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A large number of the Louisana and Alabamavolunteer3 havereturned to theh anxious mothers ; having secn enougl' of war and glory o last thom the re mninder of thoir lives. We don't heai much about patriotic ardor" now-a-days and incline to believe that tho next time Mr. Polk wants soldiers to fight in hi war, that he will find it not quite so easj a task to fill the ranks of' the army Every species of oxtortion and fratu has boon practised upon the soldiers b) the Sutlers and Commissaries. Hun dreds have been turned adrift in th( streots of New Orleans, destitute of the means wherewith to reach their homes The Picayune in allusion to thia mattei says: "Tho destitute and friondless condi tion of many of tho volunteers who have been thrown upon us in a stagnant anc dangerous season of the yoar, shoulc excite the active and liberal isympathiéi of our citizens. Many of those people may be improvident, but they ccrtainl) are unlbrtunate. They present a melancholy picture of distress - a hapless and cruel transí tion for tho enthusiastic and cheerfu! volunteer to the dischnrged and neglect ed soldier. Something ought to be done for these men. Privato munificence ought to requite them for, public ingratitud e," The Louisville Courier, in allusion te the wrongs that have been practiced up on the soldiers, says :4Í Ono of the Alabáma volunteers speaking of thc purcháses irom the Sutlers of thearmy, says, "I can positivcly buy more itt Mobile tbr fifty cent.s tlnm with live dollars Itere." lt i.s reallv hanl to fight for almost nolhing, añil be swinilcdoutof it in this way. Anptbér volunieer, apparently mucK ti-oublod in sjwr, says, l' It s pretty tough, 1 can tel I you- wnges only '%i a rnonth, whiskey from onc to tico dollars a gallon, and other necessarieso? lifo in the same