Journal Of The Board Of Supervisors

Ank Akbor, Monday Oct. 12, 1846. At a meeting of ihe Board of Supervisors, foi he County of Waahtenaw, held pursuant f.o the 3tatute, at the Court House, in the village of nn Arbor, in eaid Cuunly, on Monday, the 2th day of Octobcr, in the year 1846 ; for the surpose of o-ganizing said Board, and transactng 8ueh other business as thcy are authorized by aw to do. The foüowing Supervisors appeared o wit : Ann Arbor, John Geddes. Augustn, Lee L. Forsyth. Bridgwater, George Lazell. Dexter, William A. Jones. Freodom, Reuben Wellman. Linio, William Warner. Lodi, Hirnm Aulla. Lyndon, Aaron Palmer. Manchester, Alanson Case. Northfield, Nathan Salyer. Piitsfield, Ezra W. Whitmore. Sliiron, Absent. Salem, Daniel S. Pomeroy. Superior, Daniel Tibbetts. Scio, Absent. Sylvan, EUsha Congdon. Saline, David S. Haywood. Websier, JameB Ball jr. Ypailanti, John W. Vancleve, York, Lyman Carver. On inotion of E. W. Whitmore, the Board was organized, by choosing John Geddes, President of the Board. On motion, the Chair appointed the following persons as Committeo on Claims, viz : Messrs. Lazell, Vancleve, Haywood, Wellman and Tibbetts. On motion, the Chnir appointed the following persons n Committee on Equalization, viz: Messrs. Whitmore, Carver, Forsyth and Salyer. On motion, the Chair appointed the following persons a Committee on Roads and Bridges, viz: Messrs. Aulla, Ball and Pomeroy. On inotion, the Chair appointed the following persons a Committee to settle with the County Treasurer, viz : Messrs. Wait, Whitmore, Vancleve, Haywood and Case. Thereupon, the Board adjour.ied until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1846. The Board met pursuant ;o adjournraent. Present, same members of the Board as yes terday, together with Amasa Gillet, Esq., ot S harón. The minutes of yesterday were read and ap preved. The Comtnittee on Claims made a report up on the account of Peter Slingerland, Jailor of the County of Washtenaw, for receiving and board ing Prisoncis from the county of Livingston which was accepted and the board allowed the snme at 100 12. On motion, a Commitlee of three, consisting of Messrs. Gillet, Jones and Warner were op pointod by 'he Chair, to examine into the Law relativa to, and the propriety of callinga Specia Election, to fill the office of Judgc of Probate, made vacant by the dcaih of the Hun. Samuel P. Fuller. On motion. it was resolved, that there be addcd to the Commiitee on Equalization, Messrs. Warner and Gillctt. On niotion, it was resolved, thnt the appea from ihe as9essment of damnges by a jury, from the township of Pitisñeld, be callad up for a hearing on Thursday nest, at 2 o'clock P. M. The Commiite on Election reponed that it p necesrary to hold a special election, nnd that no tice thereof be given ilu'a day to the In9pectors of Election, of the several lownahips thar a special election wil! be held on Uio 14th day of November next, to fill a vacaney in the office o Judge of Probate occasioned by (ho dealhof Hon S.umucl P. Fuller. Thereupon the Board adjourned until to-mor row morning at 9 o'clock. Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1846. Board met pursuant to adjourntnent. Present, same supervisors as yesterday. The Committee on Claims made a report in part, wbich was accepted and adoptcd, and the following claims allowed by the Board viz : 1. A. Voorhees.. services as Justice in criminaJ cases, 9 15 2. D. Sperry. repairing press in Probate office, 2 00 3. Win. as Justice in crimina) cases, 1 88 4. L. R. Slawson, whitewashing JTnil and finding tnateriuls, 24 88 5. J. Wellman, as special messonger in procuring eleciion reiurna from Manchester, 4,00 6. W. R. Perry, staiionary for courfs, 21 31 7. G. Shattuck, services as sheriff, 222 49 d. John Lawrence. servicesas Justice m criminal cases. 