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Mt ltA &-íBntT? V ffTb T"i MT p J V 1 This excellent compound d for sale by the proprictor's Agems. MAYNAIlDS. 2(53-1 y _ " J. HOLMÉéT&TcO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEUS IN STAPLK AND VAtiCX DRY GOODS, j&ry Groceries Varpclhig, and p tpcr Mffangiugs, No. 63 jVoodward Avenue, LarnecVs Blode, Detroit. 1 H H.MKS. NñlC Yiirfc. S SI ttOLMBS, Dr.troit. ) WL lake tliismcihodo! inforiüüigour frieiulf n ! cuslöincrjihfoughout t!ie Öt:itc. ih i w.; .ire 3tU páráiiíng tïic even ter.or ofoni wJys, enJcivonng to do our business upon Lir and honorable pnncples. We wouid nlso teuL-r oar achöwledgmeata for the patronage ex ie iio. l tó usby our cnötomcrs, ond vould beg leave to c ïll the aitentton of the public to n very woll séteeted iíasortíñ'ent of stas-jnalilc Goods, %v üoh are otTared at jw!iole9fdö or retnij at verv lo w pnc-,3. Our Idciliiios ior parcha iñg Good are unaurpMSüd by ahy concern in th Siaie - One ofrhclinn. Mr. J. Holmes resides in tte cuy oï New JTrk, nd from his long cxpenencc in the Jobbing irada intlntciiy. nnd from hb iij"i.i''i knowlejliie of the marker, he is ena bl ■ ! i avail hunaelf of the auciiona anJ nny dscUoein pricea. We u?, puchase from ih Lnp irtersj Manüfaciurora Agéntt, and itooi the oucüdaa, by ihe yn2kigft lho sri!".e M 3' Y J ). ) puïjahase, ihua s-ivin? thetr prolitp.- Wuh iheso t.KJÜinoswe cm silely siy thal oui G - iSsVre said cueap tlr the evitlDcé of wind. wc Mivno tiiï niiCMiion of the public t. uui atocK Wü h!'l t the reat cardinal principie ol 'ltf ercaUil ■"' to l.'ic iriul: n-iui'jcr.". so if yoü wint ei !'y G o:U ■ r, and brty a faíg- v7'""" í tj or á Z-fí'í ittoifey ?ivo ua a Our stock Í3M éxteii3ivü asnriy in the city nnd anc , i -.r i rlv fecoiviHS aew and freh Gooda irotn 8W Yrk. W mi-; I. henD.e inannty oi good merehanta'V Wo il fur 'which the iiighest market prict wülbepa,d. t noLMFs & co Detroit. .hv2S, 1S4!). &W-ÍÍWE le' laave lo inform oar Wo..l Growmn irieiui?, tlial we sháfl b prepared lor the "TÓOjOOO lbs. i of q goo'd clcnn mercfi'anuibTe anido, as sooti na the aiï-ison fo seliir_! c .mmienfics, es we arij . connected with Ivistern wool daal rs. we Btiaii _. e oble io i'njf the hi-' ,ri.-.; t;.c Eastern mar kei will affrd. Gv.t co niWn was mHe Ia f s,- ..i Bin ►ngst lire Bafiern öealers and ., '., i,, rcierence to the i)0Of cnnditttHW .. M . i_' in W )l- -iuic! of 1 Uéirig i n ''■I r'i O 1 I .1 .h; !::m')1u portion b:iíí nnwh-l,, ,v)i..l Uere take occisión ;o reuifst Hui ._, tliü atiiD3i pains sVmld l.e tnken i Iwve ih . , . weit w kshed lefore sheinns. thni me ltf Wís be cui oir. 111 I tliat esdi Flecce bo e .:elully ue.l u,) w;üi proper wool iwine. (cosí 1:: io -'5 cis per Ib.) hemp twine is ihe best:itwi:i ba i'ound gre.itly lo Ui - .dvmi v: ■ ot Wool 0-row ersto put up their wool in this manner. In washed wool is not metcbintaWn, nnd will tc rcjected by most il' not all ofüie Wool buyera, 11 beiug diiïïcult w ieari: J. HOLMES & Co. WOODWAKD A VEN ÜK, Larnords BtocU . Dotroi., Mnrch26, IS46. 2r7-tf 1846. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. A. JWFARREN, SMART'S liLOCK, 137 JBFFKRSON AVENUE, DRT11OIT. KÈÜÉPS conatántly l'orsnlea complete a?sor. intiiu o! Miso-elhncous, Schooi and Cl.issic.i L{ oks, Lutter and Cap Pápcr, plam and rul ed, Quills, luk. Was, Cudery. Wrap pin" l'aiier. Printing Paper, ot all sizcs; an Booit, NcWs'nnd Cnnnister Ink. of vanons kinds. BLANK BOÜlCá, !utl and Ivilt bo;md. of ev ery vanety of RuUrtg, Meniorandum Books, &c. To Merchante, Teachers, and oihers, buying in .i'nntiiies, a larye discount made. 8 ibbath tJchool and iiible Society Dopositor.ATTENTIOM THE WORLD ! ! Free Trade and Tuilors Righls. TÈ-E eïuzens of Ann A'bor nnd viemity, of WusiuemwCouniy auil Counties adjoining. are informe,! ihit miw is the time 10 rt com toipblj. CLOTÍIED or.d FIXEÜ UP for n cold Winter. , _ . Tl.e very best kind of Cloths and Tnmn.inas c:m bê hbugU; cheap in Ann AiboiyLower rown, and there Isa TAlLOil opposue O. &, U Beckley'a Siure, wliocan'ibcouidoneany wIil-il in t.'iescpirts, ... u 11 : ia prepared 10 do work in tlio most tahíom:!e tí;.-:o. or foilow the directiona of lus cos ton.e-3, and bétrtg posapese.l of o siiare o! tljti Mik f lliinit i Kindness, bis terinsare establisbed on ifie principie of 'LFJ ASD LET LIVE." He has a peculiar tr.iit in hls clinrncter whicl. should be uotfeed, ir s aïrnnge, vei truo a.r raneo,- He teill oi Vuflate hi Prvmtu- Cumerscnn have ihêir -amionts at tiie time oecified FAHMKKS cm ba certAin of êopj ü-unL' easy teuing Glff.V.'T.VTW. an-l :.r. ii, ,.r ... I all kinis f MODUVh (cxcei. ci!:itr') wiïi bc taken in èxchfthgè !or lus scrvi cea He cuw to order, nnd liis garnients are surf to fit iíproperly .nado ,.p. y 'jggí Ann Arl,r.rf Lnwr-r Tnwn. Dec T; IHÏ. LINSEED OILÜ npHE Subscribir 3 mnnufiuMnring Linsect' J. Oil ou an ext'ensiyJB scalu and lic ia able lo mMERCHANTS AMD PAINTERS. on terina more favorable for tficti! than have cvet bdorc been oiFered In fhis country, ond lie f prenarèd to Bupply ordera r..r largc or si.k.iI quan tit!C9 at prices extremdy low. KT Comniuuications by mail vill be prompt lyattendelto. LATOÜRETTE. Long Lakc, Gencsec Co. Midi. 2d-5-ly jvorïcn. WHKRKAS. my wie Ëloa Ann, hos lef my bed nn'd board, without nny cnuse or p'róvocatton. This t therefore to f.)ilid bII pert-jiiaharboriníí or tnistinu her en my account af I shaü pay no debts ol Hor eontracnng after tint G. HUNTKil. J3,eió. Dee, ?