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We presume tlmt cacli of our readers, who pays on an average at least ten tlullars a year for himself and fumily.towards dc(ïaying the expenses of the Mexican war, vill have a laudable desire to know how ihework of conquering the Mcxiccuw probéis ; and to graiify this deaire, wc have gatherod a varicty of items of néws, chiefly fromthc National Intclligenccr. The great difficulty in conquering Mexico, or in bringing her to terms, is (o Jlnd ü placrio strike her! We:nol dcslroy her conuncrcc : for she has none of hèr ov.-n. We cannof conx]ucr her people ; for t!iey are thmly scatfered over a vast country. We cannof lis tress the inhabitants very greaily ; for thcy are mostly poor and needy, and have littlc to lose. Wc er-.nnot her capital and ovci-throw ihe government, for it )s so far inland as to be inp.ccessible. We cannot break clown the goveroment oncount ofits heavy war expenses, for ite expenses are not increased scavcely any by the éxigtencè ot the war, as it figTits üs with only its ordinary peaco cstablishraent. The most we can do is to kill oí)", here and therc, a few luuiurcd wretchcd soldiers, wlioni it mn.Ucrs littlc to IMexico.whethcr thoy bc dc.d or live : and we takeafew inland villages and ennch the nativos out of the yiögea of our annies. An oincer writca lrom Comargo, August, 2G :A word or two about the poney of fue Government iti prosecuting th e war with Mexico. General Taylor has been instructed to carry on what is called "a war of reconciru.tifni," ihut is, to make all the cilizens of Mexico our iïiends, hy paying them a high prico í'or every tíiitig, andnot cippropriating any of their proT erty to our use without remunerating them ; thus, as we proceed into the interior, occupying tho towns on onr v,:v, it is thought tiiat, by pursning ibis reconciüation policy, ve will gain tho friendship of these peoplo, and win them over to our cause, by teliing them thvit we are not rnaking war upon them, but upon the usurpéis of power, their oj)pr espora - or, in a word, upon the Güvernmenl of Mexico only, for the ríijúry it hfta dono así By pursulng this reconciliation policy, ú is thought tlmt ve will; groatlv cripple. and enfocóle the forcea otMexico, and in ihis waysooq msïse triem sue for peace - and, in case of a rctroat. ihat these people will favor and cover us!" "This poiicy has turncd the Mexfrns intQ exlortioners, and the American toIunteers ond atjlliers, witli tlia linie pittanceof pay wiiidithey reccive from the Government lor support, are here Hable to the sevcrest irrpositi n wherovfr ihoy are torced to buy front these wretches. - For inslance, they chargo a bit t'oc four eggs, and lYcqusnlly a picayunc apiocej w&shlbff, t vo dollars per dozen; nntlrytliingelse ir. projíortion. Ai;d, strange to say,'too, ihèéé treacherousclevils, whf, bcfore the arrival of our nroiy, never saw a cont once in a month, are nmv bccoming ríen al the expense of tlio poor soldiers. Our Goscrnmen'. ccrtainly cnmiot know the cluirucíer of thess people, or it would never pursuc auch a cöürse ia the prosecution of this war. - The idea.for iritancc, of p.-ivingazen" fifty cents lor a molón, whcn threc rnon'lhs ago he would ghully hi;ve accepted lhree cents, or a nuarler, in order to obtainhis jfrL&ndshipj s ridioulous ; for ií he feliould know that yon hád fiftv cents more in yöiu; pocket, and íhat i couldonlybc obtaincd by ciïtfwg your thoa', and a gooá oppo;iunfy ödETetèd, ho would do it to'u cerir.iiity. General Taylor and the Govornm&nt are mistaken il Ihey tbink to gciin ile suorc ol {ús péoplè in this way. And in caso of n forced retreat on part, they would o tlic to mnssnero us for the s:ike of plunder. The tact is. that ro'obiüg and smuggling is a purt of their cducaiion ; and they are no better thau so rríáñy Arabs. Nów, if it bo tho object of Qür Government to buya penco, why, in the name of