The Volunteers
It is reported, we know not how true, thnt the Volunteors of New York nre to bc callcd out forlhwith : and if so, those of Michigan likewise. The following extract from Col. S. R. Curtis, commander of the third regiment of Ohio volunteers, will give them a hint of what they maycome to. Later accounts, however, represent the sickne ss of the troops, as diminishing. " Matamoros, Sevt. 7, 184G. " In my regiment there are 150 on the sick list. The same proportion at CambWashington, wlicn you were there, would have made the list eight or nine hundred, as there was tiien under my command all the volunteers from the State, and five or six limes the forcc 1 now command. My surgeon reports that. ihough the numbcr continuos large, there is evidently a chango for the better, and almost every man is on the mend. "It is considered a very hard battle. anda bloody one, that carnes off ten per cent, of a given (orce. Very few battles of the many tliousands the world has fought have risen above five per cent. - But by disease and death I have seen my ranks already reduced from 780 to 620. And in some of the regimenis, where they have guarded themselves less, or been more exposed, the regiments are reduced from 760 to 500. The number gone arenot all dead. Hundreds pass down the river daily on their way home, mving procured a certificate from their surgeon that they are attacked by incura)le disease. They will many of them go o their families emaciatêd, sick, and unable to loil. Thoy are wounded soldiera who have met tho pestileniial föe ofthe South ; and as much deservo the honor and care of iheir country nslhough thefatal shaft had been composed of lead. "Sofar asJife and death is concerned, I would rather risk a bultle once a week, with my regiment in the nortli, than remain in u cl mate so unnatural f o them. But we do not repine - we do-not complain. Those who stay, and those who die here, are doing so In the discharge of their duty. Of those who leave to return home, many will nevcr reach there, but will find graves in the gulf or river." QTNuthan Clifford, of Maine, ñas beeD nppointed by the President Attorïey General of the United Siates, in place of John Y. Masón, resigned. T.'iis is the first cabinet member Maine has ever had. ; - i
War Conditions
Mexico-American War
Old News
Signal of Liberty
S. R. Curtis