Classified Ad

rvoiicc. , GD. HÃLL woild , respect fully,,th. ciuzens of A_nn Arbor nnd vicinity tbat he Brmöf G. D. IJ II & Co., hnving dissolved, ie will continue the business ot the old stnnd in lawkins' Bluck, on ihe old nnd cstiiblibhed prin:iplesof the house smai.i. pkofits and prompt av." he will he. ahle tooil'ur.iu his custojfre on r ahbnt tlie iifOtli dny of Mny. SPLENDIO AS80RTMENT? OF SPRING' G00D8 t the lowest possihle r;itea for, ,Casji, Wheat WtÃbl. nnd all otlior kinds ol pfo.duce. All i'er8or)8 wanting will find K o iheir advuntngc to hold on thcir Old Clotics, intil ihe ahove nanied atssptmcplisreceived, aa .hoy will bc soMat verv Iqw raiejs. The Suhsrril)cr yvilf nlsoipny the hiiih,est martel rice Ãbr, JOOjÃQOJ'QUrfDS OF VOO-Ln ,', G. 1).. Hl LU , " Arm Arbor.' May H; 1846. 264-tf.
G. D. Hill & Co
Old News
Signal of Liberty
G. D. Hill