The True American
The papers t-.te that this publication commenced by (J. M. Clay, is to be dis continued, Mr. Cluy's agent not beii willing to meet tlic rég'üar exjienditure of ihc pnper. We should ihink tlint wit proper management it m;g!it be made to live without any very heavy ou'lays. - The priceofthe paper was 82,50 a yea in advnnce : it had scveral thousand sub se ribera in the Freo States, including a the principal antislavery "Whigs of th Notth ; and it had a espectable cicutn tion in the SI ave States, which was in creasing. Of course the paper is not dis continued without Clay's express oiders and his action respecting it shows how litilehe values that kind of anti-slavery agency. Since Mr. Clay threw down ïhe pen with which lie plad te cause oÃ' Froedom, for llie purposc of tukiitg up the sword withwtiicli he might fight for Sl.avery, the pnper hos been vell condiicted by a southern gentleman, who designs lo continue it on his own iccount. (t The Editor of the Grand Rapids Enquirer says of the Ab'l:tionism of ths candidatcs for Congress in the Second District : "The only difierence betwecn Bradley and Gordon, as wepersonally know, on this subjoct is tliat Dradley has denonnccd und opnnly enmbateel ihe AboÃlionists, while Gordon lv,s sneered ;ü and â coiTrtd t'-em. In iritercoursc wilh bot!i these gftnilernen, and tingfid ourselves kvith n linie of the oW Antislavery docIrinès, we liave fou.nd the cpunse of wo candidates jusl as described. If Gorlon has come ou' Abolilion, it has lately ;aught liim."O The eirculalion of ihe True American n Kcntucky alone ha ottaincd 10 2,200. It has a arg lUt ia oiher Siavt Staie