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Journal Of The Board Of Supervisors

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Fiuday, Nov. 17, 1846. The Board met pureuant to adjournmcnt. Freaent, all tbe Supervisors, except Mr. War ner. of Lima. Tlusbeing thediy assigned by the Board o Supervisors toapprove of l!.e Bond of the Coun ty Trtaaurer. electcd at tho General Election held in the county ol Waahtenaw, on the ti.irr úuy 01 November, A. D. 1846, pursuant, beid a the Clerfc'e office n the vill ge of Ann Arbor on the Seventeenih day of November, A. D 1846:- Sylvestcr Abel, Trenaurcr elcct, pre tented n bond wiih sureües for the failhful discharge of his duties as such Treasurer ol thr county ol Washtenaw : which bond was approver1 by the Board of Supervisor! end signed by tho Chairman and Secreiory of the Board. A Committee wasappointed, by the Chairman, consisting of Messra. Waite? Case ?nd Whitmore, to nadit and a!low iho accounts of hc County Canvawera at the General and Special Electie for the ycar A. D. 1Ö16 ; which committee reporled the amounia et opposite ihi the names of the County Cnnvassers. ta which they arereapectively entnled-which report xvas accep.ed aml "adopted, and the foHnng claims allo wed by the Board, vz : To Canvasers of General Election, $72 36 To do Special FJect.on. 47 4 To R. Wellmnn;, services ns Supervisor 1: day and 14 miles travel, iOn moMon in was resolved, that the sum 01 five doltorbeapfropriated to E. W. Morgan, to enable hífli to transcribe from the records of Ihe county of Wayne, to the Rectmte oflhis County, cerwin conveyaneea or evidences, ol titlota acertnin tract ofh.nd, eiwotediii the county of Washtenaw, near Tpsüanti, commonly known a the Frnch chim, or Godfroy tract. Mr. Case oflVed the followinji resolut'on : Resolved, That ihe Clerk of this Board be au Ihorizet? to draw an order on the couniy Treasüm, in layor of UieCommiesionemof Higbwayö ir ik tovDbip of Anr Arborr íot tbe sum oí two hundred dollar. pnrnart to nn order on thè County Conn for said county. to cnablc said Commisaioner of Hihway w build or repair certaia bridgen ia the townhip of Ann Arbor, 6dofddr w hnfUfvpf of lhf eonlinenl fundWhicli resoluiion, on niotion, was decidcd bv vois and nnys, in the negativo, as followar Veab - Messrs. CaSe, GedJes, LazcH,Tlmer, Salyer, Vnnclcve, Vellman- 7. - Mesars. Aulls, Cingdon, Forsylh, GiUci, Pomcrdy, Tibbuit?, Waito, WUitiaore -f?. Thereupon tho Öoard ao'journed sine die. ■ II ■ T-nMTli- MifTlii i fcMIÉ - ■ - Mi- IM