„ -vrt-?. MEDICAL BOOKS. ANFAVlotof Medical IJjoka. just opEnci and for ualo t-heap for cash at Juno 15. 27Ü-tf Pf.rhy'sPB. RVPLEY woiild say to his friends nnd the Iriendrt of Temper; nee, ihat lie h e taken the Teniperanco' House, htcly kepi by Wrn. G. Wheaton, whcro he would be piad o waitupon ihem. Hiy and Oat -Uid Stabbliog u accommodate teams. Detroit, January 1, 184ti '■■■"";- ''--". - -- EËATHEii! LEATHER! LEATHER! "Cl LDRED & CO., No. 123, Jefferson Avenue, '-'Eldred's Block," Detroit, takc ai this opportunity lo intorm their customers, and the public generally, that they still continue to keep on hand a full assortiment of Spinish S.le Leather, 1 Also, Lnsis nnd Pcgs, Curriers' Toóla, &c. Slnughtercd do Horsc and Collar Lc;n lier, Ilemiock tanncd Upper Leather, Coidov.ui do O.ik " " " Morocco Skins, Fn-nchtnnncd Culf Skin?. Puil du Oak and lJcinlm.U cuincd do Goot Binding, Heiqlocjt tnnned üürnessaiul Bridlc Leaiher, Uecr au-1 Lamb do OaU l' ' " Í White and Colored Linings, Rag and Tup Lenthcr, Prinied do Skining, Philanelphin nnd Oliio; Shoe Russet dd inïng?, and Kit ol nll kinds. Astho Subscribers are now manufneturin'g their own Leather, they are prepared lo se.H as low nscan be purchased in bh market. Merchnnts a'.ni manufacturers will find it to their advantagc to cali and examine our siovk hefore yiurchasing elsewlierft. jTr'Ciis! and Leather exchanged for Hides ancSkins. ELDRED & CO. Detroit, Jan. 1816. 248-1 yNEW GOODS! Cheap for Cash!! rH'E S'.ii'sciibers bcg Icayo t: inform theit !d custouiursj and the public gsnernlly. liat thcy are now receivinga lnree ad ?plenrJid ssoriroenl ol English, American and Wts! „■Uu. goods, Cróökéfy, Shel f Hardware, Paints, Oils, Dycslujjs, Drugs and Medicines. AÍ.só a general hásorthierít of JRON. suitable ir írorting Whrgon8 áiid Bnggíea, I use Shocs. and Qorso Nnils, Sheci I.-oo. Tin Vare nnd Tin {Píate - also íi general assortlent oí boots ziwr.s, rck nnd thin sale work, and cüátbrf) work to mt purebasers. AII of which 'licy will rell on je luwest [íussilj.'c lermsfur t'.i.n or I::ti:k. 'eelijíí! c.'nli;cnt os e do, th'itt wa enn tnake for ih inicrcsi ufnll ih ■. vyíshing to pur!ast: ñny of s'ic ñbovfl inentioncJ Góddsj wo o mos: e 11 nestly solicit al least nn ínvesijgaiiuii I 'our Goidí on'l priets lieióre purchasing clsehere. JAMES GIRSON & CO. Ao. 3. Excjutitge JBlocIc Ann Arbor. J-ower Towii, ept. 14, 1846. 2j-tf CLOCKS AND WATCHES ! ! êoi rïlilE Subscriberhasjusl R,uu - JL received, (and is conJr v7jj s'.intíy receiving) fioin 7 tjLL New York au elegant ard jia s, )sgSb wcll selected assortmcnl Jcwelry, CíocIís, TVaíchcs, 5íc. &.c. wiiicii lio intends u sc!l :. It ic lis nt any ítiicr.Tabüslnnerit iliis tide oí Buffalo lor rcady Jim onlij aniong wl.icli may be found thelollow Dif: a iLcod a.-soriint-ii! c. 'Gol. I Fiñger Rings, GoldlJrwisi pins.Wristlets Gaard Cliniusnoi! Reye, Silveí Spoons. Gemían Silvcr Téá and T;iMe Spoons (first qunliiy.) Olivar and Germen do Sugur Tongs, Silver Saií,Mi.;:an: ji ■ i .jm spoons. Butter Knivcs, Gol] mol Silyer Pahcil Cases, Gl' Poncils, Siíi ■ - Siívér Thimbles. ,er pcctaclcs, Germán and Steel do. Goggles, Clotlies, Ilair and Tootli ürushes, LatherBrushes, Rozorsand Pocket Khives. Fine Shorjrs i:vl Scisíors. Knivcsiind Forks, UritianniaTen Po'.sand Cas'.ors. Plated, Brase, an'l Brutinia Cand'esticks, Snutiers í Trays, Shavins hn.vosand Sonps. Cliapinan's Best Razor Strop. Calfand Morocco Waüeis. SilU and Cotton purses. Violins and Bowa. Violin and Bass Vial Strings, Flutcs, Mies. Clarionets. Accordtons- Muüíc Books tor the same. Motto SeaU. Steel Pens and Tweezers, Pen cases. Snuflond Totiacco boxes. Ivory Dressing Combs, Side and Back and PockctCombs. NecHe cases. Stelettoes, WatcrPamts nnd Brnahes, Toy VVatcnes. a great variety ol Dolls. in short the sreatest variety of toys ever )rotight to tliis market, Fancy work boxes, chilIren's ten setts. Coloctie U.tir Oils, Pniclling Salís. CourtPlas'er. Ten Bells, Thermometers. Germán Pipes, AVood Pcncils. BRASS AND WOOD CI.OCKS. &.C in fact nhnost every hing to please ihe fancy. Ladlcs and Gentlenen, cail and examine for yoiuselvcs. Ciocks. Watches and Jewelry repnired and wnrranted on short notice. Shop at his old tand, opposite H. Becker'sbrick Store, in the Store occupuedby M. Whee.ej, N. B.- Cash paid for old Gold & Silver. Ann Arbor, July Ist. JSlG. 27I-lyT J. R. CliAiNK woulil rospeciluüy notify Jj tlie citizens ofAnn Arl-or, and ihc surrouiKÜiiir country, tliat he continúes to acias irorii of ihe HERTFORD EÍRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ind will nsure Pruperiy agninat loases hy Firc, ii ihelowes' mes, nrid witli despatch and acen'icy. The Hartford Insu-mue OoMptny iy onr ..f the olilcst and most einlle in the country, aña ill loKS'.-ssustaiücd ly tlicm wil! !"