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Homestead Exemption

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Tlic Adrián Wntcli-TWor a sks us to say trhat ind nf nn exemjiffon we would approve. Béng much engro8sed with othor subject, wc cnn only meniion tvrr or thrce things tlint wc shouM kvish in tlie bil], nnd oven these we have not time natnrely to consic'er. And here we will jnst renark. tlint a mensure of tliia kind beinj ftindanenlil - aflecting rvery individual in tlie coninunity - ptrmanently - great care ehould he aken not 10 go to extremos at once. Let ihe nw be caiitionsly frnmed, nnd if found to work veil. its provisions cnn bc easiFy extended. 1. Wc are for tho pns6age of a law whicb hall exempt from all execution or process for lebt, (e.ccpton judgincnt endered tor misdenennors or wrengg committed,) real estáte ol iny kind. notoxceeding in value Five ïlundred lollars to each. persorr. fnsteaJ of person we irst intendod to write mnrricd, man : biM thcro ire niany men of families who are not marriod. kVe then thought of houft'oldcrs ; but a person mglit not to be comjellcd to keep house, when ie mny choose to board out. We then thought of nsertmg m'in as covering the whole gronnd: but Í -iend enquired if a widow with half a dozen chil Iren otiglit not to have n homostcad ? At last we iave insertcd tlie word person : eo that we would utevcry person, authorized by law to hold prop rty, hold renl estato to the nmourst of $500, hco rom all liabilitie for dobt, but wiih the power f sclling it as na usunf. 2. Most of our exchanges talk about ejemptna from dtbt a home for "every farmer and mehnnic." Doe not every laborcr, and every choolmaster and minister and merchant nnd doejr - does Tiot every man and woman nced a ome ? Lt no partiality be used. Serve all llke. 3. Th exenrption o? ''fortjr neres of land" r'ould be unequal and ridiculous in the highest cerc. P'orty acres in tho centro of a tamerck swamp may not bc worth as niany cents : 'hile íoity acres adjoining Detroit or Monroe ïay be an independent fortune. Resides, what oes a mechanie or iaborer in a city or vülago ant of forly acres of land ? Halfan acre is nriiigh for him. 4. The law should of course be prospectivo in 8 application, applying only to debts contracted 'ter its passage. 5. It should be accompnnicd by such arv altcrion of the laws respecling personal propertjr, i should exempt from execulion to cach person ive Hundred dollars worth of personal properiy amouvt. In case the debtor has n lurgcr nount, let him select $500 worth of such as ! picases, leaving tli9 reniainder to the sherifl'. ho present law, exempting sperific árdeles m execution, are highly uncqual, and shoul d lc pcolcd, and a delimto amou it specifled', thus iking them oporative on all alike.


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