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Antislavery Political Union

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Lnsl week we promised to give tho views of Wesiein antislavery men on the urmation of a political unión, ir respectce of party. We givebelow an article Yom the Cincinnáti Herald, on n Naional Anlislavery Convention in which "ncn of all parties might particípate. - This proposnl, originnted by a W'hig, and a friend of Mr. Gidding, was djiiblless intentlcd as an incipient step to a permanent and general unión. The Editor of the Herald, it will be seen, deals with it very cautiously, allhough he is " icilling, nay anxiousy to unite with other parties" inantislaery action. From the Cinoinnaii Herald. ' UNION OF ANTISLAVF.RY CITÍZENS 'Ie foll'wiiig rcsulution was pnssed by ilu Norifiwcatcrn Antisiavery Cotivention, rccentlj held at Chicago. "Ilisilicl. Th.-u a committcc of five bo nppoinicd lo currespond wiih anttslavcry men oi r.ll partirs, and il)rouhout the wholc countr on ilie propridy of buiding n National Antilavery CunyemioD at Wn-hingion City, or sonic oiher suimhlc place, and ihat said cunicnittec ba Qtnpbwëred tq t-nl! suc!i Conventiun, nud deei;;natü tnc time and pinte ot holding the eanio." Tha resolution was inirodiicod anJ advocatcd by Mr. Uainlin, fonnerly a Whig nicmber oí Canress Trom Ohio. From certnin indicrit'ons. we nier thnt iho iden of a ur.ion aniong the antislavery ciiizens of ihc country is bcgir.ning to find general lavor. The major i ty of :lie American Peoji'.o bclicve, tliai by a p opor use of the powcra coiiferred upon Uie Government by the Cunstitution, or rescrvei or securcd to the States nr tho Pcopie thercol slavery may be peacefully removed f.-oni thi country. Unfortunntely, they difieras it regard the iiriportWce of thid dlijeei, as it icspccts th ntodc of usiug these powers. ííyvv. for one, we are in favor of a Naiionn Convcntlon of all cinz?ns, of whatcver party, who are deairous of doing all that tliey can do. proprny, for the cstabüsliment of universal frecdom in these States ; and who bold that ilu's end can be accomplished by the use of the powers ubuve designated. The class of conscientious persons, who hold that nocitizen can iitnoccn:lj cse the power of Government for such a purpose, such use a sanciion tj a Union in itstlf wÏL-ked and indefensibie, of course. could not coRsistently countenancc such a Conveniion, or beconie mcaibers i it. This is lo bt regrotted but it cannot tt helped. We could noi tliereforc ex peet their active participaron in such a Convmifion. thouh we de not believe they wauld onpoBt) iuWho then sliould bo members of it V Antislavery nicmber? o: a!l pánica, Norili and South. A. proposhion lias been mnde in some quartcrs. for a Union betwecn Liberty men and Whigs. - Wc can see no rcason in favor of eiich a movement. We could a'.tend no Convention re6tnctcd liy so narrow a pla'.íorin. There are antislavery Dcmocrars as well as Whigs - and with them a!i, Liberty men would likc to meet in Na tional council, to consult ou the great question. and on the best mode ol man.iging it. No movement, we presume, would be mnde. il first, lo f usé into one tke aeveral purties of which thcy ure mep.ibnrs. Chariiy and Forbearancc shoulri preside over the dcliberations of such nn assemb'.nge. There would be topea cnougli for discufS'on, without waging war upon each otherV pecuüariiies. Thcy would agrec as it regardcd ihc magnitude of the cvil of Slavery - its antagnnisru to the inierests of the North, of ihe South, of ihe Natinn. of Mankind. Thcy ouidngret as it regnidcd ihe duiy of making t Uie paramount. thougli not exclusive., question, in p.jli tics. They would njrec as to the praciicnbiüiy of the removal of Slavery by pcaccful and con stitutional means. Their sole d;sagrecmeni would respect the mode of using consiiiuiiona! instrumentaüiies. This point might with propriety be avoided. at least in tlieir 11 st Conven lion. They would haveenough 10 ascertain, and present to the Publ:c, omitting thts aiiugeiher. - Let theni, for examplc, give a cleir. concibe ex nibi cion of the politica!, and (he politico-economical beanngsof Slavery, on the frec Stntos, on the slave States, on the Union. Let them expose its complicated influences. pnnicularly, on the politica! partie9 of the country. Let them determine the reiation it beara to the Constiiution, the powers conferred by th-it instrnment on the General Government, and the powers of the States and the pooplc t hercol', in respect ro it. On all these topics, we might expect a considerable dpgree of liannony : and the discnsions ind addresses ihereupon. would be highly ins'ructive, and