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NEW COOKING STOVE. i 3 And Stoves of all kinds. Tue aubscriber would cali the uitention ol ihc iblic to rjoolson's Hot Air Cooking STOVE liich he enn conliutinly jeeerrrnrnd es lieijj reidedly superior to nr.y Cookirg Stoe in ir or simpliciiy in opemtioi: - ernc ri-y ín ivrl id for uncqualM Baxikg and Roaítikc jus1i e. it is umivnlled, The now nnd imponant improvfmem inoduced in ita construction bewig ouch nu to inure grent ndvnntages over nll oilitr kind af looktng Stoves. WILLIAM R. KOYF.S, Jr. 7(5 Woodward Avenuu, De roit. Dec. 12. 1845. $jZ "Crockery at Wholesale." [TREÜLRICK WETMORE. hos constnntly l_ on li n ii tl f the Inrgeet Fick in the Wt of Vrockérjf, China, Gassv-arc, Lookitg1 Gasses and Piales Britamiiu Ware Trays, Lamps and Wicking, Pïutcd Ware, China Toys, Lc. fyc. His stock incuües nll the varieties of Crockiry and Chinii, from the finpêt China Dinner ml Ten Settft to the most coinmou nnd Isw iriced wiire - from the ricbesl cut glnas to tha tlninest ghifs ware. Rritannin CnstMsof'every iind. Britnnnia Tca Seiis. CofFec Pot, Ta 'oís. Laii'ps. Cnndlesticks, &c. Solak Lakd LMi'sof evt-ry description from he mom costly cut I'urior Lamp to (jie ehvapsst Store lamp. All the above nrticles are imponed by himífíf linretly frotn the manufacturer nnH wil) bc fold it Wholeenlo, ai low as at any Wholesale Honte, :xpeiisc? Irom senbouid cddtd only. A liberal discount piven for ens-h. Merfhants nnd otbtrs are invited to enU nnd jxnmine the adove a.-iicli s ni iIip nld stind. ffo125, Jefiereon Avenue (Eldred's Elork.) 24-lr SELECT SCHOOL, MISS J. B. Smith. issisied by Mist 8. Ftr.i.v, announiee tothe public ili.-u ih n prrpored to reeeive youup lacios inio her chool in iheb.'isi-ment room ol the Church. Tkkns. - For qu.'irtcr of 12 weeks, for Euglish hrnnches from $2,to #5; Frénela and Lritin ech .$:$ extra if pirHiied togeiher wiih 'he hnglish aiudieí-, or sepniatcly, 5 each. The school will bc furnishvii wi:h a PhilosopJiicnl .jipjmralua; nnrl occasionnl Icctuics given on the Natura! Sciercrs. Mrs. Huehs will ive nsfriiction to nll wLo Jrsire it, in Music, Drawing, Paiming and Needlewórk. Miss Smiih refers to the followinggeiiltren: Proie.sor8 Willinma, Ten f rook, nnd Y lieodon f the University; Rev. V. S Cuitif. Rev. Mr. Simone, Rev. C. C Tuylor, Hon. E. Mundy, Win. H. M.iynnnl Ffq. Ann Arhor. April 9.9. l--'6 2f2-tf tMiCHIGAN LAND AND TAX AGENCY H. D. POST, Masón, lngham County, Michigan. WILL at'.end to the pnyment of Tnxes. ex amination ol Titlcv, purthnse aml snU f Lands. Ac. Jxc. Any husinf-ss entrusted tohim will he trnnsneted with promptness and aecuiécy' - Addrew h mail. Tiefcrenccs. (hy permission. ) C. llurll.ui. Dtliolt, .T. C. IJenrtt. riunher & Co. „. Wilder A Snow. roy. Woofüuiry. Avcry & Co. KT „ , R. G. Wminms, J Nw Vork- CHEAP STOVE3 AT YPSILANTl! 195 COOKING &.PAKLOR STOVES, ■ " just received. by the Subt-ciiher, (inost!y from Allmny) rnnking n goud nssortinent of tlie InteM nnd best pntttrns. whioh will be sold ai Lmn Piiccs! not to be undersold thiu aide Lake Erie! Also, Coppor Furniturr, Cauloron Ke;:!es, Hollow Wnre of all sizes, Stove Pipe, Sheet hou. Zink, &c. TIN WARE! . Manufnctnrcd, and constuntly kept on hand whifli will also In; 8old vcry low S. - Purchnsers will dn well to colt and examine for their own satibfaction. J. Al. BROWN. Ypsilanti, J:ne 20, 1846. 27Jt FOR SALE CMEAP tor CASH, or every kind of country Produce, Saddlcs, Bridles,Harness, Trunks, Vahses, Trunk Valises, Carpel Bcgs, $c Also a sooü as8Órtníet of Whiw &, Lshes, which will bc sold very low, nnd no niiiike, at COOK & ROBINSOiVS. Ann Arhor. Augiisi 12. 1846. '2?7-tf JUST ARRIVED B Y EXPRESS. THE Mozart Collcction of Sncrcd Music, bjr E. Ives Jun - coiunining the celebratëd Chr8;usnnd Miserere by Zingarclli with Eng:isll Unüli. Teachers of Music will please cali nnd examine the work at Ferry's BooxsrortK. October 7, 184P. 286-tf WAIVTJCD, at Perry's Booksiore, 5 Toiis cln Cotton und Linen Rag, 1 Ton Becswax, and 3500 Dollars in cash, for the lnrgest assortment of Uooks and Stationery ever oflered in thif Village, ond at his usunl low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Village, Oct. 7, 184Í5. 2HG-tf THE LIBERTY MINSTREL OSE HUNÜRKD COPIES of the fifth cdt tion of iins highly populnr wurk are for snl il the Sinnl office nt 50 ceutfl single, or $4,50 'er dozen. Terms Cnsh. Now is the timu lor Liberty choirn to supply themsclvts. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber hns constan tly for solt gooii assortiment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, well adnpted 10 tic country mnrket which hc will ■?ell at Wholesale or retail, ylsfíT low. Cali nd see them at tho Mínhattan Stokk. W. A. RAYMOND, 275-tf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. THE highestpricepnid in cst-hby G.F. Lew. íp, Exchnnge Broker, opposite the Jnsur- ■mee JJnnk, Detroit, for orders on nny of tin ■ounti: n the Stnte of Michigan; níso lor Stato securitics of all kinds und unourrentlunds Cali ■ind soa. Dec 1, 1845 24I-JJ E. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST IIOOM OVER C. M. Sí T. W. ROOT STOEfi 0RANE fe JEWETT's BLOCK, 261-tf ANN ARBOR.