- ns tliey cv-r IÏOTC llOCtl - IMïo-.M'TI.V P.A1D I FÏT ÍS i. (füticer,)iis element and not to be trifled witli: ;herefore. mnkeup your mfnd t guard against, it aml don1 r uklaï 1 A íow houi8 dtlay nuiy be your ruin. _, , Mr. Ckanf.'s Office 9 in Cronc's new Elock, corner oí tlie PuMic Square, Ann Aibor. ÍO-tf TEETH! TE ET II!! TEETIIH! MÁSTIC ATION and Articulaüon, worrómed by Üieir beins propcrly rS. 3. ÏSURKETT, will oominuc the prucfice oi DCN MiTR T in ill its vnrious branche, viz : S col ing, I'illmg, md Insertinïon gol'l plütes or pivyts. from one to nu cutiré Rftit. Oíd pintes or misfiw remodcd. a'n'd made cqual to new. CFrlCE over C. B. Thoaipson & Co.'s Shoe Stoi e. Lnü"s who request it, can bc waited on il thcir d welling. N. B Charpes unnsuaüy ow, and all kinds oiraODUCF. taken. Ann Arbor; Dec. o, 1846. 293-tl CLOVER MACHINES. THRASniNO MACIIINF.S anrf Seperntors are made nnd sold by -lic 8ubBcriberB,ot iheir Machine Shop, near ibe Paper Will, Lowcr Town, Ann Arbor, KNAPP &. HAVILANU, Jon. 19,1846. Q4r fTHíO undersigm.d liaving nurrhnsed ihe interesisofhis pnrincrin lie Mifrble Busiíiésa. vohH informthe nhahiiairsof ihisaml rnljotning vuinñes, ihat he conjiiiuea ilic iii.-inc.s at the Id Btnná in Upper 1öwn, neár the Prebyierian Church. where he wil! wániífaeiiiM to nrriér, Mcnuments, Grwc Síoncs Paint Sl07ie, Talléis, Se. Sfc. Those wishing t oLiiin nny nriiile in hisline of business wijl fiiicl ly calliug ihat hf lias ín assortfiifiiit of Wliiie and Yanegntcd Mirble rom the Eastern Mnrble Quirrie9. which will be wrouiilit in Modern siylt. and sold at eastern prices. .-uMing transportation nly. Cali nnd gd ihe'proof. 3. VT. ROCKWFJ.L. Ann Arbor. July P, J84g. 27'2 ïy Cheap Hardware Stcrc. THE Subscriber tnkcs this tnethod a inform liis old customere and the public goijotnliy that hestillconiinues io keep fi largoand genera] assortment of Foreign 5'nd Doir.estic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Aleo. Spike. VVrouglit. Cut and Hore Shoe Naifn, GIa?3. Sheet Iran, Hoop Iron, Sheet and BarLead, Zync. Biight and Ancaicu Wire. Aiolósscs Gntesand Fafetis, Mili Savvs. Cross Cm Saws, Hand :ind VVood Snwt. Dack and Kcy Hole Saws, Anvils. Vier?. H(ïllows,Ailzes,Cooper's looi., Dinwing linives, Spoke Shaves. Tap Borcrs, Cast Siecl Auyurs, Common Auïms, Augur Ititrs. Ho'llbw Augufs, Steel and Iion Squares. Groucd Piaster, Water Lime, GrindJSiones, Poiash,C;ddronand SiígnirKettlé, Cable.' Lpff. Trace imd Halter Chain?. Broad. Hand and Narrow Axcs, Spirit and Plumli Levels. foïfetlièr with n ■jeneral assorttr.ent of Hollew Ware, whicli will be sold low for Cash o npproved credit at 123, Jeflorson Avenue. Eidrêd's Ulock. R. MARVIN. Detroit. Jan. 16th. 184G. 2-lfi-1yBLÁÑKS. Warranty Deeds, QuiT-Cr.AiM Deeds, MORTCAGES, ClIATTEL MóltTGACES, Sl.'MMOXSES, subpcenas, Attach.ments, ExECUTIOXS, Leas es, Mastêrs' Deeds, FoRECLOStTRES IN ClIANCERY, Marriace Certificates. The abovc are printed on good paper, afier the most approved forms, and ca be had by tl. e tingle, dozen, quire, or hundred, "at the Sigual Office, Ann Arbor, Lov.or Town. November 1, 1846. OYSTERS ! O YSTERS f ! OYSTERSÜ ROWE & Co., having :horougli!y coinilfttoJ their Ïirangemeni8, ore nuw prepared ti urnisli the ciüzsna of Detroit dhd vicinity witb OYSTERS! Of a superior qualily, at the lowest prices. They uitend niaking a regular busiiU'&J of it, and ■svïll reccive daily. by express. and keep constantly mi hand, SHELL and ' OPENED OXSTEI$So a qu.-iliiy that ennnot bc surpaaseir. - Tla-y wil! be p.uj in Cans or Ko?a tliut liold fron, onc quart lo iwn gallons. V"c dó not wish you to tüKe our word ior the abovo, but lo cali and iy ns. CF All ordnrs left at the Rail ïload ilotel. or sent by mail will meet willi immediatc at[ention. ROWF. & Co. Bnfftlo, W.M.MATIIKWS. A-jt. Detroit. p. S. Oy8ters dclivered to any part of the city free of charge. Detroit, 184G. 235-3m C CLARK, Attorney and Counselor, and Juttico of tke Peacc- Office, Coun House, Ann ArUofc 29Jtf) Kar vsss PHE prcccding liguro is given to represen ihe Insensible l'erspiraiion. h is ilie grei vacuiiion lor the iinpuiitie of the body. h will ' e noiiced Una i iliick. cloudy mist issues from 11 Kiiots of ihe suifaoe, which indícales thai ,us perspirntion flows unimerruptedly whun we re in Health; bui ceases when wo are sick. Li'c annot be suainioed whlioui it. It is llirown o il rom i'ue blood and other juicos ot' ihe body. nd disposes b'y this meaiis. of nearly all the imuiiiics within us. The blond. ly tlus rncans nly, works Hs-ell pure. The lungunge of Scrip ure is, "in the Blood is lbo Lite." It it ever lecumea inipuie. it inny be imced directly to the toppage of the Insensible l'eispiration. lt never equiifs tiny inlern:il medicines to clcanse il, as t always piniiics itsolf by as own heat nndaclon. aiid throwa olV a'l ihe ofiendmg hnmors. hroiM'li ihe Insensible Perspirsiion. Thus we ieé alïthat is nccessary vhen the blood is stni;ïnm, or inlected, is 10 open t!ie pores, andit reieves iisfillroin i:ll iinpurity insianily. Iisown ïeat and viinlitv nre sufficient, wiihoot one pariele of medicine, excepi 10 open the poiesupon liesurface. Tlus we 8Oe ihe tolly oi tok ing so nnch iniernal remcdica. All prac;itvoners, howver. direci their cfforia to restore the insensible icrspiiatioii, luit it lo bc not always the proper one. The Thompson ian, tor insiance itea::is. ihe Hydppn!liisi shrouds nsin wetblankita. the Hortfapatl stdcaliout infitiitisiiiKil, tlic Alloo.iilrst bkciiaand doses us with mercury.and the bluste: ing Quack gorges us w;th pills, pills. iil!a. To give someideaof tlieamnunt of thclnscn siblc l'erspiration, we will state that t!)y learnei! Dr. Lewenhóck. and the gieat Derhaavc. aocerlained thai five-cighthsoi nll we receive ulo the stomach; passed ofl" by this mcans. In ottior words, if we cat and drink eight pounda per day. wc vccuote fivc pounds of it by the Insensible r,T.