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Journal Of The Board Of Supervisors

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Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1S4G. Board met pursuant to adjournmcnt. Present, qII iho mcmbers of the Board, except M Wel I man. The minutes of yesterday were rcad and approvcd. The Clerk of the Board made a statement of the condiiion of the rt'oms n the Couri House below. relative to the reniing of the same, as required by resolution of the Board of Ijst year. The Committee on Claims roade a report which was accepted and adopted, and the iollovving claims allowed by the Board, viz : 3G A. S. Harris, use of room and hghis in post nio rtem ex. of E. Sine. ; $. 00 37 R. Scliuyler, repairs on C. House, 11 75 '4 Allen & Arnold. priniing rioticea by order of Couniy Treasurcr nnd Cierk, 9 25 3.") L. C Goodalc, piinting Supervisors' report, nuiceot election &c 1 4 75 40 Cule & G.irdinerpmting ninices, 9 25 41 Go'idnle &, M'Cracken, printing per ol Co. Treasurer, 6 00 42 Stnuh & Arnold, publishmg report ol board of Sup. & Co. canvasí, 7 50 43 Chase and Arnold publishmg circular of Co. Treasurer and blank certifícale. 7 00 44 Poster &. Dell printing notices per order of Clerk and 'l'reasurer, .1 75 45 G. &. L. Beckley. printing Election notices and Co. Tieasurers Circular, 9 00 40 Cdu u 'y cunvassers for last year, 60" 00 47 T. F. Lennard. services as deputy slieriíl'iii criminal cases, 19 00 43 G. F. Rond and Co. record for Probate office, 15 00 49 C. H. Vanclevc, services as Justice in criminni cases, 13 14 50 S. Dtnton. prof. services nt post nnr:em exaniination, 3 00 ól J. W. Sprague, services as constable in criminal cases, 7 33 52 E. Wells. prol. services at post monem exnmiuations, 15 00 53 E. Wells, prol. services at Jail, 17 00On metion, it was resolved, ihat a commiuec I of ihrec be oppointcd to examine the nccounts I of the Associate Judges of ïhe Circuit Court for i ihiscouniy, consisting of Messrs. Buil, Carver, and Congdon. Tho commiitee appointed to visil the Couniy poor house, by iheir chairman, made a report, ha t they flnd it in a cnaiiiou sailsfactory to the committee. n!s serving on the commiitee to Beitle wi:h the C'uniy Trea3urer who nre on the committce on cloi i!8, be excuscd frorn acüng on said com- mittee to seiïlé whli the Treasurer. On motion. it wns resolved, tliat the individuOn motion, Messrs. Ball, Aulls, and Geddes wcre odded to the copjmittee tu settla with the Jounty Treasurer. On mo;ion, the chair appointed a committee ' of five to awnrd a compensation to the several ' Supervisors for mnking out tiieir assessment lolla. consiating of Messra. Ball, Aulla, Cuse, Gillett. and Warner. Ön motion, the vote allowing N1. R. Ramsle'.l. twelve dollars nnd fi ly cenia for services in aking teiiimony, fcc. at Curonor's Inquest ol Mrs. Manha Mulholl:ind. was reconsidercd, and on motion, liis claim for said servict-s wns rojected by the Board. Tho committoe on claims mnde a report wl ic'n was r-ccepted and adopted, md the following claims allowed by the board, viz : ó4 It. Bos, services as constable in criminal cases, $5 ?2 5") B. Kitüi, stationery for coarr. L 7J ! 56 J. Murray. boarding jury and officers, Peojilo vs. Rt-eves. 91 00 57 J. llnwkin.". use of room and lialus for Coroner'8 Inqmst, 5 00 33 G. F. Rood &. Co., cwtnnion rule boik lor Circuit Conrt, 8 00 ÓJ K. Tlionipson. services as Juslica in ei i in i nn I cases, 60 74 60 G. W. Gilbert, glass n Rxjgister Office, 49 (il B. King. services aa clerk, 30 00 C Bi King. do do 51 T G"i B. Kmg, do io 4"ï 04 64 B. King, do do 175 l'-i 65 J. Goodwill, services as Justicein criminn! cases, 5 GR ÖG J. Goodwill, do do 13 09 On motion resolved, (in committce of the wliole,) thnt ttieaum of Fjve hundred dollars be