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From The War

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We continue our items of News, colected f rom our exchanges. A Monterey correspondent of the N. f. Evening Post says: - "The regiments of Texne mounted olunieers, under Colonels Wood and ;Iny?, cnlistcd lor six monlhs, hnve beeii lischarged ly order of General Taylor, md lelt last week, fop their homes. - vVhatevcr mny bc their valuo assoldiers, heir conduct ns men is mostdespisable. - Street brawls of their raising were of frequent occurrence while they were in :own. In tho enrly part of last week a Mexican, rlding peacably along the street, vas shot f rom nis horse by a Texan in i house. A crowd immedialely nssembled, vho entered llie house and found the Texan ,toially unheeding ihe tumult without, engaged in reading the Bible. A carbine was fjund standing in a corner, nnd nn ofiicer having directed a bystandr o blow in the muzzle, smokc wns seen o issue from ihe touch hole. Upon this strongevidence of guUt. the wretch was escorte:! to the guard house and locked up. The inhabiiants were coniinually annoyed by their brutality, and I can assure you we are well pleased to be rid ot such uncouth ruffians." That the majority of our armyare ripe forjust such deeds as these we have not a doubt. It is natural that they shoulc bo. lfa man could volunteer to fight ogainst Righl and his God, he woulc not hesitate to shoot down a peacefu neighbor, if in the least inclined - and i is in the nature of such men to be inclinec to do murder. But here is something more. A correspondent of the Charleston Mercury says in regird to the battle ol Monterey -As at Matamoros, murdei robberv and rapo werc commitied in tlio broad light of day, and as if desirous to signalize thcmselvesat Monterey by some new act of atrocity, they burncd many of the thaiched liuls of the poor peasants. Il is thouglü that more than one hundrcd of the mhabitants werc murderedincohl blood, and onc Mcxican soldlc ïoith General Worlh' 's yas.rport in kis poclced, was shot dead at noon day in the main streel of the city by a rujian f rom Texas. More than one hundred of murders! - not killed in the battle, but deeds that James K. Polk would cali murders ! At the close of his letter he says - The Mexicans thcmselves admit that before the arrivul of the Volunteers upon the Rio Grande, all Eastern Mexico was rïpe for revolt and annexationto the U. S. Now there is'no portion of the country so bitlerly hostile to us and toour institutions. We have before us a Monterey paper of July, which reminds the disaffected of the atrocilieá committed at Matamoros and addsthat "iho Voluntoerj, the most unprincipled and ungovernable classat home, have boen let luose like blood hounds upon Mexico." The Norfolk Herald says it is understood that the Ordnanee deparlment at Fort Monroe are now busily engaged in preparing howitzer batteries, rockóts, &c, to be sent forward to Mexico, upon a requisitionof Gen. Scott and a company of 100 men, cspecially qualified for that service are to go wilh them in charge of Capt. Hughes. They arn expected to be in readiness to leave Fort Monroe about the lstof Jan., direct for Tampico, and proceeded with it to Vera Cruz to bombard the Castle of San Juan.Incidents, &c, of War. - The fo! lowing incident was described to me b; an oflïcer commanding a regiment in t!. 2d división at the battle of Monterey. - I give it nlmost in his own langunge, ns h spokeof itthe day after it occurred, f24t Sept.) He has declared often sinco, tho it " made him Peel sentimental every titn he thought of il," and I amsurel neve iliought of accusing him of wenknes for it gave me the biues to hear him te the story : c And this," said he, in speaking o home "reminds me of nn aíTecting scen of last night. I wasordered by Col. Child to take a company of my regiment anc break in the dcors of a rov of houses in the second plazn. I had gone nearh through without sceing a soul, when fo u time the eflbrtsof my men were exertec in vain to get into one that secme barricaded with care. As the hingeso iho door were about to givo way, n tremulous voice on the inside beseechec me not to break the door down, it shoulc be opened. When unlocked, I rushedit as well as I could, over beds, chairs, cushions, &c., and to my surprise fcunc the room occupied by about twenty-five women. As soon as they saw me anc my soldiers follovving, they ran arounc me and feil on their knees, the eider aeseeching in tones of deep distress, m) rotection, and to have their lives spared ; tho younger begging timidly not to be injured. While they were thus kneeling, and I assuring them that no harm or njury should befall them, a pretty little woman slid into the circle and knelt close o my feet. ' Senor,' said she in a soft, qui vering voice, 'for the love you bore tour mother, for the love you have for vour wife, for the tender afiection your ïeart holds for your children, oh spare his, my poor little babe' - holding up a bright eyed, dimpled cheeked little boy, about a year old. She never asked for ïerself. In spito of me, teárs rushed to my eyes, and I could only speak with a 'uil heart as I told her to rise, and asured her that she and her child was )erfectly safe. 