Literary Puffing

It may have suprized many of our readers to find in a daily paper notices of works containirtg in all two or three thousnnd pages, all of which, by the purport of the editorial articles appear to hava been read through carefully by the Editor, froni title page to Finis, in addition to Ijis other daily labors. Each succeedingpaper will have similar notices. It has luzzled the simple to know how an editor can read so much and so critically, and erform his other duties. The following from a New York correspondent of the Charleston Patriot, will Iet in some üght on the minds of the benighted : " Every considerable establishment in New York, depending upon the patronage of the public, has ils regular sa la ried iuö wriier, who makes public opinión 'or the newspapers and sorneümes edits the posting bilis. Mr. Hamblin, when manager of the Bowery, for instance, paid twenty dollars a week, while their publication cost of course a much larger tum. For years, he Park had its regular puÃF writer ot a arge salary. The Museurn, minor thea. tres and other exhibiiions are also liberal )atrons of literary talent. Even a traveling circus or menagerie, bfsides ils iterary attaché, generally engages exlra aid while in the city of New York. The great publishing houses alsoemploy men, ostensibly to read, but really to )ufF, their publications. For convenience they are generally connected with the press. The Harpers pay handsome salaries to at least two genilemen connectedwith the daily press of ihis city. The dealers in quack medicines, as they are usually called, cosmetic, and various fnncy articles of trade, also employ, and pay liberally our writers, while the correspondente of distanl papers are able to add niaterially to their resources, by ingeniously weaving puf& into their letters."Will the Signál permit U3 to ask a qucstion for its answer yea or nay. "If the continuous extpnsion of slavery and the domination of the perpetualists faction at the South can be checked only by the elevation of a patriotic southem man, though hebe a holder of slaves, will you not vote for him, in preferenceto throicing your vote aicay and permitting t'eevils you deprécate?" - Ypsilanti Ser. tinel. No. If the conlinuous extensión of licensed grogshops in our village could only be prevented by giving our vote for cor.tinuing to license all the existing ones, we would not vote for licensing them. We esteera "a holder of slaves" in the usual meaning of the term, to be practically a despot, an unjust man, and a gross violator of the first principies of Republicanism and Christianity. We would not vote for such a person under any circumstancea that have vet occured to us.{L?" Buritt has a wonderful faculty for ooking into futurity. In one of hi's ]ghts of fancy, he e.xclaims. - " But who are doing nll this ? "Whv, vho else but that wonderful Anglo-Saxon ace, thatisdiffusmgitself and its genius ver the world 1 that wonderful race, vhich thrives better abroad ihan at home ; :onforms to any (ilimate or condition ; vhose languageTs fast absorbing or displacing all the spiritless tongues and iialects of the heathen world ; in which millions of young pagans in the far-off ocean isles, " from Greenland's icy moun, lains to India's coral strand," and thenco to the Yellow Sea, North and South iVmerican Indians, Polvnesians, Austraüans, Hottentots, Caffres, Egyptians, [lindóos, Seikhs and Japanese, are dow learning their first lessons in Civilization md Christianiiy. If British and Ameri2an Christians do their duty, the boy is at school whowill live to see half the human lamily speaking the English l.ingunge, nnd half the habitable surface of theglobe ;overed wilh the Anglo-Saxon ruce, and alesseó wiih its civilization. The railway engines that shall thunder through :he heart of Asia, Ãfrica, and the American continent, will speok and teach the English langunge, and so will the mounled lightnings on all the highways and vvire bridgcs of thought that shal] be erected for the converse of the world's extremes."IHF The N. Y. Couner and Enquirer Ãs th organ of theConservative Whigs. It thinks the paymcnt of 011 last National Debt a public ca' lamily : and goes for inaking anuther. Iloar what it says : " E.Tpcricnrc ha sho;vn tint 8 nntionnl dcbt is to us no injury. All our difficuitits have ariscn 6ince ihe payment of the laai dubt ; and f as all will admit, stabihty u our Idgialntion be nll-important for our prosperity. a Dalional dein is donbily necessary. GiVt us a nniionul debt of i hundted nud fifty millions. and the wantg of ihe treasury will ivo us all 'he profction that om be d;siretJ - not the tariff ol JSJ2, but on ol a diseriininaiing charncter bsd upon spccific dutiesand minunums with the rntes of dunes but littlèifnhy hiyher ihan the ncw tariff of Mr. Walker." Two or three yoars of Mexican rt-jr wül make a dcbt cb larga as eren the Courier can deaire.