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Foreign News: Arrival Of The Acadia: Fifteen Days Later From...

Foreign News: Arrival Of The Acadia: Fifteen Days Later From... image
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The Acá ! ia arrived at Boston on the IGtlw The Graat Britïin waar still lying in Diirfdrtiin Biy. Gko. BittCRoj-T, Minister to St. James, arrivcd at Liverpool un the '25h. The Hibcrnia amved on the 27th uit., after a .pasaagü of lüj dnys. On the 3 ) th u!t., Parliament was lurthsr proroguod ei 1 1 Tiieèdiiy, January 12. From Irciand tlie accounts cjntinue most diatrei:ing. A letter from Duiigaruon of the I.flih, saya, ' the conditiun of the pcople is cruelly heart-rendins, they are siarvng, frnntic Iookiog wumeii, and children huif nakcd, whoso cries vorc anything like human bcings - husky, brokcn, and quilo feoble from starvation. It is reponed in Puria thut a chango in tlio Miniatry is soon to tako place. Marohal Soult givcs place to Guizot. Mr. M. Herbertia to replace M. Martin Dunard 'M Minister oi Jiiálice, and T. T. .M. Passy auccreda to the Mtniatry of Fiuancett in tbe place of Lacav Lnplagne. Accounts frjni LWtugnl reprexent ihe insur reciion as making rapid progresa. The Duke de Terceira lins been orrested and ca.ifincd in the Tower o( lbo Fort. Tlt Junt al Oporto ha declarod fr Don Pudro Vih, and excluded the Quecn from the throne. The following aro extracte from privato letters ty the Acadia : IiONÍiOH, Nov. 'M. - The [ïrices for Amtrican ñutir wero dccltning, and 'X)á a 34s in bond, 3Ó6 a 36a duty paid, and thure uppears to be every resson to expoet thut thi pnce will be maintaind and as mucli confiJcnco dous not ' exist. In regard to Indian corn for the parcols actually on the way, 52s a 54s might be obtained per quarter. No demand for clovor st-ed. Livkkpooi., Nov. 3d. - VVesiern canal flout haa declined in ralbe. It has heen sold ín bond to day at the reduced pi ice of 31a per bbl. - Tiicro arebuyeraat HOs. The higli pnce of Indian Corn ia asenhed to its scaicity and large domands for Irel-md. It ia offcred to nrrive at CO per 430 pnunds without buyers. ÈirïKPOuLjfoy. 3J. - At preeciu Indian corn ia in exce'knt demand, and in wurehuuse hm been ■old as high as 57s to rrive soon. I; lian b ■ n sohi at i3i. Sovcial thousjnd barrels riour chinged handi W-day at 31. Indina meal 27s a 28 per bbl.