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Santa Fe

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Th is, for the present at least, is an i nerican Torritory, having been regularly Kganized by the nuthoriiy of the Presilent. Gen. Kcarney, by printed proclamaron, iated Sopt. 22, 1846, announces thai, being duhj aulJiorized by the President of ihe U'nited States, he appoints the following named persons the executive and administrativo officers of the law nnd goveniment of the Territory ofNwe Mexico : Governor - Charle Bent ; Secretary of the Territory - Don Aduciano Vigil ; Marshal- Richurd Eallam ; U. S. Distiict Attorney - FrancisP. Blair ; Tieasurer - Charles Blummer; Auditor Public Accouns - Eugene Loilensdorfer ; Anto nio José Otero, John Houghion, anc Charles Baubein, Judges of the Supreme Court. These appoiu'ments were rogarded a the best could bo mide out of ihe ma tsrial present in Santa Fe. The appoint ment of Gov. Bent appoars to give gen eral saíi&faction.In tliis ncw country, thcy havo some iieer customs not sanctioned by our laws. For instance, it appears ihat the men and ever. the priests in New Mexico, are permilled to mnrry not only one wife, but as many as they please. A correspondent of the Government paper at St. Louis (ihe Union) writing from Gen. Kearney's camp Sept. 13, describes the town of San Dominago, of yvhich he says : 'There is at this town quite an extensivo cburch, to which is attached the priest's housp, where he keeps his wives and concubines The priest at bis place has four - two of them are quite good looking.' The latesl novices from SaDla Fe con tain the following . - Col. Doniphan remained in command of the troops at Sauta Fe, attendcd to the administration ot the laws as Governor of tho Territory, superintended the erection of Fort Marcy, on tho hill overlooking the town, nnd ccmpletcd, with the aid ofWülard P Hall, the " orgadc Law and Constituí ion" for the government of the Territory. A small prinling press was found at Santa Fe, which was used for priuting the Pub'ic Laws, &c. A press, type and paper for a prinling establishment at Santa Fe have beenbrwarded to Fort Leavenworth. They i ire intended for the use of the I' onal govornmen organized by General e vearney. [ A correspondent oí the Liberty (Mo.) Tribune, John T. Hughe?, under date of ept. 17, at Santa Fe, gives an account s f the movements of Gen. Kearney,since he 25ih of August. He gives a diary of in expedition under comrnand of Gen. iearney, to Albuquerque in the valley of he Rio Grande, about 100 miles south f Santa Fe, witli a view to subdue some nalconients and rebeh, (?) whoheheard ,vere assembling tb ere to recover the -.apital. They passed through tiie city of Algodones, containing about one thousand nhabitants. Hesays they received them iindly, and " cxprcss ihemsehes well olcased with the changc of the governmenl, ind proud of the idea ofbeing coiisidercd zitizens oftke great American Republic." They entered Albuquerque, the ser. t of the private residence of the late Governor, Armijo, and were received . with great demonstrations of joy. They proceeded to St. Tome, where salutes of guns, bonfires, fireworks, iliuminatious, and theat rica! representations, welcomed the new Governor. The correspondent says : " Here the people were assem bied, from iül the neigiibonng villages, to the number of 3000, for the puipose of celebrating the anniversary of the 'Holv Vision,' or the 'Inception of the Virgin Mary.' Tlie occasion was rendered doubly grand when the inhabitants of the place were informed of the arrival of Gen. Kearney and bis troops, as they were anxious both to testify their respect for hirn, and also to rnake a dazzlingexhibition of the commcmorative cere monies, lo imnress us with an idea of th pompous character oftheChurch. They were ignornnt of the fact that we wer plain Repubticans and rather detesta than admircd their unmeaning pomp ant aenseless mockery." " The churcli was crowded to overflow ing, though ampie enough to contah 20U0 persons. The altar was lighted u with 21 ct.ndles - six Priests, I believe oiTiciated - Gen. Keamey and siaff of] ioers, and also somo few officers of tl Volunteer Regiment were present, anc looked and no doupt feit supretneK ridiculous, each one holding a greasy tal low candlc in his hand, which wasto be blown out and relighted ut certain intervals during the ceremonies ; but it is a good maxim perhaps, ' when you are in Ronie to do as Rome does." From this town they returned to Santa Fe after an absence of twelve days, havingfound no rebels. - Cincinnali Herald. Gen. Kearney set out on his expedition to California, but when about 175 miles from the Rio Grande, the command was met by an express from Capt. Fremont. ThO party consisted of 16 men. From [hem Gen. Keamey learned that the whole of Upper California wae inion of ihe Americans, nnd nll quiet ; Dopt. Frcmont ncting as Provisional tíovrnor. Gen. Kearney aecordingly sent ack all hts forcé except 100 men, with vhomhe proceeded on his jourr.ey, taking vilh him three of the express company s guides. There was nothing new at Sania Fe. Much apprehension was feit as to the supply of fornge for the horses ind caltle, and it was feared that many of them would be lost during the winer. {L?" The Phrenological Journal for Movember contair.s articles on Individuality, Signs of Characler, Republicanism, Machinery and Labor, John Wesley's portrait and character, Woman, and Micellany. We are particularly interes ted in the articles on the Signs of Char acter. The present number of the se ries treats of the Hand-writing. Were all alike physici.lly nnd meiitolly, al would writo cxactly alike : and every variation which we see indicates anc proves a variation in the constitution o mind or body, or both. The energetic furious man will make diflerent markfrom the weak, timidand irresohite one : and he whosc thoughts and feelings ave rapid aslightning, will make scratchcs of a different character from thosc of the dull, plodding, slow-motioned inar.. - Women's chirography is different from men's. Each one, as he sits down to write, tnkes his character wilh him, and leaves sorae indications on the paper. In refere nee to tho stylc of w rit ing, Fowler remarks : "Though somewhat foreign to our theme, yet the style of the composition, and kinds of words, phrases, parts of speech, &c, used most frequently, at the same time tfiat they correspond with the chirography, still more clearly indícate character. Thuö, Causality is always putting such words as, why, because, therefore, for, since, reason, laws, &c, into the stylo of those who possess this faculty large. Comparison uses just the words required, or makes an excellent selection from thoso proffered by Language. Large Language uses many words, and small Language fewer. Large Eventual tv employs a great number of verbs, and filis in many adjunctive nnd desenptive clauses ; small Eventuality lenves much to be guessed at or supplied by the reader. Large Order arranges them in iheir natural sucecssion, while srnaü Order leavos ihem transposed al loose ends. Large Size uses adjectives of measure, as great, littlc. vast, huge,stupendous, öcc. .barge Uolor pamis up iis objects, and ofien employs words expressive of color. Lnrge Individuality employs descriptivo adjectives frccly, nöd personifies, and the P.ïrceptivesgenerally employ sdjectives and adverbs ; largc Self-Esteem aad Approbativcness teil what ƒ did and said, as though it were something extra ; large Frmness and Combativeness lay things duvn as just exactly so, without the least cavil ordisute; while extra Cautiousness hesitates, and puts in perhapses, and maybes. - jarge Benevolence infuses a ben;gn and )iimane tone into the style, and smooths ofl'its harsher points ; tíie alT-ciions em)]oy tender, endoaring, and friendly epihets ; and (bus of all the other frculties. The analysis of a few sentences in consonancewith these rules, would be hiteesting, but must be post poned. Yet,witl hese general principies before him, the eader vyfll fina sacli analysis deeply interesting, and highly insiructive."