Religious Opinions Of The Presidents

Tho following table, ehowing the respective dominations of which ihe Presidente of ihe lnied States have evinced a preference, wo find, ia be New York Tdegraph. Geo. Washinston, of Virginia. Episcopalian. John Adams, of Mossachuseus, Unitarian. Thomas Jeflerson, of Virginia, Philosopher. James Madisoi, of Virginia, Episcopalian. James Monroe, of Virginia, Episcopalian. John Q. Adams.. of Massachuseitó, Unitarian. Andrew Jackson, of Tenncssee, Presbyterian. Martin Van Burcn,of N. Y. Congregationaliat. WillUtn II. Harrison, of Ohio, Episcopalian. John Tyler, of Virginia, Episcopalian. James K. Polk, of Tcnnessee, Presbyierian.