nllnwed the proaccuüng attorney, for liis gervteea the present year. On moiion, the committee nppointed to teitls with the Coumy Treosurer, by Mr. C.ise, their chairman, made a report, that they have exnmined the accounts of the Tronenrer, and found the umfi to he correct, and a balance in the Trwuury of 30O dollarnnd 19 cwnt- alo, thnm nf rwenty dollars of school rroocy belongng to towns not called for: - wtiicli repurt, on motion, was accepied. On the motion the fullowing wero appointcd Superintendent of the poor for ihis Coumy for the-enfruing yenr. viz : Heman Ticknor, Norman A. Phelps and Rufus Maithews. On motion, the sum of Two hnndred dollars was rnised as a contingent fund, for the benefit of theCounty Poor House. Theronpon the Board adjoumcd until to-morr.)v morning at 9 o'clock. Wr.DNESDAY, Oct. 21, 184G. Board met pursuantto ar?j mrnment. Present, all the Supervisors. The Journal of yesterday was read and opproved, The committee to whom the accounts of the Associate Judges wa9 refeired. by Mr. Bal!, their chairmnn, made n r.-por!, wliich was accepted and adopted. and iheir claims nlluwed by the boarti aa .'ollowp, viz : G7 R. Piirdy, eervicea as Associato JihIl'c, - $115 50 63 O. Kellog2, do do 98 50 The re3olu:ion of the Board, ollowing the Prosecuting Attorney Five hundred dollars for 'fis services, was, on niotion, reconsidered, andie same fixed at three hundred dollars. On motion, il was resolved ihat the sutn of ■veniy-five dollars be raiscd to ena!le Peter ilingerlnnd to repair the road by the Joil, and )iu ihe Cliairnian of the board certify to the une when the work hns been performed. On moiion. ii was resolved, thnt the Clerk of lio Board be auïhorized to mnke all nece?s;iry ie lairson iho Couri House, and ihe Chairmnn of ho Board certify 10 the sanie, and that the Clerk Iraw an oider on the Treasurer to pay lor said epairs. On frotion, it was resolved, thnt it is the opinon of this Bjard that no room In this building should bo furnished an cffijer freeof rent, except the Judgeof Probate. On motion. it was resolved, ihat the Treasuer be auihorized to rent the rooms in the Court House. Un molion, it vas resolved, t!int Mr. Gilietl be excuscd Oom ncting on the Committee to fix a compensation, for preparing the asaessment rolls, and lint Ir. Salyer be appointed in h3 place. On motlon, it was resolved, that a committee of two ba appoinred, consisting of Messrs. Walte and Whinnure, to examine into the subjec: of ihe indebtodness of the County, during the coming win'.cr, and report at tiie next session of the Doard ol Supervisors for this county. The committee apointed to confer wiili the cjmmiuee appointed Jast year to procure a General Index for the Reister's Office made a Report accompanicd by ihe Report of the fonner conunutee ; which repons were accepled and adopied. KEPORT. To the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the Counly of Washtenaw. The undersigned, a commiitee appointed by ihe Board of Supervisors, at their session in October, 1845, to mnke a contract, for making an Index to the Deeds. Mort gages, &c, on Record in the office of the Register oï Deeds for said counry, respect fully report :- That having been limiied by the resoluiion of the Board to the rum of $30 J, they' were unable to engage n pison to perform the work required for thai amount - that ihey applitd to Geo. W. Gilbert, the Regis ter of Deeds for said couniy, and finally made a contract with him upon the following lerms : - Tha: he should complete the Index required as soon as the same could reasonably be done - ihat after the complction thercof, if the same was, in all respects performed in a sarisfactory nKinner, they would recommend to t!ie Board of Supervisors the pay ment to him ofsuch a sum, as in their judgment ihey should think