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S T OR E Sign of the Big Anvil. Third Store south of the Sqtmre, m Main Street. THE Snbscriber, bavinf receivej his winter stock, would respectlully invite lo its inpection Country Dealtrs, Mechanica, mid Farïers. coiifident ihai they will find ihe assopmcnt a general and complete, and the pnces los uuh the additionnl charge lor tnn?port8tfqn oñ heavy goods) as 01 any establishment vï tlie kind n Detroit. His stock is comprised in part of ibe folio wine rüclei FOR BLACKSMITHS. Juniata. Swedcs. nnd Oíd ShüIc Dar Iron ; innata and Peru round ai.d squaio Imn, Iroui I6ili3 to 3 itichea; Band, Htwp, Stokj, nnd lorse Shoe Iron, uil sizcs ; Nyrwèjjian and Olil Sable Nail Rods ; American, Swedes, Kngliaii Jiistur.Geimnn, and Cast Steels. Allnny Sprin Steel, Albany iisaiic Wagon and Sent Sprmga. Wagon Boxcs. Slaigh and Cuite; SIioiíb, Mnleablo C-sting8 of every pussible forni, IIoiïw Nnils, Borax. Morse ShoeShapes. Bu2g JBhi1s, Annitage Mouse Holo and Wrigüt'a Auviis) Cottrel Keyod Viccs, West's Bellow?, Sledes and Hand Hammers, Hollow Augers, Files -Ind Rasps of every shape and size. FOR CARPF.NTEftS, A full ossortment of eaajern Benclt nnd Mou!dinglools; Plane Irons ; Millwrihi, Franiin.', Corner. Üuck Bill, Firmer, and Tuinin Clnsels; Millwriglir, Turning, and Firmer Gouges ; Concave, Concuve ]Sui, and Common ÁDgeri; Auger-hpped. Centre, Spoon. Gouga, nnd Gimblet Bitts ; Hand, Panel, Buck, Cornjiaas, and Keyhole Saws : Steel and Jron Squares ; Try Squares, and Bevels ; Spirit Lévela ; 2 nnd 4 lold Rules; Broad. Hand, nnd Nnrrow Axci; Adzes, Hammers, Setts of Braces and Bius. FOR BUILDERS. Cut Xails from 2d to COd, VVrou-lit Nnils, Broad head and Finishing Nnils, Cui Brads, Dry mul Mixed Lead, Lins:ed Oil ; " Bvlievtrnon" Glass from 7 by 9 to 10 by 14 ; American nnd Norfolk Lntches ; American nnd English Rmi, Monise, and Cottage Locks and Curehce, wuli Roscv.ood. Brass, Mineral, and Plated Knobs ; Casi, Tartff. and VVrought Butts; Screws. Bolts, üuor Beüs and FLrniturc, Brass Knockers, Citern Pumps. THE FARMERS,will fixJ cvery utensil th?y require. Axeq. Manure and Piich Forks. Iron and Cas: Steel Shovels aml Snades, Grnss and Cradle Sythes. Grain Scoops, Hoes. Grubbina Hoes, Si'raw Knives, Crowbnrs, Ptck Axes. Woul nnd Horse Carda, Horse Brushes and Curr7 Combs, Log, Trace. Coil, W rapping, and Halter Ciiams. HOUSEKEEPERS, can select from the moat splendid assorimenl of American and Enelish Tuble Cinleiy, Sneara, Scissors; Pen and Pocket Knivea; Bimer Knives, Iron. Brittannio, Germán Silver. nnd PUted IV and Table Spoons ; Britiannia Tea and Cofi.o Pols; Brnss, Jron. ond Brmnnnin Crtndlrs;icka and Lampa, Snuflèrs and Trays, Tea Trays, Brassand Iron Andirons, Shovels, nnd Ton, Brass Keiilcs nnd Pnils, Sad iron.. Jtc. &c, ioeiher with a large a6sortment of Aítíiny Cast COOK, PARLOR, & BOX STOVES, ail of wliich, hoving pwrehused lor Cosh, hes will offer at most reasonaMe terms. HENRY V. ffELhfJB. Ann Arbor, Der. 3, 1846. 2J:i-ly THE Gem of Sciencr, The advi cate of Science and Reform, devoied ta Ptunologr Phyflplqgy, Migiuüsin. and collat nl Sciences, wïih u Lai.ies' and 1iscellat;eoua ütpjrtiiient. Publislied Srmi-Momhly. E. H. SANFORD, EDITOR. SECOXD VOLUME. The present lacilities for publislung. and ihe increasing detnand lor int'orniation on tlie nüovo principies, have induced au ENLAKGKMENT OF THE GEM, and conscqueiitly the publicoiion of one Volume in tico, Quarlo l'onn. and on NEW TYPE, for preservaron and binding wnh an inc.'cx nnd (ide-pnge n( ihe cluse ol ilie 'uiuii)o n s'tx inontlib iroin ihe Iiiih of December, Jti4(j. CONTENTS, The contenía of ihe Gein are probabiy moro túsréeting to ihe true lover 01 Science, and to the devoied Student of Jfalurc, ihan ihuse of any similar paper in ihe United States. ín short, the moral tune of IS content, nnd its exposition of "HoMlt Tkuths." whióh will bè placed WITHIN THE REACH OF CVERY FAM, M;T; wtÜ render it doubly iniertsting unJ p;o(itable. The Gkm ok Science is ,.ul)lsl"ed nt FJFTY GENTS forïix nionths, or ONE DOLLAR a year in ndcanee. A liberal discount will l- made to Clubs nnd Agenis. Persons dvsiring 10 iil6critie. hrive only to endose ihe aruount 111 a letter, direcied to SAXFORD & BROTHERS. Publishers of the Gem of Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ET Editora whe will give ibis IVospeciu one, two, or three insertions, huil have rheft fa vors duly recinrocated. 29i-láw IN ATTACHMENT. Before E. Thcnson,. Justice of tho Peacov James GiUon and EJnathan Boisford V3. James Mulhollond". State of Michigak, Comuy of Washienow. 5 58TVTOTïCE is hereby given tfwt an attachmen JLl against the goods, challéis, fights. crediii oiODeya, and offects of the above namci dufendnnt, J;imes Mulholkind. an abecunding delito, has been taken out Irom brfore E. Thomson Esq.jj Jusiice of the Pcnce of ihe sard Couoty of Wwhtenaw, at ihe snit of Jumes Gibson, nnd Hnaihan Botsloid. Plaintifts, above nnmed an.l ihai ihe snid Defendant not appearing on ihe rcmrn dny ihercof. the cause is coniinued tóï lili the 6th dny of Mrch, 1647, nt one o'clock in the nfiernoon. ai the oflloe of said Jii-tice, ia tho of Ann Arbor, in iid Couniy. Jamks Gibson-, . .' Elíutha.v BorsFonn. pw'Ann Arbor, Dec. 5 Icii. 294-3 v