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New Hampshire. - Nathaniel P. Rogers, for many years editor of the Herald of Freedom, died at Concord, N. H., on the lOtli inst. He possessed great talents, a pungent wit and a most amiablö disposition. His death will cause great sorrow among anti-slavery men. - He was 52 years of age. MaSSacllUSettS. - The Boston Transcript notices a new preparation to produce sleep in patients to be operated on by surgery. It is the invention of Dr. Morton of that city, and is administered by inhalalion. If this be true, it certainly is a much easier method than the pawing process, to say nothing about dclicacy. - N. Y. Sun. A Lowell correspondent of the Brooklyn Eagle, after mentioning the different places of public worship in the former city, adds : " The Sabbath Labor Christians,' as one of the papers term them - that is, the corporotions - have service also nearly overy,Sunday in the canals. The congregation is composed mostly of laborers, and the exercises consist of digging, drilling and blasting, accompanied with voluntarles on the trowel, sledge-hammer, Stc, and appropriate selections from the beautiful chants of masons, hod-men and teamsters. I passed last Sunday one of these interesting meetings, so honorable to the puritan land. Though a single poor man workingby himself would be Ifined, yet these companies go unrebuked and those workingunder their sanction, however much the neighboring congregaiions may be disturbed. Might is right. We understand that Dr. Morton, at the ïnvitation of Dr. Heywood, of the McLoaa st Hospital, adrnmistèred administered his preparation to produce sleep, yesterday roorning, to a man who had a tumor extracted from the neck. Our informant, who conversed with one of the physicians who witnessed the operation, statos that the mi;n, after inhaling thepreparation for a few moments was lost in sleep, giving no symptoms of suflering, while Dr. Warren was extracting the tumor. He was totally unconscious of vrhat was going, till the close of the operation, which lasted longer tlian usual, when he drew a long sigh. The unconscious state in which the man was, aflbrdod the surgeon an opportunity to perform the operation expeditiously, uninterrupied by anystruggles or shrinkingof the patiënt - Boston Transcript. Comiccf iciit. - The City Court of New London has reccnily imposed a fine of one dollar, and the cost of court, amounting to twenty thrce dullars and thirtcen cents, upon Gen. A. W. Riley, the Temperance lecturer, for obstructing the streets, by delivering a lecture in the aame. IYCW York. - The Convention of New York for amending its constitution, tvhicli has been sitting for many weeks past, had adopted a sectioi; which secured to married women all thcir property acquired before or during marriage. A few days ago it reconsidered its vote on this section, and rejected it by a vote of 50 to 59. A family in Mentz, Cay u ga Co. were recently seized with nausea and spasms, while drinking tea, and on examininglhe tea kettle a spider of the largest kind was boiled up in the water. It proved fatal tothe mother, end seriously aflected the father and grandson,who were saved thro' t'ie interposition of medical aid. This will be sufficient warning to all who have charge of the cooking department, to keep a vigilant eye on the articles used in the preparation of beverages and food for the table. - Utica Rcg. Pcmisylvaiiia. - The Philadelphia correspondent of the Tribune writes that a strange and fatal accident occurred in that city on Saturday. The wife of a Mr. Jacob Deal was can-ying a pitcher of water across the room, when her feet became entangled, she tripped and feil on the pitcher, which broke. A piece of the chinn, entered her neck, severed her jugular vcin, and in spite of allefForts she bied to death before the eyes of her husband, who was the witness of the accident, v' Iüaryland.- The people of Maryland, by a vote of 31,152 to 25,497, havo decided iu favor of biennial sessions of the Legislature. "Virginia. - The papers contain numerous notices of the recent tragedy in Richmond, resulting in the death of Mr. Hoyt. The Tribune gives the following summary of the aifair : Hoyt, it seems, was a single man, living in Richmond, and keeping a lottery office. At his hotel hc became acquainted with Mrs, Virginia Myers, wife of a Virginia gentleman,, herself of a gooc family of that vicinity. A criminal pasoion was mutually indulged by them,but it appears not to have proccedeil to that extent which the judgment of the worlc regards as absolute crime. Clandestine interviews and an exceedingly impropei correspondence, exhibiting an utter alienation of Mrs. Myers' offection from huBband and her entire devotion to Hoyt, Lre the gist of offence. 'f hese were detected by Mrs. Myers' father, by him communicatotHoherhusband, andhe, anc his brotber, with another proceeded to Hoyt's private room, found him in bed, commanded him to sign a paper promising to leave that part of the country forever, and on his refusal to do so, shot him through thehead, so that he died a few days afterward. Th is is the act which we have strong intimations, both Judicial and Editorial, was plainly excusable if not absolutely justifiable. Now it in no wise appears that Hoyt sought the acquaintance of this lady- that he cherished any designs upon her virtue, fsuch as it was) or was in any way her seducer or tempter. The woman seemsto have been the master spirit of the intrigue - wñs believe her the originator of the correspondence. Her passion seems to have been the more vehement and overruling throughout ; she is incessantly importuing Hoyt to runaway with her, which he declines to do ; and itia very evident that exemption from the last degree of guilt in the premisesisto be credited to his forbearance. She was bound by the sacred marriage vow ; he was utterly free, and violated no special obligation to any human being. Yet for his offence he is butchered in his bed, and the Press virtually cries Amen ! Is not this horriable V' Teillicssee.- On the 19th uit., at Overton Tenn., Edward O'Neill, an habitual drunkard, murdered his wife and five children, set his house on fire, and then committed suicide, falling upon the pile of murdered victims. A daughter of his escaped. What fiends rum makes of man. JVIissoill'L - The editor of the St. Louis Repubücansays, he has received a box of peaches raised in that neighborliood, eight of which weighed six pounds. - John Harveyof this vicinity, hrought to my store, a short time since, an apple which I weighed and measured ; its weight was just two pounds, and itmcasured 161 inches. Relben Thompsox. Ifarvcysburgh, Oct. 2th 1846. In addition to the nbove I assert that another. f rom the same tree, notso round as the former, weighed at my house, one pound and twelve ounces, and measured seventeen inches in circurnference. John Harvey. Ncar Harveysburgh, Ohio, lOthmonth, 13i, 1846. One Daniel Gibler, in a fit of inloxication, inhumanly murdered his wife on Wednesday week, in Rose township, Carroll co., Oliio. He cut her open with a penknife unlil her entrails carne out. - She survived about twenty-four hours after the attack. Gibler is now in jail at Carrol lton. A man, his wife and six children, on their way to Preble county, Ohio, stopped atCincinnati a few days ago, Tliey had travelled seven hundred miles. The youngest child and their baggagewere on a wheclbarrow, their only carriage from home, propellcd by turns by the company.