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The Culedonia brings ihe news of the wreek of the stcamship Great BriW, hfls been cxpecied ín Boston f or ecveral weeks. Sho sailed wiili the intention of running the northcnsi passage, beiween the Isle of Man and Jreland. T1)C morning was benutifül, the wind was fair, the ship was in excellent trim, and she lad an abundant promise of a pleasant and bpid passage, and then. too, under the co:r.niand oí an able ad experienced ciptnin. For about ten hours ihe noble palace of ron- the largest uerhaps that tenante the dep-wns propellcd by áteam and wind at the rale of 1 knots an hour. in fact. it tnay be said that sho overruu herself.At 4 or o o doek in the aftcrnoon, i!,c sland was disiiiictly visible on iic. slarboarJ bow.- Shunïy after t set n to min and the wind i„crcased, the ship making excellent progress, and the passengere uncouunonly deli-hted with their vesscl. Nfght then closed in, dark and wet, and the wind grndiially froshencd in:o a half gafe The wcathcr w ihiék and foggy, a„d thej,;, pa?sed the Cainighw before dark, without beino oble to distinguish tJ.c light house. About 9 at night, the passengers were storted by an extraordinary noise on deck, and the cry 'siop her - aground. aground!'- the breakers, the breakcrs!'--'we are wrecked-oh, m'n wreckcd.' A general fear prevaüed that .he ship was ín collUíon with gome otíjer vessd; but it was soon t'ound she hadstrandcd.The nigiu vas dark and stormy, the sbip beat mcesaamly upon the sand, the brekers rqiemcdly broaking heavily over, mul ono of the lifebpate was carried from ÍLe foBlèmngs on the quar ter. Aiarni and cries insiantly pervadcd ilie ship. nd apprehensions were general amongt il.c passengers that the ship wuuld break u;, auring the nigiu bencath the force of the breakers wiiich constantly over her decks. To aJd to that moment of wot; tl,c lightnjbg glared. tbe thundur belloued portcntously from a tliick'eurtauiofoverhuii-ingclouds, and ihe rain began to Inll n torrents. The scène was one that baffles dcserip:iün. So fur as the eye could pierce ïhrough the gioona, the sea was a general cedrón of foani, and the spray Jashing the sides ol tlio shp, flLW over all on board likc snow flikes.Aa wc said before, the ship had ouisailed her cupta.n-s reekoniiig; and the lighi on St. JohrT Poim" lieine mistaken for that of ihe "Calf ol Man," shewcDtnsüoro at Rathmulin in Dundrum Hay. Ie 3 ihousht that the ship is ,0 disabIecl tQ prevent her over croasirig ihe Ailantic ogain. A part of the pasSÜ,.ger3 Miue over ïa ihe Acadia. The Caledania brought uJvices of t!,o ci.nmue.l advance oí Flour and Cura . American Fiout J n Londtm, Ot. 3, brought 35 to 3js duty pnid.Corn was in jreat demand. rfnd 50s per quarte !md heen piid for some. The rise is equal to 4 on il ,u% fcj to 3a per qr. en corn, and Is pc bll. on fndian meal. An Englisii paper says : ';There are now únlonding on he Dublin qunys iwo American vp.-scJs !reiEhted vvjth potnloes rom tl e Uni.-d .Stmos. They nre of exce!lïni quniiy. and selllng nr the raio of ten ponce persene. We updèraiaoit that this is but ihe .omincncfiment of nn exu-nsivu import trado o! ihc once st.iplu commotiity „I Jrcland."