Liberty Conventions
Delégales froin the several countice, componng the Cth Sonatorial District, met in pursuance oà prrrioue notice, at Poniiac, on Friday, August 28ih, and nominated John C. Gallup Genesee, and Nathan W. Powcrs of Oakland s canditfates for Senatore to be supported ly the Liberty party of said District, Aleo a Congrcssional Con vent ion for the 3dDistrict waB held ihe same day and at the same plac, at wbich Wm. Cnnficld of Macomb wt nominated os a candidato for Congrcss from said District. Also on 'he snme day, tho Liberty party of Oakland county, held a Convention for nominaling candidatos to the assembly and county ollicers, which resulted as follows - For Htprcstntntivss. Wm. G. Stone, John Thomns, David McKnight, John Thayer, Sobring Voorheis, and Ansley S. Arms. For ShariiT- Thorn Duel. For County Clerk- Joseph A. reek. For Register- Daniel C. Dean. For Treasurer- Zelotts Chapin. For Coroners- Meivin Drake, and Lumtn Drake. For Associato Judges- Joseph Morrison, and Hcnry Waldon. For Judge of Probate- Elijah S. Fish, For County Surveyor- Charles C. Lee. After the business o( these Conventions, a mass meeting woi addressed by Mr. Bibb with good cfF.ct.
Liberty Party Convention
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John C. Gallup
Nathan W. Powers
William Canfield
William G. Stone
John Thomas
David McKnight
John Thayer
Sebring Voorheis
Ansley S. Arms
Thorn Duel
Joseph A. Peck
Daniel C. Dean
Zelotas Chapin
Melvin Drake
Luman Drake
Joseph Morrison
Henry Waldon
Elijah S. Fish
Charles C. Lee
Henry Bibb
N. Stone