Classified Ad
"Crockery at Wholesale." FREDKRICK WETMORE, has cónstontly on hand, the [orgést stock in the "West oà Crockery, China, Glassware, Looking Gïassfis and Piafes, Britamiia Ware Trays, Lamps,ad, Wieking, PJaled Ware, Ci , Toys, gfc. Sfc. IJis Blbck inchules all ihe arieties oà Crocki-ry and China. f,om the fincst Chinn Dinnor nndj 'lea Settti io the mosi coturno nnd lqr prijfed warer- Inun the riohest cut gnss to tie plaincst glassware, Uritannia Casiors of eery kind. Britannia Tea pens, Coffce PotB, Tea Po% Lanp8. Candlesiicks, &c. Solar LiïJL,.viirsof every descripiion fr.oj, theiniosi costly cut i'wrlor Lamp to the ch.enpet"" Store lanvp. ., All ihei.bove afieles are niported ly himself diréctly ihe rnanufaciurcrs and will le foUI at Wholesale, ânalow ns nt any Wholesale IIouso, ' cxpomc8 from seaboaid added pnly. A lilicral discount, Ã;i ven for ciiah. Mer hants and oihcrs are inviied to najl pnd exüulne tha above a'iitli s m the old stand. â ' 12$ JoiTerson A(veni ,(Eldipd' Blork.) Detro"- â 248-ly Select School. - Mfeà J. B. Smith. qnsisted by Misss-S. J JEI.D, annouiues to the public fhni the in prepiired to rt-ceive young, laches into rhrr choul in the basement room.of the Epiépopal Cïuoh. 1 ekms.- For quarter of 12 weeks., W EnKlih branches from $2,to ft5; French anj tatin ench 5,.:CA-tra if .ursued togeihcr witb ïhe Knplipli Biudicf , or separntcly, 5 eacl,. . The school will be furntshcd wiih at appnrntus; nnd occasional lectures given on the Nat-v' ural Sciences.. ' Mrs. Hughs will givo ,n8truciion to nll wlio desire it, in Music, Drawing, Paintingand Needlework. Miss Smith rcfers to the followii.ggenltemanProfessors Williams, Ten J'rook.and Wheedon of the University; Rev. W.L. CurtiP Rv Mr. Simons, Rev. C. O. Taylor, Hon. E. Mundy, Wm. S. Mnynard Esq. Ann Arbor. April 29, 1846. 262-tf MICHIGAN LAND AND TAX AGENCY. H. D. POST, Masón, Jngham County, MicHigaiK TTTILL attend to the payment of 'Soxos, exy y aminotion ot Tules, purchasa aad wie o, L.anus, &c. &c. â ' Any business entrusted tohim wiH bo . rnan' promptness and occuraey-Addres bj licfcrcnccs, (bij permistión.} C. Hurlbnt, Detroit,.. C. Heartt, Bratlir & Co. 1 â Wilder & Snow, 1 Ty. i Woodbu ry, Avery & Co. ) iT v R. G. 'Wiliiains, } Ae Vorh. â ((S(eam Foundry%" THE undcraiened having bought the en tiro ' mterest of H. & R. partridgo and Cco F? Ktotmtb '-Steam Foundry," Ann ,Aïbor. wil manufacture all kinds of Castings to rder nd willbo happy to furnish any kindofCastinga ' rr C d nCUitoniM ol Horri8, P-ariridgc & Co,, H. & R. Pjrtridge, &. Co., ajd Pareridgev Keni & Co., nnd to all athers who may favor them, â vith a cali. H. B. HARRIS, ia L â E WILLIAMS. ! Ann Arbor, Defck 26'1846. 244-tf ' Tö Sportsnicn. A 'GENERAL assortment of Casteel ondlroa C. Barrel Rifles, doublé and single barrl 5hot Guns, Pistola, Gun Locks; Game Boge hot Pouches, Pc wder Flnsksj for sale bvi WM. R. NOYES,248-ly 76, Woodward Avcoue, DeuV
Girls' School
Michigan Land & Tax Agency
J. C. Heartt Brother & Co.
Wilder & SNow
Woodbury Avery & Co.
H. & R. Partridge
Steam Foundry
Gun Sales
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Frederick Wetmore
J. B. Smith
S. Field
Mrs. Hughs
Andrew Ten Brook
C. C. Taylor
E. Mundy
William S. Maynard
H. D. Post
C. Hurlbut
R. G. Williams
H. B. Harris
E. T. Williams
William R. Noyes
No 125 Jefferson Avenue Detroit Michigan