Gol. nol ño so at once, andsave further loss of lile ? For I do assure you it could be purchased at onehalf the pricc whièh the war will cost tis in pursuing ihis course of reconciliation. Ths Mcxican soldiers nevcrdress in unifurm here, and wc cannot disiinguish them, of coiu-se, from cittzens, wliich gives thcm a doublé julvantngo over us. Tliey come hito our camps, spy out all our inovcmeiils, and keep the encmy continunlly udvise:! of all our opcrations. Thus it is impossiblo to go on any expeditions, or to undertakc any secret servico without their 'knowingall about it, and laking melhods to defeat us. " By contiiuiing ihis concilitory policy, we are but bnying up our enemics lo keep them from (igliting agaïnst us, thus enriehing iho people, and of ccursc the Government, and aotuaily paying the people for nermiiting us to make wai upon the Government of !Jrxico ! Il the United States coniintiei the war at this rate, Mexico wijl certainly pay of. her forein debts with our ovn monoy ; and it will becomo her interest to keep up a war which is becóming so profitnble to her. Wjhy not then, 1 say, buy a peace at once - forwe may as well buy a pcace as a war - and save the llow o blood I"A nother correspondent writes (rom ih camp at a later date. - " Therc were nenr six hundred sic! volunteers in the hospital at Ga ma ego and they were dying very fust. iát many were sick that it reqiured nonr t whole regiment to attend tliem. Thes whom tho Tennesseans lcft behind scecn ed to be parlicularly unfortunate, fo they had to cali ou tho Alabanüans to attend the living and bury the dend. A Cast as theso men get able to leave th hospital, they are discharged and sen home. In fact, Gen. Taylor has a dis position to discharge all volunte ers vh are discontented, and wiali to return t their homes. Though thenumber of pa tients in the hospatal at Matamoros ilárgef titan al Coinargo, tho mortality is greater in tlie laltei' place - near three tu one. Those who nre unaccustomcd ta a Soulliern climnte, when ouco prostrated by the fèver, sdldom regin their former sirengih on the Rio Grande, without u chango oí" atmbsphece, They die off quidily, otee beeomo so enfeebled that thoy aro unable to hel} themsclves. A , ■rVon who has visited tho hospitols at tlie dificrent pqsts b'ós said that if onehairof-tho Norlhern and Western volunteers wbo went to thc Rio Grande are cíFoctive non on the löili of October ít is more timn he looks Fon (i-u. Patlison lias boon le ft in commnrul of all lbo country from Camargo to the moulli o!' tho rivei nnd he has been instructed by Gen. Taylor to issue an Oíáp't proliibiting the ent'-ance of atrangers inio ihe river and at Camargo. Another writeí from the army, - ♦'I ain sorry to inform yon that theie is rnlich sickuess in severo! of the volunteer corps, an.1 k is feared ihñj diseases vl] mcreásé. In the First Tennessee Rogiiiient, commanded by Co. Campboil, moro than, ihrce handretl men ara on ihe fick list, and thero have bnen for some days past several dcalhs each day, Ot'iuïr régifflonts are suffering severelyT but not so tniu'h. Tlie disemses are measles, dysentery, and bijioiö fever,'T A correspondent of the Nolional Inelligencer writes from New Orleans :'A1? to tlio nianner ín whicii the war h'as tliiis fár been conduetcd, u:ter ignovancc, wuSte and éxtKivagtibce, liavo bnarkcdítl! the arrangcuietils connecloil with it iiero at homo, and lias consequenlIv had a correspondí ng ríicct on thc conduion, and rnovemöntsof tho army ; and ii nothing has ttioro hoon g rosser or more póTptibl.e error than as regards the mcfins ol" trañaportutión, and a volumo miht be fiHeii wilh dct;ii!s. At ihis moment our levee is inctimborcd with wagons intended ípr Gen. Taylor's arniy, lyingday atter day, with all their fixturos, exponed to a san whícJ) raises tho thennotneier to 130 deg. and mulos bought in the Western country, and brought hsre at a great