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Note from AADL Staff: The Battle of Monterrey took place in Monterrey, Mexico from Sept 21, 1846 - Sept. 24, 1846. 

The Battle of Monterey took place in Monterey, California on July 7, 1846.

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On the 19lh General Tnylor arrived befo re Montercy, with a forcé of a bout 6000 men, and aftcr reconnoitering the cily, at about 15 or 1000 yards from the Cathedral fort, during which he was fired upon from it, his battery force wascncamped at the Walnut Springs, three miles short of the city. This was the nearest position at which the army could obtain a supply of water, and boyond the reach of the enemy's batteries. Tho remaindcr of the 19th was occuupied by the Engineers in making a reconnoisance of the city battories and commanding heights. On the 20ih, General Worth was orrlered with a half división to move by a circuitous route to the right and to storm the heights above the Bishop's Palace, which vital point the enemy appear to havo neglected. Circumstances cnussd his halt on the night of the 20lh, short of the intended position. On the morning of ihe 21st, he continued his route, and alter an encounter wilh alargo body of the enemy's cavalry, and repulsing them with loss, he finally encamped, covering the passage of the Saltello road. Itwas here discovered that besidesthe fort at theBishop's Palace and the occupation of the heights, the opposite side of the San Juan had been fortified. The two Jatter were then stormed and carried.The guns of the last fort carried, being immedintely turned with a plunging fire upon the Biahop's Patace. On the same morning, - the Sist, the first división of regular troopsunder General Twiggs, and the volunteer divi.sion under General Butler, were ordered to make a diversion to the left of the town in favor of the important operations of General VVorth. The ten inch mortars and two 24-pound howitzers, had been put in battery the night of the 2Oth, in a ravine 14 yards distnnt from the Cathedral, fort or Citadel, and were supported by the 4th regiment of infantry. At 8 o'clock A. M., on tha 21st, the order was given for their battery to open on the citadoland to wn, and inmdiately afíer the first división with the 3rd and 4th infantry in advance, under Col. Garland, were ordered to reconnoiter and skirmish with the enemy on the extreme left of the city, and ahould prospect of success offer, to carry the most advanced battery. This attack was directed by Major Mansfield and Captain Williams, Top. Engineers, and Maj. Kinney, quarter master to the 'Texas división. A heavy fire from the first battery was immediately opened upon the advance, but the troops soon turned it, entering and engaging"Hith the enemy in the streete of the city, having passed through an incessant cross fire from the citadel and the first and second batteries, and from the infantry wholincdthe parapets, sireets and houses. The rear of the first battery was soon tuined and the reverse fire of the troops through the gorge of the vrork9 killed or dislodgod the artillerists and infantry from it, and the building occupied by infantry immediately in its renr. Te first división was followed and supported bythe Mississippi, Tennessee, and lst Ohio regiment. The first two regiments being the nrst toscale and occupy the fort. The success of the day here stopped. The Mississippi, Tenncssce and Ohio regiments though warmly engaged in the strects of the city for sometime after the capture of the first battery and its adjoining defences, were unable from exhaustion and the loss that the}' liad suffered to gain more advantage. A shower of rain also came up to cause a suspension of hostilities before the close of the day. The third, fourth and first infantry,and the Baltimore battalions remained as the garrison of the captured position under Col. Garland, assisted by Capt. Bidgely's battery. Ten 12 pounders, one 4 pounder, and 1 howitzer were capturcd in the fort ; three officers and some 20 or 30 men taken prisoners. One of the 12 pounders was turned against the second fort and defences, and served with capturcd ammunition during the remainder of the day by Captain Ridgely. The storming parties of Gen. Worth's división also captured two 9 pounders which were also immediately turned against thcir formcr owners.On the morning of the 22d, Gen. Worth continued his operations, and portions of his división stormed and carried the heights above the Bishop's palace. - Both were carried by a command under captain Vinton, 3rd Artillery. Four piecesof artillery with a good supply of ammunition, were captured in the Bishop's palace this day, some of which wore immediately turned upon the onemy's defonces. On the evcning of 23d, Col. Garland and his command wore rolieved as the garrison of the capturod forts by General Quitman, with Mississippi and Tonnessoo regiments. Early on tho morning oftho23d, General Quitman, from his position, discovered thnt the second and third forts and defences east of the city had been entirely abandoned by the enemy, who apprehending auothcr assault, inthe night of the 23d had reti'rcd from all his dcfences to the main Plnce, and its immediato vicínity. A command of two compañías of Mississippi, and two of Tennessce troops we re then thrown into the streets to reconnoitre, and soon became liotly engaged with the enemy. These were soon supported by Col. Weod's regiment of Tcxan Rangers, dismounted, by Bragg's light battery, and the third f nfantry. The enemy's firc was constant and unintcrrupted from the streets, house tops, barricades, &c, in the vicinityof the Place. The engagement lasted the best part of the day, our troops having driven the scattering parties of the enemy, and penetrating quite to the defences of the maia Plaza. The advantage thus gained it was not considered necessary to hold, as the enemy had permanently abandoned tho city and its defence, cxcept the main Plaza, its immediate vicinity, and tho Cathedral fort, or citadel. Early in the afternoon of the same day, General Worth assaulted from the Bishop's Palace the west side of the city and succeeded in driving the enemy and maintaining his position within a short distance of the main plaza on that side of the city. Toward evening the mortar had been planted in a cemetery enclosure, and during the night did great execution in the circumacribed camp of the enemy in the plaza. Thus ended the operations of the 23d. Early in the morning of the 24th, a communication was sent to General T. from General Ampudia, under a flag of truce, making an offer of capitulation, which the former refused to accede to, as it asked more than the American commander would under any circumstances grant. At the same time, a demand to surrender was in reply, made upon General Ampudia. Twelve at noon was tho time at which the acceptance - or non-acceptance was to be communicated to the American General. At 11, A. M., the Mexicnn General sent requosting a personal conference wlih General Taylor, which was granted. The principal ofïïcers of rank on either side accompanying their generáis. A fier several ofle'rs in relr.tion to the capitulation of the city, mnde on either side, and refused, at half past 4, P. M. General T. arose, and saying he would give General Ampudia one hour to consider, and accept or'refuse, left the conferencia, with his oificers. At the expiration of the hour the discharge of the mortar was to be the signal for the rc-commencemcnt of hostilities. Before the expiration of the hour, howeverj an officer was sent on the part of Ampudia, to inform the American General, that to avoid the further efiusion of blood,and the national honor, being satisfied by the exertions of the Mexican troops, he had, after consultation with his general offices, decided to capitúlate accepting the offer of the American General. Terms of capitulation assentthis