he vna fairly èntillcd to, whether it should be Iers or more than 300. But it was distinctly understood by Mr. Gilbert. ihat the committee had no auihority to alluw him more than $COJ : and he undertook the work with the expresa agreement that the committee would do nothing more than recommend to the Board of Supervisors the paymeni of any larger sum than y3D0 in case they sbould think he ought lo have ntorc; and ihat if ihey were of opinión that the work was worth less :han 300, they $hou!d so report to the Board. Under ii is arrangement. Mr. Gilbert, or Mr. John N. Gott, who is his Jeputy, has been engigel in making the Index, but ii will probably take them eix months longer to complete the same. Tlic work, so far, has, in ihe opinión of the committee, been well perform ed - many errors which were found in ihe present index have been corrected, and they are satisfird that when the samo shall be finished, it will be. in uil respects, a good one. The committee would that the Board of Supervisors provide for the raising of the sum of three hunJred dollars, in order that when tho w.irk shall be linished aécording to the igreement - ihat amoum, if the commiitcesho'd ihmk Mr. Gilbert entiiled to so much, should be pnid him. Should the committee considar thatMr. Gilbert ought to havc moro ihan '3lO, they may report their opinión to the board, for i;s aclion at ihe next animal neeíinL Perhnps, if the Board slioulJ ihink proper to innke an nppropriation as rccommcnded. itinighi be proper to nuiliorize the Clerk to draw an order in Mr. Gilbcrt's favor foi any eum not exceeding 3üO upon thc certifícate oí the Commiilcc, (or of any other person wliom the Jionni may oppoint,) that the work hos been compleieJ nccording to the contract and to ihe saiisfiiction ot" the committee. All oí' w'iich 9 reapectlully submiued. GKO. SEDGWICK, H. BFXKER. O. W. MOORE. Datcd, Oct. 17, 1846. The Committee on claims made a report, in part. whicli was nccepied nnd adopted,and the foiiowing claims allowed by the Board, v'z : G9 B. Nye, services as dep fheriff in criminal cases. 30 00 70 "NV. Goodrich & Co., etove pipo, &c. tor l'robatr üifice and Jail, 14 57 71 N. B. Nye, services as depmy sheritlin Uistncv Court, 73 00 72 N. H, Eggleston, services as constable in criminal cateé, 15 i'5 73 N.H. EegWton, sorvico3 es cos8lable ia criminal case. 33 G ! On moünn, Committe of three, eorwiotingof Whitmore, Fc-syih, and JoncB wero nppoinied 10 examine the books n ilio Trensurer's ofiice, 10 ri-port upon the propriety of procuring new ihc oJd records rnighi bc trnnscribed. 'J hcicimon, the Bonrd nójourned until to-mor row nioruing ai 9 o'clock. Tlesday, Oct. 22, 1846. The Doord met pursuant to adjuurnment. Present, all the Supervisors. The minutes of yesicrday were rcad and opprrvcd. The coramiitee on TloIIs made a report on tbe compensation to be nllowed to each Supervisor lor making Ta. Roll for his Township, which report was accepted and adopied by the Board, viz : 74 To the Supervisor of Ann Arbor, $50 00 do do Augusta, 11 ? do do Eridg water, 15 77 do do De.:er, J3 73 do do Freedom, ]3 79 do do Liraa, J3 - do do Lodi, 13 sl do do Lyndon, 11 '2 do do Manchester, 20 83 do do Northfield, 15 54 do do PiMsfield, 13 8 do do Slnron, 12 G do do Sdline; 18 ' do do Superior, 12 "8 do do Scio, 22 59 do do Salem, 13 30 do do Sylvan, 12 !1 do do Webster, 13 92 do do Ypsiianti, 46 93 do do York, J5 On mo:ion, a comtntitee oí two, consisting of Messrs. Case and Carver, was nppointcd to cali upon Gov. Felch, to ascortain his viewa relativa to the necesshy of callinj a Special Eleciion to fill the office of Judge ol Probate. Mc Gillett wa3 afterwards appoinied in the place of Mr. Case, who risk cd to be excused. On motion. it was resolved iliat thia Board do adjourn on the 23d instant.The