Classified Ad
Tâ_ , medical IMotico n fc, unuersigned in offunng iiis services to Wnshtenaw and ihe adjoining Countics, a Homceopathic' physician. would say, that after fiaving1 practiced" medicine on the prmciplcs as taüghtin ihe old school, and trcated discnse lor thé last two ycars 'according to the law of Homceopathy, - (Similia 'simitibus curantur,) tauglu in thte new school of medicine ; and havrig 'cömpared the successof the two sysicms. he ünhesitatingly believes Homccopathy to bc the most safe. certain and sticceésful method of cure. Disensos, hitherto incurable, are now in most cases, permanently radieate'd by Homccop'athy.Aflecfioïis ofthespine. Ijend, uterus, storñách; '&c. &c. have Hóv thcir' certain remedies. Epjlepsy, niariia'pnrolysis, heurálgin, bronchitis, li ver and fung'diseasés; scarlet fever, cholera. black m'easles, mallgnant sore erysipelas or black tongue, croup, inflamma:ion8 of the brain, Btomaeh,'bowelsV &c. &c. are only a few of the many ills, that have been stript of thcir lerrorsby the timélyjapplication of homcn'ópathiciiiedicanicnts. VVithont further essny, the, iinde'rsigncd wouldleave il to the afllicted to say.' on trial of the remedies whetherliomcDOpatliy is whált it claims 'to' be ór not. He would also state tbot lie hhs just roturnérf irom New Yorkand Philadelpfiia, with a'comptcte assorrment of MEDÃCAMENTS, jtret inijórtcd from Leipsic. to this'placc, where he willa(ted 'to 'all fcalls, and furni'sh medioamönts, jooks, &c. at the lowesl priecs. From the close and exclusive utention he Is giving to the study and practice of Homceo)athy to bc ablc to give satisfpdrión't'o'thotse who may favor úin withtfieir patronagó. "Commüniéatföns; r06t paid,'from jatientsafa distance, will reccive prompt attention. 'Those whó may wish to pinde thomficlves under his treatnont for an 'chronic' djsdas'e,"'ean obtain lodginge cither it his house, " or h ótherplace8, at low 'pnces. THOS. BLACKWOOD, 'M. D. Homoeopntliist. Ypsilanti, 20th Nov. 1845 2:!iV- ly ' ' itf'CHANCERY- 5fnd CIRCUIT. Jctwecn Era8tus Corning1, James Horncr, and George Sede, wiek, Complainants. and Hugh Gillshenan, Defendant. [n.pursuance nnd by virtuc of a decree of thieCourt rrlnde in th8 causo, I shall sell at public auction ai the Court House, n the village of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washte'naw on he twenty-sixth day of September next, at one o'clock in the fternoon of that day, tho followingdescribed premises to wit: illage lot number two in block niimber nine (9) in Ormsby's z, Pages addition to the village of Ann Arbor. in the county of Vashtenaw and State of Michigan, according to therecorded lat of said villago. - Datcd, Ann Arbor, Augusf 10 1846 GEO. DANFORTH, Mastfr in Cháncery. Georox SüiiowtCK, Compluiaanls' Solicitor. 277-Gw