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ANi ARBOR rlll'l uixlcrsigiH'd huving Diitchflaed the intercsts ofhis partner in the Marble BoBiirett. vuuld nforni the inhahitan's of thisand adjoining winties. thot he continúes (he inifinc?s nt ih ild 8tnnl in Upper Tmvn, near ihc Prcebyierian -ImucIi. where he will nmnufaciure to order, Monumcnts, Grove Sones Pcctnt Slone, Tabicts, #c. $c. Those wishing to obtain any anido in Iiis line if business will tind by calling thnr he has an assortment of White and Varicgated Marble from he K;isiern Marble Quirrico. which will bc kvrought in Modern siyle, and sold at eastern pri:es, adding transporiation only. Cali and gi iheproof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Ann Arbor, July 8, 184G. 27Ü-ly CUE AP STOVJESr AT YTSILANTl! 19 COOKING &PARLOR RTOVES 1AW jusi reccived. by the Subeciiber, (mostly from Albany) making a good aesortment of the latest and best patterns. which will be eold ai Low Prices! not to be undersold this side Lake Ene! Alao, Topper Funiiturr, Cauldron Ke::les. Hollow Ware of all sZCs} Stove Pipe, Sheet Iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE Mnnufacturcd and consinmly kept on hand which will nlso be sold very low P. S.- Purchnser will'do well to cali and examine for theirown satiifacwon. Ypsilanti, Jimc 20, 1S4C. " ' Sfflif BE TTERTatFtHAN NEVER! "pilK Subscriber h;is the plensure of announcing to the Public, thai he has just received from New York, and opened a choice and well Cílecled asaoriinent of NEW GOODS, consisiing of Dry Goods, Groccries, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, which he w,ll sell at Very Low Pnces for Ready Pay in Cash, or Produce. Caíh or Goods will be paid for W00L in an v quantities. ROBERT DAViDSON. Ann Arbor. June 10, I é'4. 03 Hats and Caps, i IN all heir varieties. nlso Cams, Silk and lungham i mbrellas. Suspendcrs. rich Silk Scarlsand Cravats Silk, Linen andKid Gloves with every article in that line can bo had at fair pnces and warranted to suit by sendin-r yOur wishes by etter or by calling at Ño 58, Woodward Avepue, 3 doors north cf Doty's Auction room. Detroit. N. B. Ministers and Liberty men supplied at a mail ndvance frum cost. 2G6-b-n JAMES G. CRA.NE. Chcap Hardware Store. TUI E Subicriber takes this method io inform hia old cusion.ers and the public generallv ihathestill continúes to keep a largeand eneral assortment of Foreign and Domesiic HARDWARE, CÜTLERY, &c. Aleo. Spike. Wrought, Cut and Worbe Shoc iails, Glass, Sheet iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Bar Lead, Zync, Cright and AnêaFed Wire Molasses Gates and Fassetts, Mifl Saw. Cross Cui baws. Hand nnd Wond S'aws, Back and Key Hole Saws, Arivils. Viccs, Bellows.Ad2e9.Coop. era 'looh, Drawintr Knives, Spoke Shaves lap Borers, Cast Steel Augurs, Cominon Aupre; Augur Bitts, Holíow Augure. Steel and Iron Squares, Gröunil Piaster, Water Lime GnndJStonrs, Potssh.Caldron nml Sngar Kettles, Cable, Lo;;. Trace and Halter Chains, Broad' Hand and Narrow Aies, Spirit and Pluin!. L:v' els, togefher wiih a Sfneraí assortment of Hollew Ware. which will be sold low for Cash ojpprovecf credit at '3. Jefforson Avenue Eldred'sBiock. r. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lüth. Í8-16. 