committee on claims made a report in art. whicli was occep'ed and adopted, and th "ollowing claims allowed by the Board, viz: )4 G. Shattuck, services in criminal cases, 2 00 )5 G. W. Gilbert, J-2diz. luwblera for court house, i 33 3G T. Alexandcr. tervicesas confiable in crim. cases, 6 53 37 S. S. Derby, do do 43 ü0 )S T. Alexander, do do 44 45 The cummittee appointed to consider the proiriety of procuring newbooks, to which the ld records of tlin Treasurer's office may be trans:ribed. report, thnt, in the opinión of the commit :ee, sucli bjoks should be procured. On moiion, it was resolved, that the Couniy TYeasurer receive as a compensation for bis services ihe sum of iour hundred dollars for tb rear A. D. I84G. was resolved, that tiio sum of weniy-five dollars be aüowed J. M. Willcoxson, bt taking charge of the books, papers, filea and ecords of the Probate Office since the death of 5. P. Fuller. and ihat he to lako the charge oí the same till sorr.o one is eiected to fill said office. Thereupon the Board adjourned until to-tnorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Friday, Oct. 23, 1846. Board met pursuant to ac'journment. Present, all the Supervisors. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. The commitlee on Claims made a final report, which was accepted and adopted, and iho foliow ing claims allowed by the Board, z: d9 A. Sage, for building fires. &c. for Supervisors nt Oct. ses-ion, 8 5 00 100 T. Alurrny, snwing wood, 1 13 101 M. Aiills, services as Supervisor, 18 78 10-2 James Bal! jr. do do 18 Ti 103 Alanson Case, do do J9 35J04 Lytnan Cnrver, do do 18 78 üñ Klisha Consdun, do do 18 7 1)6 Lee L. ForVyth, do do 18 S6 07 John Geddes, do do 19 30 1)8 A. Gillen, do do 19 44 09 D. S. Maywood, do do 13 60 II) W. A. Jones. do do 18 90 11 George Lazell, do do 19 44 ' Aaron Palmer, do do 19 33 13 D S. Pomeroy, do do 18 90 14 Nnihnn Snlyer. do do 18 48 15 Daniel Tibbetts, do do 18 54 1 J. W. Vancleve, do do 18 5 i 17 B. W. Waite, do do 15 36 IS Willinm Warner, do do 18 84 19 R. Wellmon, do dn ]5 84 Q E.W. W hit more. do do 18 49 21 B. Kipg. Cletk of Board Super' rt, 18 06 Thereupon the Committeo on Claims wti ischiirged from fanher consideraron of claims gninst the couniy. On motion. it was resolved, that tb Supervfors of the diifercnt Town3hips, in Wasbtenavr ounty, together wiih the Cuuniy Trcasurer b uihorized to make such nheraiions upon thoir ssefsnent rolls, as will nearly comply w!th (ha tamte, in regnrl to the asses3inent of Real Esate, and prepare enid rolls for the re-assessment of such rejected Taxe as tuay be re-aa essed. On mo:ion, it was resolved, that a standing !)ominittcc be nppo .nted to visit the Jail durtng 'ie coming yèar, consisiing of Mrasis Gcddeí. Warte and Carver. Resolved, Thai the day on which the County Ciinvassers meet to canvass the votes for th lince of Judgeof Probate, be the day jhnt this loard will meet to approve of ihe Bond of tha Couniy Treasurer 10 be eiected nt the coming clection On motion, it was resolved, that the sum of ?iftccn hundred dollars be rnised towards pay- ng our indebtc ín ess to the Slaie. On motion, it was resolved, that tho sum of Eleven hundred dollars be raised for the benefit of the County Poor Housp. On motion, it was resolved that the snm of Ftve hundred and sixty dollars bo raised to par ihe in erest on money loaned from tho School Ftind. On moiion, a committee consisting of Messr. LnseU, Jones and Whiimore b appointed to apportion the Taxes. On motion, it was resolved, that the som of F.ighteen hundred nnd fortv-seven dollara and ten cents be raised os 3 contingent fund to piy Jurors nnd to re;lee:n Jurors" certificóte. Qn inoiion it was resolved, that eacb Saparviit of the 9everal Townships in the. county be uthoried and requirtd fe pfiet pon their