Classified Ad
A UNIVERSAL Pronouncing Gazetecr, BY THOMAS BALDWIN, assisted by several other gentlemen. Vrih ti coloree! innp exliitñÃing the canuls and rnilrozrai of ihe UniÃed Stntcs. " This work " to use the langunge oà I. F. Mack, Esq. (late Superintendent ofihe Public Schools of Rochester, N. Y.) " filis a hitherto important blank in English Literature and'should immediately be iniroduced into evry institution oà learning - the common school in pprticular, in the land.'" It has been strongly recomrnended by a muhitude ofour most distinguished literary men from whose recomtnendations our limits will pennit us to select only the following. From Professor Anthon. Ktw Yurk, Sept. 10, 1845. Tho subsciiler has examined B.ildwin'a 'Unversul PronoúncMig Gr.zetiecr" vvith considérale c)ie, having consul ed it almost daily for ni It.ibi a monih p-isi. and takes grear pleaaure in recumtnondjng U os a voiy superior work. CUAS. ANTHONT. Ilnving oficn re'errcd lo and exarnined ina ' Gazclleur," 1 fully conenr wiih Professor Anthon. G. C. VEKPLANCK. Extract of a leter fmm Professor Hart, Principal of the Philadelphia High Sctooi. "This book ongln to be n tlio hnndsof every 'eacher, cnJof uil pupils whocan sfFurd it." From the Hon. Johx Pickering, ( Iha distinguÃs hed Pli$ologisl.) " Thia work cannot fnil to bc liielily useful not only io insuueiors and pupila, büf :o geneial rcadera." From Tra Mayiiew Esq., Superintendent of Public Instruction, Michigan. The ' Guzeileer'' is n work, vvhicli. Jjdg'mg Trom iheexnminntion I have been able to bcstow pon it, blionld be orà tile lable of every teacher, and in every fumily libr.nry." 'Tlie autbora have, in my judgmenf. cxecuied n difficult tusk wiihgient fiileliiy and singulnr abilitv, nnd supplicd a rfesirfirotum, vvhich I trust, will be a preciated by every oducator in the country." From Prof. Whedo.v, of the Unhcrsity of Michigan. " As a work unon ihe orihpopv of ecographf icnl nimes(the Pronounciog Guaeiteer) filia a place hiilicno nearly unoocupied ; and it appears io be cxecuted wiih sucli a enre 83 ucll as withaucli n reference to the best authorities. as enlitlt-s it to bd conaidervd ftsiandnrd. if nol t'ic Standard in that dcpartmerK. The synopsis of tho oriheopy of the different Inngn.tgts of Europe, compri-es mucli value in a small space ; sinco it dues not mert-ly en;iblo the scliolar Icotn the pronunciaiion o a single fort n name but furnishes the principies lor the correct pronunciaiion n nll otln-r-j in the same lnnguaee." GUIT AR, 1ÃRASà VIOLy AND V1ÃLIR STRINGS, received by Dec. 19. L846; 296 e. BLISS. Temper fin c e House! 1847. 1847. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, MÃOS. DANIEL BARiVEY, ha vingtaken iliis well kiuiwa b't.inij, und thoiouglUj- repnired it thro:iL'ijoiir. is now extensivoV prep-ircci to accormod-.i(e his friends and tho TrnvelÃacr Pablic with all those convenienc-es calcuiated ti make ihem cotnfoftjble, and vviih prices io suit the linits f Meáis, 3F Cents. Easlern and South, ern Stage Office kept at this House, ITT Omnibus and Ãnggnge Wngo olwnys oa and to convoy Passenden, tj and Iruai tli House free of charge. 29ti-6m INFORMATION WANTED rF ZACU RURRELL-he arrivwl ai New J York aboüt tix:con yenrs npo wnh Mark Vlnulton, .l;une Drnnd, Geo. Deal, ThomasFlmver. Richard Lovefiey, nnd others. Tf any f the above men sliould are diis advertisemoni. hoy would greaily the subscriber by sondna hint any jnformotion concerning the above nan, who will hear nfaomething to his advannae by njplying ii Mr. L. Lanibert, Aua Arbor VffchjgiiD. UUT Any iVowspapcr wifl confer a grwit favor bv copying ihis. i:9o-3vvTI IE Gein of ScÃence, The Bdvceaieof Science and Reform, devored to IJlire:ioloiry, Physiulogy, Mugiietism. aud collaieral Seiencvs. wiih a Lu. lies' nnd Miscellanooua Ot'partiiiont. Published Scmi-Monthly. E. H. SANFORD, EDITOR, SECOXD VOLUME. ""lic present faoilitifs for publishing. and the inroasing detnand (ur inforinniioii on the abwva jriiiciples, have inducc-d an enlargf:mi:.'t of the gem, nd conseoneiitly tl, e pubücniion ot" om Volunta tico, Quarlo l'onn nnd on NEW TYPE, or preservatioü nmJ landing, wiih n,i index and iile-puge ai tli cinso ol the Voiume. in six münti)i from ihe It.ih of December, IÃ46. CONTENTS, Tli conienis of ifio Gein are probabiy maro inlr'stng to the trie lovpr of Science, nnd to (Be devo'ed SliifcnC of Niture, ilmu ihose of .tny aimifsr pipcr itr ihe United Sinres. In bhort, the mond ton of its contein?. nnd its exposition if iÃU)mk TKurHs." wliidi will be ploced WJTHI.X Ti.'K REACM OP CVERY F AMIÃ.T, wil: reuder it Jouby niertsring nnd profiii'ible. TERMO. TT GfM of SciRNCg is publislted n; FÃFTT CENTö (or ix iiioiiihs. or ONtl DOLLAR enr in titfrancc. A liberal discount will be nadu M Clubs and AeDfs. Persons desiriug to ii!v-M!)e. ii-ive on'y lo endose the amount in a i, dircclcJ to SAXFORD & nROTHERS. PnWÃshfifs oà the Geni of Scie-ncc, Ann Arvir. ÃZ Hchtors whm wilf jjive ihis Prospectua nr, two. -r threo msertions, shall Kav rhcir avorp duly rociprpcnteá. 29-12w MEDICAL DOOKS. NEWL.tof Medical fÃoóke. just opeiwd. J?. nnd lor &ïln chenp fur casli ai Juno 15. S70-tf Ftnnrt TAKE NOTlCEi TH AT the Inte firn of R. DavitLson. h ifus dnvdisDoscd of his en ure stock of Good. nd wiöhing to cloo up the nnseft!o acconntg o l. Dnyidson, nnd of R. vt .1. L. Oavilson, voiild reqiiflst n!l indelucci 'o th sume to etill nd Kettle without deUy and ae coat. AnaArboT, Deo. 10, 1346. 295-tf
Musical Instruments
Temperance House
The Gem Of Science Publication
Perry's Bookstore
R. & J. L. Davidson
Sanford & Brothers
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Thomas Baldwin
I. F. Mack
Charles Anthon
G. C. Verplanck
John Pickering
Ira Mayhew
Calvin Bliss
Daniel Barney
Zach Hurrell
Mark Moulton
James Brand
George Deal
Thomas Flower
Richard Loveney
L. Lambert
E. H. Sanford
R. Davidson