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llore is the oílkinl cntiv:iss : GcvtKXOK. Mnj. Young, whicr, 19,878 11,572 Wright, liem., ] 87,30(5 Bradley, Iib., 12,844 Edwurds, nutlve, 6.305 Lif.ot. Govkrnor. G.udiner, dem , 200.970 13,357 I Fish, whig, 187,613 ( Ciiuplin, Iib., 1.19 1 Fulsom, nntivP 6,133 Canal Commissidnkks. 1 Hudson. dcm., 201,071 13.356 ! Allen, " 190;r9l I Clowcs, wbig, 197,851 7.255 1 Cook, " 187,715 Spcrry, l:b. , 12.426 Tlom:is, Iib., 13,877 Russell, native, 9.1 42 Silsble, 6,117 Wrighi's vote for Govenwr in 18ï4, was 241, 090: Fillmo.-c's 231,057. The majority for the Amci.ded Constitution is 127,697. The m.ijoriiy ngninsl cqual sufFrngc to coiorcd pcisüiia is übout l-l(),0t0. The Post-M aster Gkneral's Report is quite nn interesting document. The revenue for the first fisc il year, under the new law, is less by 877,425 than the nnnunl avernge for nine years past. The diminution of the revenue of tliis Department arises principa))y from the loss on letter postage, which, whencompared with that of ihe preceeding year, amounts to $778,533 64, being the entire loss sustained by the Department except 824,108 81. The expressesare believed to carry letters in large numbers. The report recommends that the law be so amended as that a single letter weigh i instead of h oz. and that the sime power be given to the P. O. Department to prevent the violation of the revenue laws as is now given to the Secrelary of :he Treasury, ngainst Thtit the postage on newspapers and printed matter be regulated according to the size or weight of the papers, and the distance to be carried. These rates should be so high as to cover nny deficiency which the reduced rntes of postage on letters may rrinke, so as to render the income o the Department equal to the expendí tures. All printed matters passing thro the mails and all letters to be pre-paid o rnted with doublé postage. The ex pen ditures of the Department for the fisca year have excoeded the incrense 6597, 098. The m;iil service in the United States, exclusive of Texas, is performec by 2.530 contracts on 4,285 post routes the nggregnte length of which 149.G79 miles, lts transportation throughout tho year ending 30th June last, amounted to 37,398,414 miles, the engagement fo such transportation stated by the year amount lo $2,065.878. There has been asaving of 33 per cent in the new con tracts for carrvingrthe maüs.On the30th of June there was 14,601 post offices; 877 new offices were established during the year and 459 discontinued - increase 418 ; on this day the nurr.ber is 16,793. There were appointed 4958 post masters, of whom 2905 were appointed in consequence of resignations or deathsj 301 inconsequences of change of routes ; 877 in consequence of the establishment of new offices ; 871 by remováis; 4 whose commissions expired and were not renewed. Nearly onethird of the offices in the U. S. have been voluntarily vacated, since the passage of the new law. flus is in a great degree ascribed to the increased labor in the offices, and the diminishedcompensation to post mnsters. The Post master General, in his report to Congress, strongly recommends the purchase of the Telegraph by Government. It is understood that the patentees