248-ly To Country IVlcrchants, THE Subsciibt-r has constantly for sale good assortment of heavy WOOLEN CLÖTII?, wolf ndnpted lo tf?e country qiarkei uhicli he wiU sell at wlmletofp r remil. vEfir low. Culi and ee thuni at the JIa.miut.i.i BtobeV. A. ItAÏAlOiVD, 275-tf Detroit. FOR SALE CHEAP ron CASIJ, or every kind ofcoun'try Produce, Sadtltcs, Brides,Harness, Tmnlcs, Valises, Trunk Vaises, Carpct Bags, c. Aleo a 20UÜ assoitinent of Whips At. Lasíiis. which will bc sold very low, and no mistnke. at COOK & ROBINSON'S. Ann Ar6or, August 12, IS4G. 277-tf JLOOK liERr, f r i iIJE Subscriber ofFers to sell F'orty Acres of JL cood Land in the County of Livinyton - The land is timbered, and wiihin to miles of of where a steam miil 13 erecting. Ten acres are cleared1, and there are len acres more ready for íneging. There is a good log house and Sorae fruit trees on the premisos. The lerms wiH be liberal, and poyment may bc made in cnrpentei's work, lutnber or n good icam. Apply to the subscribcr in Ann Arbor. S. D. KOBLE. Aun Arbor, July Í8, 846. 274 12w A. C. M'GRAW & CO., Are now receiving their Fall Stock of Boots & Slioes Which have boen selectcd with much cure for tho Wholesale Trade TUl'.Y now refpcctiully requeet rhe Merchnnts of Mlolrigon and odjceoi Sintes, to examine their cxtenive stock wiiich wiil bc si)IJ at very low pricea tor cwh or npproved credit. Ha ving for ihe last tifieen y'.irs sold1 more (Joods at feuiil iban nny other House in Michigan, tliey fcel fully persnaded 'hut iheir selection ".e to irire, quuitt, and í.'í s, willsuil the wants of the people. Their stock of Leather and Findings is also complete. The refail trnde continúes as irswnl n the first floor, CorSEK ut JtKKKSüN AND Wool WARU A vrsos, . C. McGRAW. & CO. Detroit, A ng. 22, Í846. 31;-ly COUtfTY ORDER. rrVMiK hlghésl p'rïce pmd in cash by G. F. Lew JL Exchange Broker, opposite the insurance Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the COUMJAs in the State of Michigan; also tor Stuie SDCuritics of all kiudsand uncuricntiunda ('all andscf: Dcc 1, 1645. 241-tfiJEW COOKINCt STOTE And Stoves of all kinds. The subscribor wuuld cali ihe uttcntion ol the pulilic tu Woolson's Hot Air Cookíngr STOVE' Wliich he cafo conlidi-mly jeroinnicnd ns hcing decidedly superior to nny Cooking Stcvc ín use. For simpíiciiy ín' opcraiiun- eonnomy m lncl, and tor uoeqttóllèd Bak 1.4o anU Roastikc qualiics, 11 i irnrivalled, The now and improvemem ntroduved in ts construclion Dcing such ns to knsure great atlvatnugea over a!i oíher kinds oL Cookuig Stiivcs. WILLÍAMR. NOTES, Jr. 70 Woodward 'Averruu, Deiroir. Dcc. T2, 18-15. xt J. HOLMES & CO., ' WHOLESALE AND RKTAIT, DEAB.ERS h STATLE AND KA.VCT DRY GOODS, nry Groccries, Carpetins, l Paper Mlangii,S8, " No. 0 Woodward Avenue, Lamed? lilock, Detroit. . Hor.siKs, New York. ) W m. iioi.vm, Detroit. L tnfce thtsmethod of infonning our frícnd and oustomers througfiout lúe S(aie ilia we are still puraúing the even itnor o'four w,.ys, endeuvoring (o do ou: business upon . u and honorable principl. We would aleo ten der our acknowk-dginenis for the psironpge extended to us by our cnstomers, and wonld be leave to-cfill the atteniion of tht public to a trr wc-ll belecced nssoriment of stasonnll Good which iré ofíered at wJjolcfiaJe or rt-mú ot vervlo pnces. Ournciliies ícr purchasint; Cíood nre unsurp:iíj;ed' by any concern tn ii,p fíate One ol ihc íirin. Mr. J. Holmes resides in the cuy ot New York, and from hia long experience m the Jobbtog u-.ulc in that eiiy. and from Iris hurough knowledRèof the inatict, iei.tI11 bled to av:i,l hímatíf of .he éfcdtf and nny decline n pnces. We pure.a írom ,K, by the paplcage, tlC s N. y. Jobber, purchn. r1MS fler profi(8._ Wuh tnese facilniw we can eafely say thoi our Goodsore eo.dciKAH for the evidence of whib we invite rhe