12 7fi 5). W. R. Perry, do do 3 45 The Superintendents of the Poor made a report which was actepted and adopred by ihe Board, as follows : RErORT.To the Bard oà Supervisors of the connty of Washtenaw; the undersigned, Supenniendants of ihc Poor of said couniy, bcg lcave to present the following report : That the amount raiscd :n 1845, for the expense of Pauperism, was $1,600. That the nniount drawu from the county Treasurer for the ligitimato expenses of Pauperism, on orders ist-ued by the Snperintendants ia 1.590, and one order issucd by them for 4 00 was altercd to 14 00, was presented to the county Treasurer nnd paid by him, making tho whole amount drawn from the County Treasurer $1,600 00. Thero has been accounts audited and allowed. and liabilitics incurred tip to the date of this report including pay of Keeper, whose term of service will expire on the fi st of April next, and the pay of attending Physician, whose term of service will expire on the I2ih of February next -$1100 27. The undereigned re of opinión â (hal the funhcr sum of 200 should be raised te meet tho expenses of the current year. H. TICKNOR, ) Superintendanu N. A. PHELPS, of Poor, ft. MATl'HEWS, ) Wash, Co. Co. Poor House, Oct. 14, 1846. On motion, it was resolved, that the sum ol $100. be raised by this county, and paid to tlie order of the Supenntendants of the Poor. on condition that Moses Boylcn shall take the deaf and dumb boy, Wm. Ford, now in the Poor House, to the Aeylum at Columbus, Ohio, and by entering into bonds with the Superintendants t!iat the said Wm. Ford shall hoi again become a charge upon the county of Washlenaw after the Ist day of February next. On motion, Resolved, that the sum of $25 be raised by the county, and paid to the order of he Superintendants of the Poor, to enable them to hire some competent person to tako charge of he County Poor House in tbe absence of Mr. 3oylen, to Columbus Ohio, with the deaf and dumb boy, Win. Ford. Tbnreupon the Board adjourned until to-morow morning at 8 o'clock. Thürsday, Oct. 15, 1846.iiofird niet pursuant to adjournmcnt. Present, all the members of the Board, except Mr. Waite. The minutes of yesterday wore read and aproved. A pethion from the inhabitants of the townliips of Ypsilanti and Augusta to raise the surn of one hundred dollars, for the purpose of repairng or building a certain piece of road situated n the township of Augusta, was referrcd to the committee on rads and bridges. The committee on claims made a report in iart, which was nccepted and adopted, and the following claims allowed by the board, viz : 0 M. H. Cow)cs, services on Curoncr'8 Inquest, $2 50 1 J. Lawfence, services as Justice n criminal cases, 7 40 2 H. Bowcr, paid Mrs. Farly, for cleaning Court House, 13 38 3 C. H. Wallace, aervices as cousiable in criminal cases, 19 28 14 J. Alley, serving subpcena on H. Seely, 88 15 H. Ticknor, servicesas superintendent of Co. poor house, 26 76 16 P. Slingerland, services as Jailer, 406 34 17 R. Mauhew8, services as superintendent Co. poor house, 29 19 18 R. Mathews, do do do 6 00 15) N. A. Phelps, do do do 33 97 'â 0 H. Becker, paid for wood, candleBticks and tumblers for Conrt House, 9 76 21 J. F. Royce, services as depu'.y sheriff, and chaira for C. House, 23 00 22 J. D. Andrus, services as constable, 5 6:1 23 W. A. Hatch, do do 15 40 Th8 be ing the duy assigned for the hearing of the appeal from the assessment of damages, by a jury, on accouut of the laying a certain road in the township of Pittsfield, afier hearing the statements of the partiea interested, it was referred to the committee on Koads and Bridges. Thereupon the Board adjourned till to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Friday, Oct. 16, 1846. