Fortune Making
A New York correspondent of the Charleston S. C. News, gives the foHowing- TIere, in Ann street, (Sweeny) isa man who drives his fast horse, takes his box at the opera, and can ccunt his hundred thousand, by keeping an eating house, where you can diñe for a "i ork shilling, and take a breaktast or tea for nine cents. A few steps off is a man, (Sherman) who has his houses and lots up town, and is probably worth $200,000, all made by selling medicaied lozenges, .. â - in.4or,5 yeare.. A printer (?J) near the hcad of Ann streef, wbo has turned his uention to tho publishment of cheapbooks, is making this year, twenty thousand dollars. Our Mayor, (Mickle) worth half a million, owes it to fine cut tobáceo, at three cents a paper. The author of Torn Sinpleton, an ingetiious lrishman, (J. M. Moore) has made twenty thousand dollars, chiefly by the publicaüonof the translalionsof thenovclsof Paul de Koek. He boasts that he is the only penny-aliner in N. Y. who livcs in his own house, and is supporledby his rents."
Human Interest
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Andrew H. Mickle
J. M. Moore
New York