-;ur.uion. rhi9 is iwae otlicr tlnn the used np pnrticles of the bloo.l. and other juiet givitijg place to ihe new and ires! ones. To check iln6r ilierelore. is to retain in ihe eystem fiV-éfghihs ot uil the virtilent matierthat nature detnandd thouldleavc hctioriy. Andeven when this is the case, the bfjod ifi of so active a principie, that it deiermines t' osc paiticles to the ski.i, wlieio they form scal.s, pimples, uleers. and oihsrspois. By n sudde:) tmnsition ironi heat to cold, ihe pores me stopped, the prspiianon eeases, and discase hegins at once lo develope itself. Henee, n stoppnge of iliis ilosv of the juices, originales so niany cori)piainte. It is by stopping the pores, nat ovcrwnelms mankind wiih ciiyiis. eol-ls, aml oonsumpüons. Nine-ienihs of the world dio froni diseases in.luced by a sioppago ot tha Ivsensiblc Perspira non. Itis eaily 8cen, thorcforc, how neecssiry is the fl.w of ihissubtle humor to tlio surfaee. to preserve health. It cannoi hu stopped; itcannot hoeven checked, wiiiiout inducuig diseaso. Let me osk now, bfcry can.lid iiund, what course Bccms the most reasonablc 10 puisue. to unsióp ilic pores, nfier théy are closed? VVould you glyd physic tounsiop tne poresf Or wouUl you npply sjmething thai woukl do ibis upon ihe surface, where the cloggirtg nctually is? Would not iliis be common sensei And yt-t I knowot no pliysician who makes any external applicaiion to e)le;t it. The reason I assgn i?, that no medicine within their knowledge. is capable of doing it. Under these circumstances, 1 pres:nt to p'iystcians, and to all others, a preparation thnt Ins this power in itsfullest extent. Il is Mc AL STE1VS ALL HEALING OINTMENT, orthe WORLD] S SALVE! It has power to restore pprapiration on the feet, on tho head, around old sores, upon iho chest. in short, upon anypartol the body. whciher diseased tlightly or severely.It has power to cause ni 1 externa! sores, scroulonshumors. skin diseares. pbiéohóUB Woüüds, [o discharge their putr.d matter, and then hcals ihem. _.'_ , . It is n rcmedy tlint sweeps ofí the whole catalogue of cutnncous disorders, and restores the entire cuticle to italièalttiy fubctío'ns. It 9 a retnedy that forbids the necessity of so many and deloteiious drugs taken inio the stomach. It isa rcmedy that neither sickens, gives tnconvenlence. or is dangerous to the intesiïnee. lt preserves and defends the ïiirface froni all derangement of its lunctions. while it keeps open tlTe channels for the blood to void all ils impuriiies and dispose o!' all its useless particles. The snrface is thc outlct of five-ei..liths of the bun nnd used up n:atter wiihin. It is pierced wr.h millions ol openings to relieve the intcs-íes. Stop up these pores, and denth knocks at your door. It is rightly termed All-Healing. íor there is scarcely a disoase, external or iniernal. that it will not beuefit. I havo uscJ it for the last fiurtetm years, tbr all discases of tht ehest, consuniption. liver, invoiving iho utmosi dangtír and rcsponibility, and I declare beí'oriHeaveii and man, tliat notin one single case ha? it failed to beiufi!, vihen tlie patiënt was wiíhrn the reaclï of mortal means. I hnve liad physicians, learned in the profession; 1 have had ministers of the Gospel. Judgesun the Hencb, Aldernien a;:d Lawyers. gen demo ol'tlie highesterudition and multitudes ol the pour, usc it in every vnricty of wny, nnd there hnsbeen but one voice, one nnited, universal voice, saying, uMcAlister, your Ointmentis good!" COHSTJMPTIOIÍ. It can hardly be crcdited that a salve can have ririy elloct upon ihe lünge, teatcd as thry are within the system. Bat wcsuy once for all, ihai this Ointinent will rench thc luns quicker than nny medicine that cnu be given iiuernally. Thus. i! placed upon the chest. it penetrales dircctly to thc lungs. sopnrntra the poisonous purticles thai are consuming ihem, and expela tiiem from the systsm. I neod not say that it is curinj: persons of Consiui.ption coniiuually, oUllough we are told it ir locilisliiH'fs. I care notwhat is sa:d. so long at I can cure severa] thusai)tl persons yearly. HKAl) ACIiK. This Salve has cured persons of the Ilead Achc ot 1-J years standing, and who had ii regulnrl) every wet-k, so tint vomiiing of en took pluce. Dcafnt8s and Ear Ache are lu,-!ped wuli tin lik e success. as also Ague in the Face. coi.i vévr. CoMsumption. Liver contpliiint, pains in tlie chest or siile, fallinj of théhoir, oneor ihc othet aluayg nccvimpanies clJ ft-et. It is a sure sign of diperise in tho sysiem to havo ccld feer. Thc Salve will restore