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Tho British rake every sen, threeul every river, and dissect olmost everjr mountain around the globe, for raw materinls for their manufacturera. They come to this country and buy 50,000,000 dollars' worth of raw cotton, as one item of their expcnditures. Then throughout the kingdom millions of lean,supple fin gers of flesh and iron are kept playing with painful industry during sunlit and lamplit hours. Thousands and thousand of sallow, sickly children are worked as ifthey were spontaneous machines. - Everything a human being can want or make, is made to sell to the wantors of this world, lo a surprising e.ttent and variety. The commerca of Great Britnin is a world's wonder ; but there is a fact connected with it worthy of the wonder of at least two worlds. All tha produce of the ski]] and soil and manufactories of Great Britain, which she exporta from her kingdom, does not nmount to her annual war-e.penses in times of pro found peacc !The editor of the Lowell Courier, just from England, says that the whole amount of manufacturing capital in the counfy in which Lowoll is sittiated - a couttty morcdeeply interestcd in the manufacture of cotton goods than any county in the United Stntes - is about thirieen millions of dollars. Nowyin the one county of Lnncashire, in England, there are rising eighty millions. pounds sterling ycarly engnged in cotton manufacture, being nearly four hundred milltons of dollars giving employmcnt to about a million and a half of persons- nearly twice Ihe amount of the wholo populationof Massachusetts; and ihis is only one county. In the United Kingdom of Greai Brit ain there arO 3(?0,000 Odd Fellovw.