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A One Idea Party

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A I;irty Cíinnoi iucceed on the bnsis of one idea," saya Mr. Iíebb. The truih of this propo siiion dependa altogetlicr upon tho meaning ottadied to tlie rord 'suecas.' A change. so important as to be sty loi a revolution, hns just been íiccomtli;lirj in the Commercial Poücy of Great Uritian It is the work of the Arr.i-Oorn Law League - a poütical associaton,founded upon one idea, and wliich has preserved an independent course in politics. It lias succeedi á- its svecess is wonderful- nd yet not single Leaguer ís appoir.ted to a high office in the new government ! "We grant that a party, founded on one dea alone, cannot succeed in obiaining the administraron of the govcrnment, but it can aucceed in so infusing its principies into otlier parties, as to control ihat ndniinisiration. The triiunph of its principies i thc sicccss it seeks - and the mosi eflèctive way lo secure tbis trinmph, '14 to siick 10 (hem through evil nnd through good repon, alwayí inakinc them paramount, and of coursc, alwiiys voting !ur thcir own rep-esentativea, un til a8sured bevond all doubt of their adoptfon by )iie or more of tho general pariit-s uf the country.