Notice To Wesleyans

The evangelist for the caatern District of the Michigan Conference, will arend the Quarterly Meetings in his District as fo!low3 : x Grecnfield, November 7tU and 8th. "Wayno, " 14 h and 15th. Millford, - 2l9and2-2d. Genesec, " 28th and 29th. Ypailanti, December oth and 6th. Waterford, " lOth aj.d 20;h. Bridgwater, " 26th and 27th. Monroe, Jnnuary 2nd and 3td. The brethren on the above circuits will please fix ilio places tor the Quarterly meetings as early as possible and inuke the appĂÂșintinenis generally known. Let there be a general nttcndance at the beginning of the year.