'By the Holy Virgin Capting,' remarke,d a rough Irish soldier,viping away a tear with the bark of lis hand, ' won't the oldSeventh pertect hem V " That night I watched over tliat room vhich was sacredly kept from intrusión. The next day we were blessed by these emales in their attentions, for the proection we had given them, for they gave us of vvhat they had to eat and drink and ve were nenrly famished. The young mother will ever be painted in mymind'a eye as the devoted guardián of her babe. Ier husband, I learned, was an officer and was then fighiing us in the city She could not have known whether ia was nlive or not, and I have not heard ofhim." Many scènes, very like that described above, took place in the city. 1 did not ïear of a single outrage beingcommilted where women were in the question, hut ïeard of many instances in which food "was furnished toour men and paid for, even when the fight wns going on. - iV. O. Picaijune, ofNov. 29. Information from Santa Fe has beon received confirming the report that a train ofthirty United States wagons, wilb. 180 mules, guarded by forty men, had been robbed by a party of two hundred Indians. The wagons were filled with clothing, hospital and commissary stores. They look the mules and the goort, leaving the wagons, without opposition, as ihe guard was without amunition. The St. Louis New Era, speaking of the robbery, says : " The Indians cut open and sattered about 300 sacks of fiour ïo thefour winds. The prairie for three milos around is said lo have been white as snow. Thfty carricd off all the arms and clothing bclonging to thö Train, and about 50 hcadof mulea." The following account of the attack on Tobasco, by a correspondent of the Journal of Commeroe, is the most circurnslanlial of any we have seen. lt is apparently from an ofiicer of the squadron, and foi'cibly rctninds us of similar narratives of the butchery of ihe Chineee by the English. l The authoritics were now informeel that the remainder of the afternoon and the night wt)uld be allowed them to remove their women nnd children, and unless tlie town was surrendered in the mean time,]the fleet would again open the fire and demolith their houses about their ears. Not manycannon had been fired by the Vixen inlo the town on the evening of the 25ih, and whether the apprehension as to the power of the fleet was diminished, or not cared for, the Alexicans opened a fire of musketry upon its different vessels at about 6 o'clock on tho morning of ihe 26th."The Commodore returned tho fire with small arms and from the batteries of the different vessels. The Nonata, commanded by Lieut. Hazard, opened her 42 lb. caironades upon the town, and carried destruction into its very center, riddling tho houses or demolishing them in part, as the heavy balls went on their mission of devnstation, misery and death. The Fonvard, Capt. Norris, let play her baitery with great effect, nnd the small arms from all the vessels directed their shots wherever the Mexicans were seen shooting from the streets or from tho windows, or the tops of the houses; while the Vixen and the Bonito addee to the deed of destruction and blood, which was going on betwoen two poople, who seemed bent on the wicked errand of destroying as much life and creaiing as much sorrow as was in the power of their different forces to accomplish. After an hour's bombardment of the town and tho return of the Mexican musketry, a flag of truce was sent down by the foreign consuls. " Great destruction had been done to the town, and much suffering created by the balls from the fleet,killing and wauwt ing the people in town - women aad children - and it was hoped by the conr suis and the citizens ihat the firing of the 'fleet would cease ahhough the military force of the town would not surrender it. W hile the officers were on the deck to meet the flag of truce, a resident presentcd himself, covered with blood, and inv ploringly entreated that a stop might be put to the horrid scène which was being enacted, against which the blood of his wife and child was now crying. It was. said, that while his wife was clinging toher husband, a cannon ball had killed her in his arms : and she was an Americani born woman, though of Jtalian parents. - And on that morning, before the com mencement of the fire, one of our officers saw a man with a child in his arms passing out of a door, followed by a woman with another child, wMle a little thing of four or five years old was seen running after them wilh some small articles of clothing in its arms,. " It made his heart sick, as did other scènes touch the feelings of others, while they stood there ready to do the bidding of their nation, as its commands should rcach them through their superiors, even to the exposure of their own lives in this jloody affray, and on whose living, young motliers and sweet.c.hildren, dearer than ife to them, were dependent. The representation made by this deputation of sitizens is said to have determined Conpmodore Perry, in pity and rnercy, an