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From The Army

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Major Forsyth writes of the Georgia Regiment, - " It rnakes one's hcart bleed to witness the su He rings of these poor fellows. In camp, you must know, few of theconveniences considered necessary to the 11 at home can he had. A man gets sick and heis carried to the hospital with his blanket and his knapsack. Bed and bedding there are none, and as the country is entircly destitute of lumber, bedsteads aro not to be had. A blanket and the ground is therefore the couch upon which the volunteer lies sick and dies, if he does not recover. If he dies the same blanket forms his winding sheet and coffin - plank is not to be had. The Quartermaster at Camargo told me, in answer to an application for a coffin, that every foot of plank and every old gun box that was tobe found had been worked up for the purpose, and that all the money in his department would not eommand a coffin. "- You will remembe that in ascendir.g the river we left seventy of our sick at Mutamoras. I was shocked to learn on our return that twenty-seven of the nutnber had died in the short space of two weeks. Dr. W. told me tho mortality was, in proportion to numbers, doublé that in any other regiment." At !eiter-,vritcr thus describes the cvacuntion of Momcrey by the Mexicuns : - And now was presented a sceno that I can never forget. Two regiments of infantry led oíF, with colors flying, drums beating, and the trumpeters blowing wilh all their might ; the fifers made all the noise they could. The men were all well armed, and the whole división seornedto be well appointed, with the exceptionofshoes, in lieu of which most of them wore sandals. Three pieces of artillery were in the centre of the column - one s., one nine, and one twelve pounder. Theline,marching four abreast, extended about one mile.The army was accompanied by a great many femalos ; officers' wives on horseback, their faces muflled, and with hats on, soldiers' wives mounted on donkeys or on foot. some of tliem carrying burdens that I would scarcely tliink of packing upon rnules ; young women with short petticoats and hats, tripping lightly along ; young girls Irudging with their little valuables in their arms. 1 noticed one pretty litile creature, about nine years old, with a pet chicken on one arm and a pirrot perchcd upon her hand. - The ugliest woinon I ever heard of was walking behind a poor little flea-bit donkey, belnborir.g him with a large stick. The donkey was ridden by a young voman, a second edition of the old one. - A precious pair, that mother and daughter. Most of the soldiers looked sullen, and their eyes gleamed with hatred and a desire for revenge. A Baltimore voltintcer thus describes that pnrt of the La:tle in which he participoted. "You may, probably,wish lo know how a young. soldier feels when he smells powder for the first time - I will teil you. At first I feit as though I should like to have been out of the party, .and looked from one end of the baltalion to the otherto see if 1 could see an}' one run. - Yes, 1 feit like running, I must acknowledge, but lliey all stood like men, anc I could nol bear the idea of being the first to run, and therefore kept on with the rest. The Tennesseans were about ten yards in our advanee, the Mississppians about the same distance in our rear. You will therefore see that I had to " sland up to the rack, fodder or no fodder." At this moment an awful fire was opened on the Tennesseans. They feil by scores, but the balance stood like veterans. We were fired upon by a cross fire from nine and twelvo poundofs, and a murderous discharge of small arms from corners of streets, doors, windovvs, and top of houses. By this time Col. Watson was trying to get us ahead of the Tennesseans, (having appliedfor the advanee and receivec from Gen. Taylor the promise of it,) and while in the act of giving three cheers, was shot down. He was on our right, some twenty paces ahead of us. I saw hirn fall, and all apprehension now left me. Í made an involuntary eflbrt to get to him to afibrd him help, but was borne on by the pressure of the mass behind, and williugly yielded to it, impelled by a ihirst of revenge that would have carried me through a storm of bullets, or laid me out in Montery. We were now within fifty yards of thewall, behind which the enemy were lying in perfect securily, and at this moment Gen. Taylor rode up in gallant style. accompanied by a young officer. Now carne the thrilling scène of all. A huge Tennessean sung out, "Silence, men - here comes Old Zack - three cheers for Old Zack!" Three iremendous cheers were now given until " Hcnven's broad arch rang back lhe sound." I trembled for his safely, lor I expected to see him fall every moment. Great God ! I never can forget that sight. - The gallant old soldier turned tothe young Dfficer who accompanied him, and receivïd from hirn a spy-glass, which ho apslied to his eye, asif to survey tho scène iround him. Therc laid at least fourïundred men shot down ; ihe General calmly shut up the glass, and returned it to the officer, and then riding still nearer ihe foe, until he was up even with the Tennesseans, gave tho order to " retire." I followed him with my eyes till aw him beyond the dangerof the small arms, and then almost involunlarily uttered an ejaculation of thanksgiving to the Almighty that his invaluable life was still preserved to his country. Oh ! genemen, the sight was fearful. The word may be unsoldierlikc - 1 cannot help f, it was horribly fearful. The man who can contémplate such a scène as fo'ur hundred men dead and dying, and not feel deeply, keonly lecl, he is made of sterner stufTthan the maierialsof which I am composcd." Anoiher correspondent writcs from Monicrcy : - " For four or five days past, rs I have already informed you, we have been on short allowance of food, and have therefore had to resort to smuggliiig ; in othcr words, some fino Mexican steers have been slaughtered to appeasc the hunger of our men. Inonecase itwas dclected, and the poor culprit is now in the "guardhouse ; " but hunger honors no law, nnd scores have fallen since. Just bc good enough lo give the Secretary of War a jolt under the fifth rib. and ask him if he wants to kill us all ofT, for 1 pledge you my word hunger is producing disease, and that is mak ing more victims than the bullets of the foe. Our countrymen at home, 1 am sure, have no idea of our suflerings. I am equallv certain that they might have been prevented if proper means were employed by those whose business it is to seetoour wants. It takes a great deal to feed G,000 men, and the truth of the whole matter may be summed up in these words : Our Government has not sustained Gen. Taylor as it ought to have done, nor in the way and lo the amount he has long since demanded. I gave you an idea in my last of the excilement which prevailed in camp in regard to Gen. Butler. It received ten times the forcé yesterday by a report that got out that Gen. Taylor was about to throw up the command. This was considered as a confirmation of the previous alarm, and during the whole day clubs of fifteen or twenty men in the different regiment:? of volunteers might be seen cursing, damning, roaring and pitching. Itwas finally quieted at night by an officer assuring them that " Old Zack never would give up the command while he could draw his sword, or until he was ordered to do so by the Government." As 1 feel pretty confident that the Government darenot recall him, and as I know that the volunteers will never let him exposé himself against the enemy's fire, my mind is easy about the matter ; but I must confess I was " prelty considerably " alarmedand excited." Tbc following notice of " ilie seat of war " is from tho Washington Union : "The State of New León (Nueva León) extends over a large part of the plain of Monterey, and tho mountain track lying between it and the Rio del Norte. - The plain is very little known. The plain nppears to consist of extensive levels here and there intersected by hills of moderate elevation, and exhibits a good deal of fertility, but is little cullivated. There are a íew important mines in the mountains of the northern districts. - Large herds of cattle pasture on the plains. The population of this State is small, about eighty-five thousand, and consists chiefiy of whites.Monterey, where the last battle was fought, and which is now in possession o: the American army, is the capital of the State of New Leon, and contains about 15,000 inhabitants ; it is the seat of a bishop, nnd derives its importance from the neighborhood of the mines. Saltillo, the late capital of the State of Cohahuiln, which Gen. Taylor has orders next to talce, is situated nt the southern extremity of the State, on the side ol a hill. It contains about 13,000 inhabitants, and has several gcod streets, communicatiüg at right angles with the Plaza, ('public squarej in the centre of -which is a large reservoir, which supplies the town with water."