would tend to arrest the attention ol the people North and South. Such a uniónconvention wc should hope. woul! be ot' vasi benefit. But we cjn scirc-jly look for nny other union at this time. While both of the old par liescontain many antislavery men, wlio. owiitj; to ihe present unlinppy divisions in the free statcs, exert litt!e or no infljence. Ohough if brought together with Liberty men in eomc etich convention as that just nnmed. ihey miIit aci erficiently ;'; wc can see no indication iliat ei iher ol the parties, as sneh. is to incorpórate genuino nntislavery principies into its creed anc1 practice. Unt.I this be the case, Liberty men wil 1 hardly ngree to any compromise. which will involvc the dissolntion of their separate, independent orsanization. Til! tliis be the case, though willing, my anxious to unite wiih oiher parties on all qucslions connectcd with the nntislavery ngitation. on wluch there ie hntmunv of sentiment, hey will neverthcleês, carry oiu their views in their own way, when it comes to ro'itig.If, ihereforc. Messrs. Giddings. ïlnmlin, Sew nrd, Grreley, Hale, Bnnkeihnff, Preeion. King. Wilmot. of Pennsylvnia nnd uihers, wliig and democraiic antislnvery men. he willing io meei Liberty men in National Convention, to hurnionize wïicre it is possibln far tlicm to do o, nni igree to disagree, wbere it is nol, for onu we eoy, let the convención be tétí. We simply cxpiess our own vlewa, 6peaking for none but ourseiveg." Th Washington Patriot, alia Liberty paper, publishes the precoiing ariicle with this cojnment : - ' The aniclc friM ilie Philanthropist exprcssos Dur views extctly. We h ive lonsj beon grieve.! nt ilie ilisrcnsions, ippiirenrly caiiítílissiiml wurae (han uéclexd ilu sciisioiij. aihpng Diilinvery men it ilie Ninh. Ín ilie Vir and Democratie parüèa ihere are tltoiisnnils oí" men fir mi lulvainc ot ilu-ir par ti es on tiio Öliivery question. yet hul wHíiiVg to g as fir H8 u-( tío ; and i.ecuuse we inri iliny caiinot ig ce; in every tliirLr, we are kepl iisundur. and tlie broiich widened ly jenliíuiiM, liean buríiiñgp, iniírcprcsoiii uiníia and hitur lerlinga, góndêrvd ly perversa leaders. Wliilo nn; uniisl.ivc rv metí cnuuli it ilu' i.'.irih. il iiniièd, to crush íluvcry, we arf sull'crinu umiujIvcs lo ho spüt up nto aqiimlft, und alavory tlinves hy our divistons. Ve (1j n it aci ti;e hcr. ven in pnints ol'coinnon ;i!_'rcenie:ii. liec.iiiác eacli cantiot have ís n way. Tilia should un lo. 'I'lioro is ome uuintrion gruúñd up ni uhic!: we c.m nll ncoi nnd act - soina p tinta or ímtli npon wliich ve cm nll ntircfi. Let 113 ilioreforo, Itiying side all prejn-licos. nn.! illowinjj u e:ioli otlier he Willest Itititu.le ( opim-Mi iry pefiilini i t íes. ueet iipDii a platform comnioti u nll, nnd innk'u mr united strctigili lelt mi n mode in wliich nll linrmoniíjcr. It can be done. The [irojioscil Xational Oonvrniion wijl nv tlic proundwork il nen of ai! panies 'U 1 ike h.l.l il it. But one thliífe st'ámls in the wny- iho iMibenil nul promcriptiVa spirit phown in ct-rtain qurrrtcrb. Pilis imist be gol nd oí bjore antj unión ojti lafc'o ilace. Let us be understood. Tiy ' unión,' vc Ao not niênn u fusión of tlio Liberty intn ri;her tho Whirf or Democratie p;irty ; bul a cótntiination oí nll classes of nntislavery men m sotic pl-m ol action satisfac.ory 10 all. No pin 11 invnlving pnlitica! aciión C4fl be ngrerd 011. For i!;e present, something ehort of thal must sufllce. We think, howevor, that n Nationol Cunveation of Whius. Domocrats, and Liberty men, wou'.d do inore to ImrnionUe our poli tical views tlian anj tliing else." The Bangor Gnzette, a Maine paper, extraéis (he article, preceded by thisendorsement : - " We hkc the spirit of iho following remarUs fjrthi the Cincinnnti Herald, os we l;ked thfl spirit which prop jsiïd nnd carried the Ri?so1vií through the Chicago Cunve ition. It feeiue to us "hat there fhould bc a general Congress of nntislavery men fnr Covs 'Itation : - not to Jic a creed, but to oscertain èpon what points ihev are ogreert - not 10 muilda. faith, nor to argve dffirrneis ; bat ainipjy to tako an observaron 10 ■ncertaiö Ijo.w they can best cn-úperatc. not amal gamrtie. It wijl then be the part of wisiltm to mnk?. ns far ns practicable, all oiher qucsii'ns op-n qucsiions - :hat id lo ieave every man free 10 act on those nccoririiciK 'o his own cotivictiors wiihout ensure or icbuke from ihe aniislavery n:cn assucfi. In this way, w'iile nnitinj on the 2rcat question. no concossion on otlter qurstfon?, wjll be tnide or requircd. Of this we wil! spealt njorc a: Iargc at anuther tima." The views of iMr. Giddlngs and S. P. Chase, on this subject we shall presen next week.