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, the Supervisors as yesterday, and Mr. Waite. The minutes of yesterday were read and approvcd. On motion, Mr. Waite wa9 added to the Committee on claims. On motton, the Chair appointed the following persons a committee to visit the County Poor House- viz : Messrs. Case, Jones, Geddes and Palmer. On motion, the chair appointed the following persons a committee to visit the County Jail, viz : Aulis, Ball and Pomeroy. The committee on Roads and Bridges made a report that they have had the matter of the appeal of Wm, Geddes, from the assessinent ol damages by a jury, susiained by him in consequence of the laying of a certain road across bis land, situated in the township o.'Pitlsfield, underctmsiue-iauun, ana awaru to me saia wni. vjeudes the sum of sixty dollars damages, by hini sustaincJ, in conscquence üf the laying snid road - which report, on motion, was accepted, and after somo discussion, by the board adopted. The same comniittee, on Roads and Bridges, also, made a report, that they had under consideration the petition of snndry inhabhants of the townships of Ypsilanti and Augusta, praying that the Supervisors of tho County of Washienaw will levy upon the County, the Biim of 100 for the purpose of enabling the township of Augusta to build or repair a certain piece of rdad. in said township of Augusta ; and advise ihat ihe prayer of said pctiiioners should not be allowed : which report was accepted, and, after some discusaion by the Board, was adopted. The comniittee on Claims made a report upon the accounis of S. G. Southerland, which was accepted and adopted by the Board, viz : 24 S. G. Southerland, repairing door and making large hasp, 1 00 25 S. G. Souiherland, repairing door locks, Jail and Courl House, 2 00 Thereupon the Board adjourned till to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Saturday, Oct. 17, 1846. Board met pursuantto adj urnment. Present, all the Suervisors. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved, The County Treasurer made a report relativo to the financinl condition of the County, and of theaffairsof the Treasurer's Office ; which report, on motion of Mr. Forsth, was referred to the Committce to settle wiih the County Treasurer, with instructions lo report to thib Board at a future day. TKe Committee on Eqnnlizntion, by Mr. Whitmore, their chairman,niade a report of their proceedinga iu Kqualizing the Assessmcnt RoiU as folio ws:Which report was accepted, and after some discuwion. adopted - and the aggregatetion of all the Real and Personal proprty of said County of Wajhtenaw, os Equaliwd by tb Board oà Supervisors, was fijtcd at Two SRUimma Thrce Hundred and eighty-fiet Thousad Xwe Hundred and frty-nine dollars. On moiion, the Chnir appolnted a comiaittM of three, consisting of Mcssrg. Haywood, Yitix. and Vandve. to conftr with the Committt appointcd laai year, wb& were authorized to coatract fw tho arranging and completing, mor perfectly, the Index to the Books in the Register's Office, and ascertain what progresa bas been made therein, and report the same to this Board. The Committee on claims made a rport, ia jart, which was acceptcd and odopted.and the foj. .owin? claims allowed by ihe Board, ti'z :. ..cupon me uoard adjourned un til Mondar at 1 ü'clock. " Monday, Oct. 19, 1846. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Preaent, all ihe Supervisors, oxcept Mr. Weli. man. The Journal of yesterday was read and iroved. The committee on claims reponed on the folowing claim, which was accepted, and adopted sy tho Board, viz: 35 S, Kilpatrick. services as constable Ãn criminal cases, 403 g On motion, Mr. G.llei was added to tho comtnmee to visit the County Poor House. On motion, Mr. Salyer was added to ihe committec to visit ihe Jail. Thereupon the Boara adjourned lili to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock. (Concluded noxt week.)
Washtenaw County Board of Supervisors
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John Geddes
Lee L. Forsyth
George Lazell
William A. Jones
Reuben Wellman
William Warner
Hiram Aulls
Aaron Palmer
Alanson Case
Nathan Salyer
Ezra W. Whitmore
Daniel S. Pomeroy
Daniel Tibbetts
Elisha Congdon
David S. Haywood
James Ball Jr
John W. Vancleve
Lyman Carver
Ann Arbor Michigan