the Insensible Perspiration nnd thus enre overj' onfc. In Scrofula. KryMpehis and Snit Rhniim, and other diseasesof this tinture, no iniernnl remcdy has yct been discoverod ihat is o good. Thf prime may be said of Bronchitis, Quincy, Son Throat, Pilts, Spinal Discases, or Sorc Ureast, &c. % And as for the Chcst Diseagns, sueli as Asth mn. Pain, Oppression nnd tbc like, it isthemosi wondcriul antidoto in tho World. F-r Livor Ccmplaint it is equally eflicacious: Tor linrns it hs not has iisono! in the World: }qo, FxcreGcnces of every kmd. such as Warts. Tumors, Pimples. &c, it makes clean work oi them all. SOKK KYK8. The inflnmmation and disenso always lirsboc! of the bnl! of the eyp in ll.e soeket. Ilcnce tin vjrtue of a:iy medicine must rench thc tem o thr nflamatton or it will du littJc cood. Th S-üvc. if rubbed on the ttfnfpUsi will ponotrnt dircctly into thoeorket. Thc pores will boopen n'l. n proper perspimtiop will IjQcrt'ated and th discase will soon pnss offio the surlace. P1MIT.ES ON THE 1ACK. KBECKKS, TAN, MASCULIKE SKIN, CROSS SURFACE. lts fiist uttion ttoexolall humo. Itwilj ff)t cense ilr;iir.g till ilie t:ice 's IV e c trom any "I isïcer tliat inny hu Jödgetl imder thfi skin an-y 1 equently breaking out lo ilio surlacc. li Uien cais. U'ls'jn there is noihing uut grossness, ! all rnpulsivc (jürfaco, it bègiira to sonen and jlten uutil the skin becomes assniooth and 't!iiitc ns a cliüd'e. ít throwíi a i'rcshness uiui lushing color upon the now white, transpareni kin. tli ii t is pcrfectly cnchnniing. Some times i case oS Frecklee it wiil lirst sinrt out thosc 4; Inin biddeuanr] seen huiecldom. Purud the Sulve and all will soon disappear. WOUMS. If pnrcnts knew how fatal most med. cines werc r o chiklien tnken inwardly, they would be slow o resoit to thc:n. Especilly 'mercurial lozeno ;cs," called "inedicaied loaenges," pilla, &c. j L'hc truth is. no onc can teil, invariably, wlién voritis aro present. New lei me suy to purents. u hat this Snlve will alwoys teil ií a cliild ha 1 vorms. It will drive evcry vestigt of thein as ,vay. This i? n simple and sn!c cure. 1 Th ere is probably no medicino on the face of 1 hoeanh at once so sure and eo safe in tho ext jii'sioii of worms. Jt wuitld bc cruel, nny wicked, to givc iniers nal. {Joubtful medicines, so long as a hariiilcs, í exvernal one could bc lidd. lOir.KT. Alihonsh I have snid linie aboui it ns a hair rsatoraiive, yct I will stake itn;!iinst ihe World! Tliey nmy btllig tlieir Oils iar and neiir, nnd I mine will restore ih'e hnirtwo cases to their one. t)t.D SOKKS. MOKT IKICTIONS, UI.CKKS, 1".TC ' Thnt sonic Sores aie a'n ouilct to tiio ' tJe i(' thesystem, is becaugc tliey cannot pnss I off throuiili ihü nam al cliannels of the ' !le l'erspiration. ]f sucli sorus :ire healcd up, th; impüritica must have some other outlel. or it will endnnger lifc. This is the roason 8 impolitic to use the common Salve of ilio day in such enses. For ihey have no power to open other avenues, to let off tilia morbid matter, and the consequences are alwnys fatal. This Salve willolways provide for such cmcrfícncies. DISEASEt OF HIII.IIKEN. How many ihousands are swept rff ly givinf internnl medicines, whan their yoúñg bodicH and tender frames are arfablé to benr up agoiisi theni? Whole arniiea are thu tent to tlmir ravc9 mercly Irom pouring into their weak stomachs powerful diugs ond physics! It is to such that the All-íícnling Ointment tenders se safe, pleasant, and harmless a cure Such can ses as Croup. Cholic. Cliolera infantum. Worms, and all Summcr Complaints. by which so many chiltlren die, the Ointment will remove so speedily and surtly, ihaï a physician will ncver hi nceded. Mothcrs! throughout all this bnd. wc now solomnly and sncredly dcclato to you that ihe All-Healing Ointment will s.ivi; your chil'írcn f rom nn early gravo i f you will use it. We are not now actuated by the lenst desiie to cain; but knowing as we do that va&! bodie3 of inlants ond chüdren die early; wliich is sitpposed to be inevitable and impossihle to prevent, we hold up our warning voice, ;ind (tflóltire ri the íace oí the whole world. C1Í1LDREN iNF.ED NO']1 DIE MORE THÁN OTHERSÜ But it is from the want ef proper nourisbmcnt nnd the constnnt dtugging they undt rgo which mows Uiem down as the rank graas falls bcfore the scythe. Moihcrs! we repeat agnin. and if ihey were the last worJs we wero ever to utter, nnd o; course past the rench of all interest, wc would say. "usethe AU-IIcaling Otniment for sickness among children." HllEl'JlJlTISM. It removes nl most immcdiately the inflainalion and swclling, when the pain oi' course ccaues. Fr.VKRS. Tn cases of fcver, the rlifficulty lies in the pores being loeked up, so that the heat and persp:ration ennnot pafs off. U the lenst moisture could he started, the crisis ia passed and tbc danuer over. The All-Healing Oiminent wil in all cuses of fcvers almost instünily uiilock the skfó and bring forth the perspírñtion. Py.NAt.H (JMVI.AINIS. Inflnmation oí tho kidneyö, of tho v.onib, anc itsialling down, weaknesB, and irregulaiiiy; ii short, uil thoso difficuhies wbiih are frequen itfi femalcs. fint! reédy and permanent relief Wo have had Bged Indies