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LOTH! CLOTH!! 1HE undersii;ned would inform the public tliat thay continue lo manufacturo FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS, their mnnufactory, two and a half miles weel Ann Arbor, on the Huron River, uear the ilroad. TER MS. Phe priceofmanufactnring White Flanncl will 20 cents, Fulled Cloth 37 cents and Caasire 44 cents per yard, or half the cloth hf jol will make. We will also echango Cloth Wool on reasonable terms. File colora will bc gray, black or hrown. The wl bclongin to each individual will bc rkcd by itself when there is cnough of onc ility to make 80 yards of cloth; when this is , : the ense, severa! parjels of tho samo quality II bc worked together, and ihe cloth divided P'1 ng the several owners. Wool aent by id, marked S. W. FoMer. fc Co., Ann Arbór, ih direciions, will be attcndeJ to in tho sanio i y inner as f iho owner were to como with it. - , ie Wool will bo inanulnctured in nirn na it .. nes in, u ne;ir ns ni iv bo consistent with the lerent quiílitie of Wool. We Iihvc been engnged in this busiuess I yeurs, and rom the very general satisfaction j : have gtven to our nuinermis customers for I i last two years, wo are insneed to nsk a "'.' ge share of patronago wiih confirience thal we l ill meet the just expectationí ol customers. Letters should ho addresscd to S. W. Foster I Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April 6, 1840. 260-Ty CLOCKS AND WATCHESf -t THE Subscriberhas jusl reccived, (and is i ' J{ ÉLJ 8tiu1t'y receiving) from l' flr V Êftt Xevv York an elegant flr.d :" VM wJaKwl Bclectcd assortinent E ewclry, Clocks, Watclics, c. &c. which ho intetuls to sell as luto as at any I ber estabüslunent this side of Bufialo for reody I :y onltj aniong wliich may be found thelollow lv g: a tíood assortment o! Gold Fihger Rings, Gold Urensi pins.Wrisllets I Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Germán Silvcr Tea and Tnhle Spoons (firstl quality.) Silver and Germnn d Sugar Tonge, I " Silver Salt.Mustardand Creani apoons. Butter Knivts, Gold and Silver I'cncil Cases, I ' Gold Pens, " Penci Is, Silver and Germán Silvcr Thimblr-s, Silvcr Spectacles, Germán and Steol do. Goggles, Clothes. Huir and Tooih Brushes, I Laiher Brushes, Rnzors nnd Pocket Knives, Fine Shears and Scissors, Knives and Forks, Brittannia Tea Potsand Cnstors, Platcd, Brae, 1 and Brittania Candlcsticks, Snuffers &, Trays, 1 Shaving boxesnnd Soaps, hapman's Best Ruzor Strop, Calfand Morocco l .Vallets, Silk and Cotion purses, Violins and Jows, Violin and Basa Viol Strings, Flutcs, rifes, Clarionetp, Accordeons - Rlusic Books for the same, Motto Seals, Steel Pens nnd rweezers. Pen cases. SnuiTantl Tobacco boxes. [vory Dressing Combs, Side and Bnck and Pock;t ('omb8, Neodle casos, Stelettoes, Water Paintp ind Brushes, Toy Watches. n great variety of Oolls, in short the greatest variety of loys ever irought to this market, Fancy work boxen, chilJren8 teasetts. Coloane Uair Oils, Smellini; 3nlts. Court Piasier. Ten Bells. Therniometers. Merman Pipes, Wo'od Pcnoils,' BRASS AiND WOOI) CLOCKS, fee. in fact olniost every hing to pleaee the fancy. Ladies and Gentlenen, cali and examine for yourselves. Ciocks. Walches and Jewelry repaired and wnrranted on short noticc. Shop at his old jtand, opposito H. Bei-ker'6brick Store. CALVIN BLISS. N.-B.- Cash paid for old Gold &. Silver. Also Ferry's Book Store in the same room. Ann Arbwr, July Ist, 1346. 27I-1y