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BLANKS.warraxty deeds, Qcit-Claim Deeds, MoRTGAGES, ClIATTRL MO?.TGAGE8, Slm.mcxses, SüFSPCEXAS, Attachaientb, ExECUTIOXS, Leases, Mabters' Detos, FORECLOEÜXRS IN CfTAXCElST, Marriage Certifjcates. The above are printed on good paper, after the rost approved forms, and can be had by the pingle, dozen, quire. or hundred, -t the Signal Office, Aan Arbor, Lower Town. November 1, 1846. O YSTERS O YSTERS ' I O YSTERS!! ROWL & Co , hoving ;]croul]ly completed Their nrmoeiin-nití. nrc noTv prepared ta urnisli ii;e jiiwa if Dñttútt no'i viciniiy wilh O Y S T E R S f Of n superior qunüiy. at the [owetá pnces. They mend m.-iking n regular fiuainesa of ir. nnd will reccivü öaiIv. bv expresa, nnd kefp cotiirint ly on band. SHELL nnd Ol'ENED OYS'CERSói 11 ou.iiny tliiit c-innot de eurpasstd.- I'li. -y will l.c put in Cr.ns ur Keus tliat lioid Trom ■ me quari 10 iw gnttons. We do not wiph you 19 uiko our word l'ur t'-.c abave, bui to cali aud :y ua. ÜCT Ai! orders le!"i nt lbo Rail Rond Hotel, r sent by mail will meet wíih inimeJiato at■ cnuon. ROWF& Co. Biiffalrt. n c WM.xM,TíJLVS?Agt. Detroit. . S. Oys-érs delivercti to auy part of thé cuy fre of ohrtrfl. btir.iit. L84& 25-Sm JUST ARRIVED B Y EXPRESS. Tlir. .Uiziri Collcction of Sncrcd Music, by E. I'. is Jim - ro.K.iininii the celebrated Gbriaiusnnd Mistrero by 2iugareili w'uh Ene üal) ords. Tencbera óf Music vii! pbasc coll and examine li:c work at Piir.r.r's Dookïtot:e. Oeioher 7. 3Í1P. 286-tf "T'ATJED, at Porry's Bouksioro, :" Ton." c-ic.n Cdikhi and Luien Rag, 1 Ton Bceswnx, nnd T-öOO D.iliius in cish, inr the Inrcest assortment of Bo'is aml Sttuinnèry ever oflered in lhi$ Village. nnd c: liis usunl iow mees. Aun Arbor, Upper Villago, Oei. 7, JS4fl. ane-tf E. G. BURGER, Dentist, F1R6T ROO.'I OVER C. M. 6 T. W. ROOT STORE, CRAXE 6i JEWKTT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR. THE LÍ3ERTY MINST ' OVIO üüMJRhD COPIAS of the rifth edi lion ot luis l)iiiy popülnr wurk ore for sal u t.if Sieno] ifBve ;it f!) ten; siale, or 4.5Q ■ i i. .i n. 'J'enns Cüsh. Now is the titne lor Libeny choirs to siipply tlienisrlvts.TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TUE Sulsciiber h.-.s constant!}' for salo good assnnmcnt of lieavy WQOLEN CLOTHS, ■veil a!np!cd inárkel %hich he will -.11 ni wioli'E.i]e i letnil, xr.ur uw. Cüll and cê iLciii ai iha M tv otas Stobi. . W. A. HAYMÖND, WSrtf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. " TiE highcstpriccp.iidincatliby G.F. Lcw. ifj Exchnnge Br.. kor, opposite the Insurance Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the oouritisin iheStBieot Miclugon; nlsoforSta 3Jfuritio of ali kiucJsaud uacurrecifunds Ou& mil sea. Duc I. IB45 24i-u Chattcl ItSok'fgag'es, , FUST pnn'6-i and fat sd'c st tliittvffle in af Jv quanritj.