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iTIainc- Mrs. Susan Hurd, of Slet son, in the absence of her husband anc several of her olÜest duld ren, was en gaged iivsome workupstairSjAvhen a par of the floor gave way and precipitated hei upon a chair below, and' a knife,. whicl she was hplding in her hand entered hei side so asto Gause in&tant death. A correspondent of the Standard in giv ing an account of an abolitiot meeting ir Windham, says : - Rev, Cyril Pearl was present anc opened the meeting with prayer. He is still as active as ever. Me is lecturing on Peace, Odd Fellowship, Educaiion. Faith, Astronomy, and on the resources ofMaine, - and is an agent for three different Insurance Companies. The Legislature have passed a law, requiring the vendors of patent medicines to have attaehed to each bottle, box, &c., a label setting forth the several ingred;ents of which the compound consists, with the proportions of each. ITIassachuscïfs.- The marrying business is vory thriving, or it will be, in Lowel!. The Courier says the "publishingbox" will need enlarging, asthere are 44 "publishmeuts" now Up. Notwithstanding this propensity to mnrry, the Colonel says there are a great number of incorrigible bachelors lt?ft. All Yankeedoin was represented in the cargo of iho nacketship St. Pelersburgh, which sailed from Boston on Saturday, the7ih, with 20,500 bushels Indian corn, 300 lihds. tallow, 1,200 barrels flour, 1,200, do. naval storns, 500 do. apples, 400 do. sperm oil, 300 do. lard, 100 do. grease, 30 shoe pegs, 100 do. onions, 6C cases clock?, 150 rocking chaira, 15,00C lbs. wool, besides sundry small lots o Yankee notiona, and 50 steerage pas sengers. There are 99 places of religious wor. ship in Boston - and nearly 500 run milis. Welearn from Marblehead, says the Salem Regisier, thatll of their fishing vessels have been lost nt sea during the present season, with 65 men and boys. The crews of these vessels have lef 't 45 widows and 453 children, and their state of destitution and distress is extreme. - Universal gloom,apparent to every stranger, pervades the town, and it is believed the authorities will feel called upon to make an appeal to the public for aid to relieve ihe wants of ihe bereaved, during the inclemcnt season that is approaching. Quite an excitement was blown up in Petersham last week, caused by an attempt to remove the bell on the Universal ist meeting-house, which had been sold on execution to pny the minister's fee. - Some of the " bell-wethers" of ihe church armed themselves with pitchforks, &c, and were on the ground under the lead oi a Justice of the Peace (!) to defy the legal procoss. A splendid sword has been exhibitcd, during the last week, at Boyden's jewelry store, Main Slreet, which has been procured by some of our citizens with the design of presenting it to Lieut. Lincoln, (a son of the Ex-Governor, as a tesiimonial of their admiration for the adroitness he displayed in killing two Mexicms, with his oivn hand, in one of the battles in Mexico in May last. '; One murder makes a villain ; many murders make a hero." - Bishop Portetts. The Hampden Guards, of Westfield, who volunteered for the Mexican war lost summer, but were notified ihat their services werenot needed,having recently been notified ihat they would be welcomed into tho new regiment now being organized in this State, have had a meeting, and decided by a vote, almost two to one, that they won't go. A Boston Flour MiLL.-r-The Boston Journal says: - "This great establishment has recenlly gone into operation with a cnpital of $150,000, and under favorable auspices. It is situated on the wharf, nextnorth of the steam ferry landing, East Boston. The main building, iiicluding the mili wi'h three large grannries, is of brick, 174 feet long by 55 feet wide. It is five stories high, oxclusivc oftheattic - and connected with if, aio the boiler house and kün-drying room. The npparatus for drying grain is of a new and ingenious consiruction. It is not yet completed, but wc may safely predict that it will most thoroughly do its work with great despatch and without the aid of any additional consumption offuel to what is used in the establishment for other purposes. The Old Colony Railroad Company have running on their road a passerger :ar, which is heated by afurnacc. This is a real Yankee idea, and is said to be a great improvement on the usual melhod :f heating by a stove, ns the car is more ívenly heated, and the room usually oc:upiedby thestove is saved. The "furtiacecar" is quite a favorite on the road. - Journal. Rhodc Islaild-- The Rhode Isand State Prison is n very expensive irm of public justice in that state. With )ut 25 prisoners during the past yearthe expenses of ihe establishment have - exceeded the income, the large sum of , 7,573. 1 Fify-four lons of Poultry were re- cently sent from Rhode Island to Boston t n one day, over the Boston and Provir dence rail-road. Connccticilt- Theie is a chap travelling in Connecticut who has futed up a large doublé wagon into a sort of saloon, with a daguerreotype apparatus, 1 and is going about like a tin pedlar caliing at houses and taking picture here and there as he can find customcrs. , IVew York.- Christian Mltual Benefit Association.