atict.tion of the „ublie ro om stock. We hold to the enrdinal principie ot '.'At greaiM good to tht trJhte nnmbtr," so ií you want to buy Goods cuap, and buy a iaree cuanU,j or a BUU money givo us a trial. Önr sloch, is as exiensive any in thc ciiv, and we nctr NenwYorVkreCCÍnnSnCW ülld íVeaíl Gooú 'rüm 50,000 IIS. Wool. Wanted, iheabove quamity olgood tnerchantab e Wool for which the highest market prics will be paiJ. n , . HOLMES & CO. Detroif, May 2.0, 184G. 214-tf To Wool rotrers, Ebeg leave to nform our Wool Growina T T fricnds, ihat we shall be prepared for the" 100,000 Ibs. of a good clean merchantable nrticJe, as soon as the season for selling commences, as wc mconnected wilK Eastern wool dealere, we g] ket ill aftord. Great complaint was made la t season amongti the Eastern Dealers and Manulaciurers, ui reference to the poor condition of Michigan WooUmrich of it bemg in bnd order and a considerable portion being vnwath.d. e would liere take ofcaaon o reqúest the utmost pa.ns Rhould l,,; tí,ken to have the sheep well wa.hed befmc shearina. iliai the 'lag L ochs be cut ofT. and thnt Mch Fleece he care lully tred up wfth proper wooi twine. (cost 183 io U ctsper Ib.; f.c.p lftine a ,ie hcst: n wfl bc foiind eroatlï to ifco.ndvafAageof Wool Growcreto Pntuptftefr vool i„ U,;a tIlnnner. ünwttned ool íánót merefamabl, and will b rejecied by .nosi if nor all „f lhc Wüol buvers, il being dilHcuh to rlean. J. HOLMES áe Co. Wonhu u;u Avknue, . ,. , LarncrdK filock. Detron, Mnrch26, I84G. J 7-tf FOR SALR AT L0W PRICEsTÑd EASY TE KM tí. rprJK Sttb&crtfaer ollirs for sah a Farm, in the X lown oí Dexter. pf [C6 acres, bout 80 ncres mipioved. Algo ;. F:.rm at tnc rooath of Honoy Qreek m Si. io, 3 miles from this vllnp, of Jlliacrep. 90 acres improted. Alsoa l'arm one nii.'e from this vilhigc of l(k) acres, ÍOO acics i.nproved. Eaeh of these Farms are desiruhly locatedor rreldinccs; have fiood buildings antf re all well wnícred. Alsoiwo dvrelling bouse nnd Iota ni ihie vill:i.-p. 20(J riHage lots; 24 out loisot ah(nt one ere íeh. in thc imniediale vicmiiv oi ihis villaje 10 acres timbered land. and ÍJO atrts ifnpioved 3 of i mile from fhis vrllnge. AIsoÓ m ihe Preshyteriif, honsc. Any ol íhc above mennoaed propeny will he sold at fair pricoa and on a credit of 3 of the purchasd money - Tillo Perfect. WUlied- A SPAN COOD IIOR' SES IX TAYMENT. W1LMANS. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. May l), 1S-16. 264-üta Ï846. S WHOLESALE & RETA1L A. MFARREX BOOKSELLER AND STATIONEN SMART'S BLQCK, 137 JETFERSON AVKMIg, I K T R 0 I T KEEPS constiintly forsaen complete assort ment of Misceímnaouí, Si h 01 ;md Clnssical liooks, Lètterand Cap i'apcr. pfaïn r.nd ruleil, Qmlls, Jnk, Senfing Wax. Cotlcry. Wrapning Paper, PWntiiig Paper, oí all sizet; anrf Book, News and Cnnnisier Ink, of vanons kind BLANK BOOKS, fu 11 and hall bound of eery voneiy of Ruling, Memoranduni Éooks &c To Merchanrs, Teachers, and ofhers, 6uyin in (i'ianiities. a 'arce discount made. Sjbbath School and Ule Society Dpogiior. -;;:. 247-tf tempj.:r.nce house. . T B. R1PLEY would say lo his friend's nnd -- the Irirntis of Temper; inte, ihat he hnslaken ihe Tcmprranco fionre, lalcly kcpi b Wm. G. Wheaton, where he would' be Ind iy wait upon them. flay and Oats and Stalling to nccommodnie team. Detroit, Jnii'n.'y I, 1S1G. 2JSif Faper Han íiTgs7 A LARGE lot of Paper Hangings, mr Rorj. . dering, for sale cheajwr tila ever fflered in ihs Villuge, ai . PERRY'SBOOKSTORF.. June 1. 270-ií


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