teil ns thoy could not live six inonihs without it. Bui to femalrs abou to become ntoihers. if used for some weeks aiue cedtnt to their confinenmnt. very ftw oi (hosc milis and co.nvulsions which attend tlcm at th'a period will be feit. Thisfact oughl to beknowr hc world over. SC.W.n UK AD. Wc have cured cases that octunlly clefietleve rything known, ns well as the ability of fifieer or twenty doctors. One man told us he hac spent$500 on his children without any benefit when a few boxes of the Ointment cured themCOK NS. Peoplc need nevcr be troubled witfi jlicm if ihcy will uso it. Ás n FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can mensure ís valué. So lonir ns the stars roli along over the Heavens - so long ns man treads thc enrth, subject lo all i he infirniities oí üil f]csn - g0 long as disense and sickness s known - just so lonsjwill this Ointment be used and esleemed. Whcn nnn censes frorn ofl'the eartli, then thedemand willcease. and noi lili ihen. To allay a!l opprchensions on account of its ingredieiits. in possessingsuch powei ful proporties, wc wÜlsiaie tliat it is composed oí some o! the most eommon and harmless herls in cxistence Tliere s no mercury init, asean lie -een from the fact tliat itdoes notinjure the skinone partido, while it wili pass tbtdugh and piíysic the bowels. JAM ES McALISTER & CO. 1C8 South street. N. York. Solé proprictor of the aboye Medicine, te whom all Communications must be addressed (postpaid). PriccíZó centsand óO cents. ICTCAUTIONrt] As the AHUealinj; Ointinent has been srreatIy counterfeited, we have giyen this caution to the public, that "no Ointnunt wil! be genuitie unk'Ss (lie ñames of James HïcAlister, or James M'jAlisier& Co., are wiitton witli a pen upon evcry lubel." Thc label is n sieel ciiijraviiig. with the figure of "luéensiblo Terspiration" on the face. Now weherel.y offür a rewawl of $500. (o br paid on cunvictiun. in any oi' the constitmed courts ol ilie United States, of any individual coiinterfeiiiníí oir name and Ointment. MAYNARD'S. Ann Aibor, Whólëêalo A2ents; Smilh fe Tyrell, Clinton: Ketchiim & Smilh, Tccumseli; ü. C. Whitwuod, Dexier; if.t ]}jw(ir, Maiichesier; John Owen & Co., Deroit; Ilarman c Cook, Brookiyn. Deo. 13, 1Ö45. " 2-14- ïy Obi Hand Again ! rïïHE Subscriber would rcspecifully JL noiify the public, that iie is tucnted once more in the vil lage of Ann Aibor, and is prepnred to accommodatc ilie comniunity wuli a chotee and vy?U sf-lected BSOrtnifini of HLSW EarOODS, fuisisiinc óf I)i:y Goony, Gtíóciíftns. IIaiü)Wake, I'oois a.M) Shoks. Ckdck) iiv. fcc. &c. which he will sell for JtF.ADY l'AY as plieiip ■is ilie same quality ol Gooda can be had al un other store in town. rcrsiins Who wish to make purchnsesfor Cnsli. it Cafh l'rices, will do well tü ca!J before purchasins; clscwliere. Dy keeping thc first quality of anieles, by sel I ing at email profits, and by a fair and honorable 'oursc in busincgs, he e.pecis to inerit a libeial ■jhnre of public páiroringe. Mostkindaof COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken In paynient ior Gooda O Don1 1 for gr.1 thc place. - on the East Sidc of' Main strekt, n few dours south of the Pulilic Square, in the oamo store with C. J5liss. Joweler. M. W11!;FI.F.R. Anu Arbor. Nov. 24, I?G. 292tf FIRE AMD DISSQLimON. NOTICE is hereby givon that the Coi)'iriiiers!ip beretw'.ore exis in hetwet)H tin Sul gjrihers, i? ihiö dny dissolved by miiiuíd con ;nt. All pereons indcbied m snitl finn. are rcqiifsted io cali f.nibwiili and sctili'. as our !osv fire ifnder8 it n'-fpssary ihat imn'ediruo jinynent sboulil he made. The accounis are lelt with Sabin Fe!ch. at the ólri stand. SABüN FKI.CÏI. K MANUEL MANN. Ann Abcr? Nov. 14, 184G. N. 13. 6. Felch wifl continuo in tho üoot, hoe, & Leniher business, ns tisonl, vvïipre h lopes tbat all his old patrnnB, tind the pubUf eenerally will faver hiir. with thoir patronage. 291-3iü SABIN FELCH.300KS! BOOKSÜ AT FERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC JTM1K undersignèd havlng remrned fröm New JL York with a ncw, laio and valuablc stock r looks, Stationery and Paper Hangings, ; now rem! y to sell for Cash, any thilfg in lus nc it !is luw stand on Mam streel, oppote 11. l'ecker's Biick Store, fle will sny to !ook purdiascrs. tliai. by his efFtits lust fali on ■ is re1 urn frprjn New York. the price of nearly vcry thins in his line hus been sold less ifinn eretufore. nud had it hot been ior liim, piuciuiera woül'd have c'onjinued lo pay tlie priceaheieufoic charged. He can say also. thnt his sales liave been ' ■oml his most Bpriguirfo expoctations. sliovin! i oncluBTvely that a public benefactor. nlthoiiLjli ver so sniüll. will not go uniowarded in ighteited comiminity. He 3 thnnkful ir tho nvorsalrendy bestowed. j md would rcspt'ciiuüy Solicita coniinuance ofthe u rade: and he would s.iy lii hose who never liave (iirclfasod liooks oí hini. Ihnt he will thow theni irticles and piicea with pieasure a1 any time t hcy may cali wheiher ihey wïsh to purehase oí s ior. ( C.