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The Amislavery women ol Edinburyu linve prcsented Mr. Giinson a eilver ;ea-service, having the following inscrijiiion : " Presented fo VVm. Llotd Garridos, of Boston, U. S., By the (nends of Frcedom in Edinburgh, os on expression of iheir grathude for hia unwearicd ond successful exertions in ilie cause of the slave ; and for bis labors in exposing the crueliyonü wickedness of Slatery. " EniNBURGti. Oct. 21st, 1846. ': Job, 22ih chnpter. llth, 12th and J3ih verses, ' When the car beard me, ihen it blessetl mo ; ond when the eye saw me, it gae witness to me : Because I delivered the poor that cried, and the fathcrless, and him iliat had none to help him. The blessings of him ihal w&s ready tu perisli came upon me, and I cau3cd the widow's heart to sing for joy.' " The correspondent of the New York Express says that the constitutionality of the retrocession of Alexandria wilt be contested, and that Daniel Webster has been engaged as counsel in the case, Some thirty steamboats on tho Western vo ters are now liijbied witli gas, made by an apparatus on board each vessel, from the grease of the kuchen. J. Q. AcaM?. - This venerable min was seized wiih a paralysis of his left side, whüe walking in the streets of Boston, on Friday last. He Wob conveyed to his son's house in Moutit Verno st., and at last accounts was sornewhat restor ed. Mr. A. is sai d to, be nor aboutSO year of ago We ore in favor of combin.itions, eiiher o pecnniary.. physicjl or nteüectual átrength, os general thing, believing tho ratio of odvantage returned to every coRtribtitor is greater in proporrion from the unión, than wouldaccrue to his quota of means in the ether, or isolated,