Classified Ad
iOOKS! BOOKS!! AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. 1 TO THE PUBLIC! rME undcrsigned hoving reiurned from New York wiih a new, laigu and valuable stock f 3ooks, Slationery and Paper Hangings, s nuw ready to sell lor Cash, ny ihiig "' '"â " ne at hia ncw 6tnnd on Main streel, oppoitc H. Beckcr's Brick Store. He will 8iy to iook purchasers. tbai. by his iff iris last fall on lis rc'urn from New York. the price ol nearly very thing in his line has been sold less thon jt-rctofote. nud hal it not been for hun, puicliaicr8 would have coniinued topay the piices heredóte chargcd. ...... k P' He enn say also. his sales have been ' rond his nifist sanguine expectaiions. sliowms 1 ;onc!usively tliat a public benefactor, alihough ïver so small, will noi go unrewarded in thie y lighlened camniunity. (], He 3 thankful fr the favors alrcady bcstowed. p nnd would respect fully solicita continuunce of the Q1 trade: and he wnuld say t ihose who never have L purchased books of him, ihat he will show them nrticles and prices wiih pleisurc a' any time tJ ihey may cali whether they wish to purchase or gl noi. C Cash orders Trom tho country will bc nttended to, and tho books packed as wcll as if the persons were present to attend the purchases. He will also faell to children as cheap as their _ ren t8. Purciiasers will do well to examine his stock and prices before purchnsing elsewhere. Don' l f orgel 'the place; besurcyoucall . al PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Streel, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June 27, 18 IC. 269-tf Threshing machines. I THE undereigned would infurm the public I that he manulactures Jlorse Powers and t Threshing Machines at tÃcio, of a superior kind ' invenied by himself. ' Thesj Powers and Machines are particulnrly adapled to the of Farmers who wish to use l them tor threshing their own grnin. The er, ihresherand fixtures can all be loaded inio a common sized wagon box and drawn with one ( pair of horsvs. Tliey aie deeigned to be used ' wiih fotir horses. and are nbundantly strong loi that nmnber, and may be safely ueed wiih six oi eight norges with proper care. They work with lessstrcngih of horses arcording to tiie amoi.nt ol ( business done ihan any oiher power, and wil! thresh generally about 200 bushels v hrat per ' day with four horjes. In one inctnnce 15F bushcls wheat were threshed in three hours with Ibur horses. This Power and Machine contain all the advantages neecssary to niake them prolimblc to the purch.iser. They are strong and durable. - Thty are easily moved from one plncc to anoiher. The work of the aoises is easy on tlu'so poweis in con.parison to oihcrs. and the pricc is LOWKR than any other power and machine, have ever been t-old in the Siate, according to the real valué. The lerms of payment will be liberal for noles that are known to be absolutely good. I have a number of Powers and Machine now ready for snle and persons wisliing to bu) are inviled to cali soon. CLEANERS. I expect to he preparcd wnhin a few days to make Cleoners for those who may want theni. The utility and advuntns of ihis Power and Machine will appar evident to all on exarninin ?he recomniendniions helnw. All perpons are cnuiioncd against mnkinc these Powers and Machints: the undersignei' having adopted the neoessury mensures lor secu ring letters patent fur the same within the mm required by law. B, W. FOSTER. Scio, WashrrnawCo., Mich.. Junelrf, 13-10 RECOMiMENDATIONS. Durinj the ) ear 1345. e.ich of rhe undersigned purchased and used either indh'ujunlly or jomtlx wiy oihers, oi:e of S. W. Fostcr's ncwly iri vented Horse Powers nnd threshing viachinrs. and hclicve they are butler adnptcd to the uae ol Farmers who wunt Powers and Machines 'oà - thcir own t'se than any other power and tjnesfier wiihin our knowledgo. They are calcu'ntcd (O be uscd wiih four horsas and are of amplt ' strengih for that number. They nppear to br constructed in such a inanner as to render theni â vry durable wiih linie liability of getiing out o! ; order. They are eisily moved from one place 1 to anoiher. They can be worked wiib any num her of hands from four to cight, and will ihrcel. ' abot't 200 bushels whrnr per dny. J. A. POLHEMUS, Scio, Wnshtenaw co 8 G. BLOOD. " ; T. RICHARDSON, " 8AMURL HEALY, 3. P. FOSTRR, " " ' N. A. PFIELPS, " c ADAM SMITH, " '-' J. M. HO WEN, Lima. WM. WALKER. Webster, " THOS WARREN, " D. SMALLEY, Lodi. I threshed last fall and winter one of P. W. Fo6ter'8 horse powers. more thnn fifteei; thousnnd bushels grain The repairs hestowed upoa the power amounted to only G cents, and it was in good oidor when I had done threshing. 1 invariably used six horses. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. n Marión, June 6, 1S4G. I purchnsed one oà S. W. Foster's hom powers last fall and tyave Uscd it for jobbing. J p have used many diflerent kinds of powers 'and â believe ihis is the best running power J have , ever seen. D. S. BENNET. Hamburg, June, 18JC. Wc purchased one of S. W. Foster's Horsc ' Powers last Jall, and huve uscd it and ihink it is . a first rate Power. JESSE HALL. DANIELS. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg, June, 1846. 269-tf IS IC. 184C i TSBIPEnArtTCS HOUSE. f - WILTON BARNEY OP THE 3 L TEAMBOA T HOTEL, DETROIT, - TS now re'idy to necommodate his friends and . X ihe Travelling Public, wiih all ihose conven ieticescalculated to make them comlortable, ant! i withurs tistrit IhctimtiMals iwenly-five Cents. p Rest f are in lie City f ut ihe stunt Mnney. General Stiipe Office. Stcavilaals leavc De truil for lii.ffaln f.vtry Etening, ut half past t o'clock. (Usiially.) The Railroads are within Jive minutes ride of the Steamboat Hotel. 272-tf I ___ A. O. M'GRAW & CO., Are now receiving their Fall Stock of Boots & Shoes Which have been selectcd with much care fo the Wholesale Trade! " rriflEY now respecrfully requet the MerX chants of Michigan nnd adjicent Slales. n examino thcir -xtensivesiock which willbenoli: â -it very low pricea for cath or opproved credit ; Having for ihe last fifieen yara sold morà Goodu at retail than any other House in Michi ' unn. they feel fully persuaded ihat their sclectiot ca to price, quidity, and sizes, will suit the want of the peoplü. Their stock of Leather and Findings is also complete. Tho retail irado continúes as usual on the first , floor, Corner of Jekfkkson and Woodwarp AVLKULS. . C. McGRAW, & CO. I Detroit, Aug. 92, 1846. 948-]y