Female Antislavery Association: For The Signal Of Liberty
At n meeting ofladies favorable to the formnion of n Female Antislavery Association for the County of Cnss, convencÃ! ot the Temperance louso, in tho villnge of Cassopolis, on Tuesdny he first day of September, 184G, tho following Constitution was ndopted. Cosstitction. ArtÃci.f. 1. The object ot' this Association hall be to promote the nbolition of slavery by noral and chrietian eflbrts. Il oliall do all in its nower to difseminatc knowledge on the subject. )y circulnting publicntions. by lectures or other mcans in accordance with the laws of tho land, nd the will of Almighty God. Aut. 2. lts olficers shall bo a President , Vice Presiden', Secretary nnd Treasurer, andan üxeculive Committee of five. The President, Vicc President, Secretary and Treasurer, and hall act in concert with the Committee, aml hall bochostn ateach annual meeting. Art. '3. Meetings of tho Assjclatton shall be held monthly, nnd at all meetings a mnjority of the menibers present ahall decide all quesion?. Aut. 4. The Committee shall have power to al! special meetings at any time they siial! deern proper, it ehall also be thcir duty to circuÃate ubacripiions to rniso funds, nnd collect mateials for inaking clothing at our meetings f'or the Ãeedy fugitivo who may fall in our way. Aut. 5. All persons jmying into the Treosuy the öum of twenty-five cents nnd siüning the Constitution shall be conidered members of the Association and shull be entitlod lo vote at mectngs of the borne. Tho follawing oiïicors wero then clcclod t Pesident - Mrs. S. A. Saxton. Vfce President- Mrs. A.Secrelary- Mrs. L. T. Clisbee. Trensurer - Mrs. N. A. Osborn. Executive Coinmiitce - Mrs. Susnnnah Shugnrt, Mrs. Mnry Bingham. M8. Cynthia Siger)008, Miss Sarah Osborn, Miss Catharine Custnrd. It was then resolved that an invitation bc givcn co Honry Bibb the fueitivp from Southern bundage, to address the females of Cass Counly on the importanco of exening iheir influence in behalf of th,cir fellow being in Slavery.