expense, are being shippéS by vessels which receivo ; 3,000 to 85.001) frcigbt for the run down to the Bnisos Santiago, carrying 100 to 150 mules each ; mony oí' which perish on tho voyage f rom wnnt of proper care, and the usual risks of a sea roynge, and one-half oflhose íaiuled vr'itt die from not being acclimatcd. One of these transports recptitly embarked 127- 4 mui es here and Innded '2, tlio renminder difd or wero thrown overboord in a gnlo ; and all this is doncwhen far bettcr, more servicnble nnd acclimnted mules can be bought' tliere at 'J'!") c-.cíi. t All this, however, is but a mere item "in comparison v oiher nrrangemants, and particulnrlv vitl tho apangonienls connouted with thc inlahd expoditluns fo Santa Fe, &c." The following account of the Uoings n Santa Fe was crowded out last week. lt is au extract iVom a leitor oï au olficer ui. dor Gen. Kearney :"We rer.ched thocity in the afternoon. The General iinmediately estublished liimself in the Govcmor's hou-e, and hoisted our fiag, p.midsl the salute of the rtillery and the cheers of the troops. On the foljowing morning Gen. Rearme asscinhlcd the citi.cns in front ot his honso, und áddressed ttiem to the eS'eci ihat "he had been ordered amongst them by his Government, to takesion ot the rroVince of New Mexico, and thnt, boing in po3session of the Provïnce, he iiow proclaimod all thnt poriion. of country cast of tho Rio Grande a artof;be United States, and thut all ersöns within these limits wóuld be conidercd ciiizens of the United States ; t'nxl those who did not wis!) to rem;iin under o;ir laws could go where they pleased - tho road was freo ibr them." He further told them he would protect all good citizens in their persons, property, and religión; dwelling a long timo on the subject of iheir roligion, assuring them that Qurlawa allowsd eveiy man to worship God according to the dictMes of his Qwn'concfenec'. He then turned to the ncting Grovernbr of the Province and the thrce Alcaldes of tlie city, andasked them i( they we re willing to tnke thooath of allegiance. Thoy answered in ;he aiïïrmativc. Aftor administering tho oath, he told thein to continuo in the oxorciso of nlJ their duties as' before. - ■ In conclusión, ho advised the eitizons to gr to their homes, and continuo their usual pursuit?, assuring protection to all who followed this udvice. Gen. Kearn'ky, in lus management of tho important commission entrusted to him, has proved himsclt to be not onlv an accomplidhcd soldier butlhorough politician. Of him the country may well be proud. As we may now cali this country a part of the United Slates, it may bo well to inquirs wh;it ndvnntags is likely to accrue. to thn Unitod State?, lf any advantage, it is nol rcvoaled to usshortsighted mortals now in the country ; for, of all tho country wc have passed over, thore fa not onc acre in am:llion susceptible of cultivation. Only the narrow strips of land in the river bottoins can bo cultivated, and these only by irrigation. Tho country can scnrcely be mudo toproduce enough fór tho subsistence of its inhabitants. As to horses, they have to dopend entirely upon pasturage. We liave not beon able to get one grain of corn for our horsos. The whole provinceoould not turn out a hundred bushels at this time. The Moxicans have ni immense nrnnber of sheop and goat. and these llocks constitute their wholfr weahli, and on thcm they chicíly depenri for suísistence. The people aro about as fdr advanced in civilization as the Clierokees; perhaps tbe proportion ylux can read nndwrite is not so g-rcat. Wo found boro niae pieces of cannont nnd among thcm tho piecca taken frotn tho Texnns, under Col. McLeod,." General Iveauxey, it was supposed, vvould lenve a forcé of two thousand mon u Santa Fo, and march, in a short tirne, toCaliíbvnia with a like number. It appears by a lntter n :ho Republican that, after leaving Port Boni, most of the ammunition wagons of the