie cry of fire was raisud in our viliage, and in a l w minutes tha Distillery and Steam Flouring V Iill of Chester Inpalls, near tho raüroad, was ' iscovered to be Ãn flamei. The building was ' ulireiy cousumed with most of ils contenta. - 'he air being very siill and the dev falliiip. tlie djoiniog buildings werc saved by the efluris of ' 10 firenien and citizena. Wo hear the loss eslic lated al SQ,000. Thero waa nu insurancc. _ i O" It is said that about 70 of tho ; brave and allant " troopa enüsted by the Government into tic California regiment and about to fiail from ïcw York havo doserted. fools in nlisiing, wiao only in running awuy. IO" It oppear8 iliat Gov. Slade is not lo be PrebideiU ol Oberlin College, but he has accepto 1 the office of Secretary and General .Agent of the Central Coinmittco for promoting National Educaiion, and wilt soon remove to Cincinnati. fX3 The Jackson Gazetto is out for conferring on Justices of the Peace and all other Law Judges appropriate jurisdiction in i.ll cases of Law and Equity. That is the t rué doctrine. You may manufacture as uiany fine schemes of jurisprudence as you please, but you can never have unefiectual form of Law till the great object for vhich all legal institutions aro established, is carried out Ãn the practise of overy Court, by executino JUSTICE BETWEEN A MAN AND HIS NEIOHBOR. flr3 The President has examined the proceedings of the Court Martial that tried j Gen. Gaines, and approves of thoir findng that he has done things not authorzed by his insf ructions or by law, that he ' transcended his anthority and violated ! bis orders: but in consideraron of his zeal and patriotic motives, all further i jroceedings are stayed by the President. L A surveyor of highways, sceing a large f juantity of marsh-mud thrown upon a c oad thought it was repaired add-mircably. Ã