=n orders from the country wi'i bc nttonded o, and the books packcd as well ns if ihe ]n:t;ons were pret-ent to nttend llie purchasesi He ,vill also bell to c!iild:en ns cheap as their . entsi. l'urchasRis will do well to examine his stock ind prices before pirrchaéing clsewhere. DoiVl. f orgel the place; be surc yon cali rrPERRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main Street, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PEHRY. Ann Arbor, June 27, 1846. '269-tf THRESHING MACHINES, THE under8irnnd would infurrh ibe public tliat he mantilactures Morte Powers a.u! 'iircshiiii; Machines at Ocio, ol u superior kind ïventcd by binisell. Tlus) Povvers .uid Mnchines are partictilarl} daptëd to the iibi; of Fanneis who wieh to us( !iem lor llireshing their uwn Kr;in. The powr, thtesherand fixtures can all be loaded into n ommon sized wagon box nnd dr.iwn wiili oncjair of horses. 1'lmy ai e designed to be usimí vith four horses. and are abundanily at[ong loi hat nu'rhbcr, nnd may bc safe f y uscd with six öi ight horses wiili proper crire. They wor-k wíílí e988frengl}i"ol l;órsea bccording totiieamoi.m ol (iisinesí done than ènyotheï power, and will hresli peneral'y about '-()ü bushels wlu-nt pei lay with four horses. In one instance 15 )ii&liels wherit were ihreshed in three hourt with (uur horses. This I'ower and Machine contain all the advnntaes neerssary to niake tlicm pröl'nabic to bc nurduser. 'J'hry are stront} and durable. - J'h'y are ensily moved Ironi onc plice to ano i lier. The work of tbc vnses is easy on fhew loweis in con piirison ro oliers. nnd the price h L.OWER. tbnn any other power and macbine. lave ever been so'd in the State, uccordin to the innl vnlué. The teims of payment 'will be libe ral for noles thut are known to be absolutely good. I liave a number of Powcra and Machine now ready for snle and persons wisjiing to Lu) aje invitcd to cal! sooii. CLKANERP. I expect to be prepared wi lvn a few days ti niake (Jleaners for tliose wjio may want thon;. The utility and ndyonlages of this Power and Machine will appcar evident to all on cAaininini! Mie rcêrtrh'mendnffonè héióW; AU per?uiis aro catuiwned ognihát rhakíiic ilirse Powers and Mnrliiiif-s: the nndcrsignei' having adoptcd liic necessary nieasures lor seou ring letters pnleht for the saine within the time requircd by lavr. S: W. FOSTER. Scio, "VVashlormw Co., Mioh.. JuriélÖ, 1316 RECOJIMEXDATlñN-S.Dnrinr the yenr li?45, eachof' lio undersigneH purchased and iised eithcr individunüy or jointly wiih others, oi;o of S. W. Foster's ncwly n venled Horse Powers nnd thieshing ninchinrá. nnd hclif-e they are butler adapied tq the iise of Partners who want Powers nnd Mncliim-s foi their own ise thnn nny oihcr power and thresher wiiliin our knowíecigo. They are calculntcd to bc used with J'uiir horsas nnd are oí ampie etrength for thnt immber. Tliey npp,-ir to Ih constructed in such n mnnner aa to ren der thom vory durable wiili linio I;ibi!íty oí' otiiníj out o' order, 'f hey are e.isily moved from one plací to anoiher. They can be worked wiih nny mini her ofbnnJs from fonr to tight, and wilt ilrresl: abo ut 200 bushels wheai per dny. J. POLHEIvIUS, Scio, Washtenaw co G. BLOOD, f T. HICriARDSOIST, SAMUEL HEALY, 3. P. FOSTER, ♦ t N. A. PF1KLPS, ii ADAM SMITÍI, J. M. BOWEiN, Lima. " WM; WALKER. Webster, 'f THOS WAIiREiN, í' h D. SMÁLLEY, Lodi. f I threshed last f:il and winter w.ih onc of S. W. Foster's Jiorse powers. more tlmn filteen thousnnd bushela grain. The repairs bcstowcd upon the power nmoumerf to only fi een 13. and it was in goöd order wben J had dojie ihrcshing. I invariably used s horsos. AAROiV YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June 6. 1916. I purch.iced one of S. W. Fos:er's horst powers loat fall and have useti it for jobbing. ) liave used mariy diflerent kinds of poweis and belicve tliia is the best runnim.' power [ liavi ever scen. L. S. ÜExNWET. Hamburg. June, 184C. We purohiiscd one of S. W. Foster's florr-c Powers lÉtit thll, and liuve used it and tlunk it h a ilrsi rale Power. JE8SK HALL; DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg, June, 18'IG. . G(J-tf 1 84C. 1 846. HOUS2S. MILTON BARNEY OP THE S TE AMBO AT HOTEL, DETROIT, IS now re ty to arcommodnie his friends and the Trnvn ling Public, wiih pij illose conven ienceson!culHt(.d to umhe tlicm conilorlable, and wiüi jfiis t'sitit tfiélirnei Mas twcnly-jive Cents. Jitist farc in the City f .ir Uu: samiMónaf. General Siitsrr. Qjjicc. Stcumhiiats Dr.troil for ÏSiffn Lu c.riry fírening,, at half pi-i i o' doch. (Usitally:) The Railroads are withinfivc minutes ride of the Sleamboat Hotel. 272-tfA. C. M'GRAW & CO., Are íiow rcceiving their Fall Stock of Boots & llioe Wliicli have been selected with inucli cnrc for ihc Wholesale Trade! TllF.Y nów reí=iiectlully roqtie&t ihe íVTerchanta of Michigan and ac'j icent Sinteu. ii examino ilicir exiensive stock wnich will liesolc -it v'ery lw prices for cdíIi or opproverl credit Hoving for tlic lust fifíeen yenra snM rnorl Goods t reiníl ilnn ny mher House n Miclii ■ ;m. iliey fiel futly póraiinded t lint thdr setectior kt lo irire, quuliíij, and sizes, willsuit ilic wanií f ilio poopje. Tlit-ir stock of Loathcr and Findings is olso cóirtplctö. Tlie rcuiil irado continúes e usual on llir first (lonr. CoRNKU OF JeKF.MISON ANÜ WoOUWARU m . C McGRAW, ct CO. Dcíroit, Aug, 22, 184C. 21ö-lyNEW COOKING STOVE. J - I È And Stoves of all kinds. The subacriber would cali the imeniion of the ublic to Wooïcon's Hot Air Cecking Viiich he can cpnflü.euiiy trrcn.inrrd ís luin ecidedly superior to ur.y Co'oking Stcve in use 'or simpliciiy in opcrniion - eco n o tri v in fucl nd i'or uiu-quallcd Uakim; end Roaítc qualt s, U is unrivallcd. Thü nc'.v and iniporiont mprovcmpni inrodiiccd in la construction benig s.ucl) ns to inurc great adviintugca over alt other kinds of Jooktng Stove3. WILL1AM R. NOYES. Jr. 7f Woodward Avcnuu, De.roit. Dcc. 12. 