-TIiís Association j was formed in this ciiy in January last. It has now about 200 members, and a fund ofabout $600 on interest. lts initiation fee is 3. It pays benefits to sick members at the rate of 4 per week ; a]lovs$20 in case of the decease of a mcmber, and $10 of a member's wife, ond provides for its " widovrs and orphans" by a special fund for that purpose. - Abany Argus. Yesterday, a lad, measuring six feet two inches in his stocking--, was brought bcfore Judge Barcalon, to obtain a discharge from the army, he having enlisted without the consent of his parents. It is shown that he was only eighteen years of age, and, consequently, the Judge ordered his discharge - N. Y. Courier ■ and Enq. The New York Kvening Mirror says: ' Silk overcoats " all buttoned down be fore," will be the prevailing fashion with 1 the ladies, the coming winter. 1 One eighth of the Wool produced in J New York has heretofore been sold at j Rochester market. During the last three J years the amounts have been respectively, 764,758 bs., 1,152,159 and 852,413 lbs. The price has averaged 39 cents for 1844, 29 íor 1845, and 24J for 1846. An experiment of shipping wool to England was made last vear by a large dealer, and the rsult was rather a loss than ' aprofit. r Over forty persons have recently pleaded guilty of a violation of the Lieens . Law, in Rochester and were fined $o each. The patronage left to tho Govornor o . the great state of New York, is the ap I pointment of an Adjutant General ; also ( a private secretary and door-keeper, anc ( no more. All the rest the ncw constitu , tion hands over to thepeople, and in this . the framersof the new constitution actec w is';ly. i Pennsylvania- The Danvill t Intelligencer says : " Last week the ïtfon tour rolling mili turned out about thre t hundred tons of railroad iron, the larges ■ week's work ever done al this mili." fflarylaud. - The State debt a t mounts to eleven mïllions nine hundre and eighly-six dollars. The unpaid arrea of interest, since Jan., 1842, was, on the lst of July, twelve millions of dollars ! There has been another elopemeutat Baliimore - the parties a young man and a married lady. The husband of the latter was thrown into jail for threatening violence on the young rascal, and while there, the guilty parties eloped. Delaivarc - A young man, Eli VVilson, has been convicled of larceny, at Wilmingtcn, Delaware, and sentenced to receive twenty-one lashes on the bare back. IVoríh Carolina.- Hon. George E. Badger, Secretary of the Navy under President Harrison, has been elected by the Legislature, to be a Senator of the United Statqs, to fill the vacancy in the Senate occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Haywood. Ilon. Willie P. Mangum, U. S. Senator from North Carolina, has been reelected by the Legislature of that state, for six years from the 4th of March next. .Sou Ui Caroliiaa.- Wilham A. Powell, tiied in Cheraw on the 28th uit., wasfound guilty ofstealinga slave, and sentenced by Judge O'Neil to be hung on the first Friday in January next. Onehundred and fifty negroes were sold atauction in Charleston, on the llth inst., forS48,l74 - an average of about $303 cach. The plantntion on which they worked sold for $3500. ÏW ississippi.- A case is now pending in which an attempt is made to enforce tho law which requires that a man shall pay the debfs of each individual whom he kills in a duel. Arkaiisas. - The popnlatien of the State is 145,000, being an increase of fifty por cent, in the last six years. Indiana.- One of the most horrid murders on record, was perpetratcd on the Ohio rivor, below Mills Point, by a fiend who beai-s the name of Samuel Chase, and who hailed from Patriot, Indiana. The victim of his brutality was his wife. She was a young woman about 19 years of age, who started on board of a flat boat with her husbnnd-fiend, who was on a trading expedition down the river. She was literally murdered by inches, with every meane of torture possi ble to conoeive - a raw-hide,bowie knifehot stove and other hellish weapons were used. The particulars of th is murder are too revolting to fili the columns of a. public journnl. The body of the victim was conveyed together with the murdcrer, to Patriot,, on board the stearnboat Washington. - He wil] undoubtedly sufier the penalty of thclaw. - Cin. Herald. Ollio. - A census of Cincinnati was laken the last monih, by which it appears that city has now 62,690 -white inhabitants, and 2,128 colored. üliclligail.- At the present sitting of the District Cojrt for the county of Wayne, Fïon. B. F. II. % jthercU presiding, indictments were founed against the Rev. Jo-ihua Clayton, Rev. Lemuel P, Bates, Eider James S. Allen, Rev. Andrew Govau, and the Rev. Page Burghardt, for a libel on the Rev. Charles N icoll. - Vincyard. Two negroes made an nttempt Thursday night about 10 o'clock, to rob John Thompson's grocery store on VVoodward Avenue. Thcy were interrupted by the Clerk, Mr. Black, who after receiving several severe blows from a bludgeun nílicted a severe knife wound in the abdomen of one of the villians, whereupon they Hed. The wounded fellovv was tracked by the blood to his domicile and" discovered. His confession led to the arrest yesterday of the other, who is now in jai?. The wounded man ia ia a bad' condition. - Detroit Adv. ÏOWa. - Five hundred snd eig-hty-two wagons were ferried over the Misiiüsippi at Burlington, Iown, in two weeks - most of them containing immigrants. A friendwhohns been delivering an address before a Phi Betta Knppa writes usihat everything went offwell- especially the nudience. " Can you pny that small bilí to-doy } says a collector. " Cali to morrow, will you ? I have a duel to fight in about a half an hour, and have io lime to look over your account just now."