Southern Whigs

At present, il 3 only in an excccdingly qualTfied fensr?, ihat there can be said to be more than one pany souih of ïho Polomnc. The subpnriy of ilie hs and ihat of the outs both belon, undcr their present leaders, to the party u SInveiy. The one is n the habit of stistninin. beiter men ibnn (lic other, but ns fo tliiir poltcal principies, and their aciion on great mensures, - Tros Tyrittstc. - Whig or Loco. - it does not much matter which you cali them. In respect to wh;t grent question havo not our calcuIniions on Sou-hem Whig aid in Congress misled and bogged us 1 In any pinch, wlien has not our reliance on Southern Whig voters proved i broken reed 1 Enough have generally remained on our sidc to join in our wail for the disappointmem, b-Jt en jugh have generally gone over, - werc more or fewer wanted, - to beat us in the vote. Of what earthly usc to nny cauec, measu-e, party or thing that calis tself Whig, are such VVhigsan Mr. Hiilard of Alabama, and Mr. Jarnnginof Tennessee ? They are Hushru's m our camp. If "skillcd " in anything, 'n ia "to dasli maiurest counsels." There was not Whig doctrine enough in themeven to sustain the Tarff of 1842, when the mensure hung on the lat- er'8 single vote. No matter aboul Mr. Jarnagin in particular. If he had not been on hand. - to judge from past experience, - ihe business wou!d have been ascflVctually done hy somesimlar 8ccess!on. When did a cardinal nieasu.-e, dcnñfied in the popular apprehension with a triumph of ihe Slavu Power, fail to be acconiplishcd viihout them ? Will any body give uö a definition of a Soutfitrn Whig, opplicable to the ear 1B46 ? Of coursc, it must bc broad enough o include Mr. Jornagin, of Tennesseo whoc ote pas'sed Mr. Secreury Walker's anti-Tarifl' IIi, and Mr. Berrien öl Georgia, of the majority f the committce that brought Texas into the Jnion on tho Pilgrim Fore-lathers Day. " A hand, used in roeasuring horses, js bur inches,