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State Agency. AProt.fTJIENTS OK MESSKS. I'LIJMB AND HODCH OF ÜTICA, N. Y. Mr. Pi.umb. ALLEGAN COUNTY. Tuosdny, Üciober 6 Wednesday, " 7 Thirrsday, 8 ET Friends n Allegnn will appoirtt iheir own places. BARRY COUNTY. Friday, Octobcr 9 al Middluville. Saturday, " 10 at iinslincd. Rr.r. L. C. Hou oa. VAN BUREN COUNTY. Tucstfay, October 6 at Paw f'aw. Wednesday, s 7 Tliursday, " 8 O Alsuch places as frieiïds rr tfy appoint suit able to thernselves. BARRY COUNTY. Fridny, Oclobcr 9 at PrmrieviIIe. Saiurdoy, " 10 nJHastings. At Hastings, Messrs. Plumb and Hough wil! uniic, and pureue th rest of tlieir tour in conneciiun, unlessthey cnrl frichdso'n the spotdeeu. it bpst that ihey should eopnrato occaeionnlly. The witl fi'.l the following appointmeni : 10 MA COUNTY. Wednesday, October 14 at Portland. Thursday, lf 15 at Lyons. On the I6th and 17tli at such places ai may be appointed, by fricr.da at Lyona. CLINTON COUNTY. They vi'ill spend n this Connty thn week, commencing on Monday tire 19tli nt Do Witt. to Saturday evening the 2-lth. De' Witt frrends will make the nccessary appointnienta. SHÏAWASSEE COUNT?. They will spend in Shiawassee the followinp weck, commencingon Mondny the26that Owasso. and ending on Saturday evening íhe 31st. Lach appointment will bc at carly candltvlight. excent nt tlie May Convcntiöns at Kalamazoo, Paw Paw, and De Witt, in connection with Messrs. Bibb and Treadwell'. These will commence a 10 o'clock A. M. (See nppointments of B. & ï.) Vo again commend these Visitors to th8 care nr.d hospitality of frionda, and requett the lattcr to forward'them on their route. Messrs. Plumbnnd Ifough. aro also nmhorized to receive contribations to the Smto fund. We have to throw ourselved on friends t susmin our fiurt, and we eolieit frem ech hís edntrftution,no nvuter how small. Every contribution ia regularly publishcd in thc Signal, witli or without be donóos nnme, according to circumsiancea. - It 8 probable howover ihat sonie part of the collcctions made by these gentlemen cannot be published umil their return to' Detroit. C. H. STEWART, Cha'n. St. Cen. Cora. Detroit. Sept. 21, 18"46.