1S!5. 42 "Crockery at Wholesale." FRKDKlllCK VVETIMOHK. has consi.mily on liand, ilic lnrgest st,ck in the Wen oí Crocïd', China, Glasware, JLookiig' Gasses and l'lates, Brilaiinia Ware Tra ts, Lamps and Wieking, Plalcd Ware, China Toys, iijC. c. Mis Mock mcudes n!l ilie arieiies of Crocksry and China, fïorh lic finrgt China Dinner (rid 'J'en Seitf to i ie fhosi conïnioii and or. riced ware - liom the richesi cju rlass to ihe ilainost eines ware. Bijtannin Cnsiorsofeyery winl. Britontifh rJf-a 8eiis. CoFee Fots, Tea Pots, Lamps. ('aiK'lesiii l;s. &c. Sui. au La ui) Lamts pi cvéry iicsr.r:piion froni e mnH! cusily cui Pui lor Lutnp to tlic chenpest Store lamp. All the abovc nriiolop nre iipponrd ly him.rH jirocily from the h.;h.k; aild ijl he t-old it Wholesülc, as luw at ai ai:y Wholcenle Hou60r expenses hom scoboni'd ;uli',t d hnïy. A M)er;il disrou nt givtn lor c;-h. Metthqnts and oihtrs au; inviied to cali rná xhmine tho piïöv'c ariic h i olrf tiard, No125, JeHerson Avenue (Eidied'a Elork.) Do troii. 24-1 r SELECT SCHOOL. 'jVTTSS .1. JJ. fcsin. assis-ied by Miss S. j-VA Fiklp, onnounces to the public ihai the ig preparod 10 nceive ytitíñg Indica ntu htr .-dioul in Lliebj6firieit room oí the EpiiOopal ('hurch. TxkíuÍ. - Fur qunrirr of 12 vecis. fnr Lnglish hrnncliesfioiii $2,'io .r); f'iench and Laiin ecch : r.vüa f ; 11 ;'!)(■) K){.'(.-lh(T wil jj 'le inaüth shkÍic?. or sepriiairlv. ,v5 ali. 1 c 61I100I iviJl be furnihed wiih d PhiloetophicaJ !'p;.rntus; and occnsional Itciuits gitti un the Nau ural Scicrces. IIrs. Huphs win ?ive nstruction t ril who rlrsiie il, in Mu&ic, Diawing, l'ainting and Uvedlework. Mis Smi'li rcfoip to ihe rollo winggenltf men: Proffssois Viüi;ips. "JV-n j ronk, ard W lieadiin ui the Upiversiy; Rcv. V. 9. CurtiF. Rtv. Mr Simons, Rcv. C. (;. 'Inylor, J]on. E. ftlundy, W.,. H. Máj'pnrd T-Vq. Ann Arlio!. April 9i 0 262-ifII. D. POST, ilío?í, Inghani Counhj, Michigan. WILL auend to the ptiyment of Tases, ex nrninntiou oí Tule-i, pinchase and sale e? Lnnds. &lc. S:c. Any business entrueted tohini will be tmnsact. ed yitU promptness and accimtcy - AddrB8 lv mail. Iirfcrenccs, (ln{ permistión. ) C. Huilbui, D,,oit, J. C. JFIeit'rit, Brqtber"& Co. ) „. W:lder& SnoV, ? ïroy. WQjghtfry. Averyct Co. ? .. ' U. GT Williams, $ -1"0 Vor' EHSA? STORES AT TSILANTl! 19.5 COOKINi' -v PAKLOR STOVES. m. Ar justreccived. by the Suü?c!Í!.cr, (mosily from Albony) mnkir.g a cO„(i nurttneni ür me Iniesi ;ind best püiterns. whidi wiü bc snM ai Loic Piica! not to le undeisold ïliis idc Lnko Erie! Also, Coppcr Furniturf, Cnnloron Ke::les, Hullow Ware of al) sizes, Stovu Pipe, Sheet iron, Zink, &c. TIN WARE! Mnnnöictüred, nnd conshmtly kept on hnd wliich will ulso bc sold very luw. !' S. - Pnrchnsers will weH to culi and examine for tbcrr own satisfii'-dOn. J. Al. BROWN. Ypsüanti. J:me 20. 1846. 07 ]t FOR SALE ■"II-IEAP for CASIJ, or every kind ofcour:V_y try ProilwcP. SaddlcsBridlcs.Harncss, Trunks, Valtses, Trunk Valises, Carpct Bags, $c. Alyo n oood QS3or'tn:eiii ol Y, mrs & Lashy.s, wliicli wilJ be suld voiy low, jmd 110 at COOK &. UOJilNSON'S. Ann Arlior. ]2. I'-U!. 77lf JUSTARRIVED B Y EXPRESS, ryMlF, M..znrt Cullection of Sücred Music, bv i E. I,vea Jun - concqining the celobjatcci Glifièmsarid Miserere by Ziiigarelli whh Eng.. [iah vvotds. Te.ichers of Masic will piense cali and cxam- ine the work at Perrv's Booxstohk. Ocioher 7. 18 1G. 6-tf WATB3D, at Porry'ss Booksiorp, ." Toüs ciciii Cotiou ;md Lanen l{u%st 1 Ton Beè8px, nnd 3500 Dollars iri c.ih, (or thelarrstnss(rlinent ol BooUs :md Stationcry ever uiiered iu tbia Villngo, and at his usual low price$. Aun Albur, Upper Volare. Oct. 7, 1846. abe-tf THE LIBERTY MINSTRlT ONE HTJiNpRtD COPIES of the üfih edl tiori ui lilis hJL'lily popular work are for ;la ;it the Si nul nllii e ,-u ál) cents single, or $4,50 :er uozen, Temis C;isli. Vdw is the time Iq? Liberiy chotrs lo tnply themselyes. TO COUNTRY MERCIIANTS, THE Subscriber hns coiiötantly for enp gooo' Hssoituiont of Iteavv WOOLEN CLOTIIS, well adnptcd to i: ecunntry inarket wi'ijcli lic will -feil ut wiiuli sije or reüiil, vkiY low. Culi and, seethein at tlie M amí vitan Stokk. W. A. ItAYAIOND, 275-tf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS, ïlllE highest pricc paid in cafliby G. F. Lew A if-", Exehaue imker, opposite tlie Insiir- unce JJanlc, Detroit, fur orders 011 nny of th 'ouniiuá in tHoStn'ie of Michigan; alsofbrStato sncuiitics of all knuLs and uncurrciitluncls Cali aiul ca. Dec 1, IR15 241-IJ E. G. BURGER, Denlist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOt's STORE, JRANE á JEWETt'8 BLOCK, 261-if ANN ARBOR,