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medical lotice _ , THE undersigned in cftjring nis bcrviccs to Wnslitcnnv nnd thc adjoining Co'jntiee, a HomoRopathic physician would eny, that nlicr ha ving praciiced medicino on 1I1 principies os t'nught n thc oíd school, nnd tremed disenso fo tin1 last two yens according to the law of llonirpopatliy.- (Sutiiüa similibus rurantnr.) tnught in tho ncw schoo of medicine ; and hávi'ng compared tho sucecssof the iw. systems. he nnliesilaiingly bclicvcs Ilomrcopathy to be th most safe, certam and succcpslul nicthod of cure. DisenHcs, hitherto incurable, are now in most coses, per manenlly eradicuted !y Iíomnjopathy.Aflections ofthespino lind. uterus, Piomach. &.c. &c have nov iheir cenain rem edics. Epílepsy, manió, paralysi?. neuralgia, bronchitis liver nnd lung diacnses; scarlet fever, cholera. black roeá'sleí mallcnnnt eorc thront. eryeipelas or black longue, croup inflainma'.ions of the brniti, Biomach, bowels. :c. &C. nf only a few of thc many ills, that hnvc bren stript of tlici terrors by the tinu-lyjapplication of hoinwopnthic inedicamcntf Witbunt l'urther cssny, tho undersigncd wouldleave it t the niilictedto say, on irial of the remedies, whethpr Homcoo pnihy is whnüt claims to bc orimt. He would aleo Ptaie thnt hc hns just reiurned irom Nov Yorkand Philadelphia. with a complete assortnicnt of ME DICAMENTS, jnst imporfed from Leipsic. to this place where ho will aitcnd to nll calis, and íurnish médicamente books, lic. at the lownst priecs. From the close and exclusiv attenüon lic is giving to the sturly and praciice of Homcoo palhy 10 bc able to give satisfnciion to thosc who may favo liiin withtheir patronage. Communications, post pjid, fron patiënte at a distance, will receive prompt aiiention. Those who may wish to place ihempclvcs nnder his trenf ment for any chronic disense, can obtain lodgingn cithe at his liouse, or in other placen, nt low priers. TÍIOS. JÍLACKW00O, M. IJ. llomaï Ypsilnnti, 20th Nov. 1845 3if- 1y IN CHANCEKY- -,'nd CIKCÜIT, Betwcen Erastns Corning-, Jnmes Horner, and Gcorgn Sedg wiek, Co!n'l:iinani8, and Hugh Gill6honan, Defiendan t. In pursiinnce nnd by virtuo of a deerce of thisCourt made ii this cnu6e, T shall sell at public auction nt the Court House in the villago of Ann Aibor, in (lm Connfy of Wn'slitennW, 'tii the twenty-eixth day of September noxt, nt rne o'nlock in lln aftcmoon of thns day, the following described prcmiBes (o wit Vihage lot numbertsvo in block number nine (9) in Ormsby' Sí. Piiges addition to the villnge of Ann Arbor, in tJio county o Wa8hienaw and Stato of Michigan, according to tho rrcordci pint of said villago.- Datcd, Ann Arbor, August 10,1816 GEO. DANFORTII, Maeicr in Chancery. Geonoï Síbowicx, Complainanis' Sohcitor. 277-Gy