Classified Ad
BOOKS! BOOKS!! AT PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. r TO THE PUBLIC j Til F, undersigned liaving rciurnetl from New u York wilh a now, laie and valuublc stock n ï ( Books, Stalioncry and Paper Hangings, h s now rcuily lo sell for Cash, any thing in his Einc Dt iis ncw stand on Main street, opposite H. Becker's Brick Store. à Ie will sny to Book puichascis. thai. by lus eil'nts last l'.ill on lus re1 urn from New York. the price of ncarly uvcry thing in bis line luis been .sold .} less thnn J heretolore. utid had it not beun for liiut, '.} sers would liave continued to pay the I lofoiü chargedHe enn say also. E ha I liis sales linve been ] youd his most sa'nguine expeelations. showini; i coricluBÃvély ihnt public benelaötor, althouyli 1 ever 80 smul!, will not go unrowarded in ihis I lightened communily. 1 He 3 (horikïul f-r iho favors alrcady bestowed. j nnd wouhi rcypccifully sulicit u coniinunticc of the trade: andhe would sa lü ihose wlio ncver have t purqhassd books of him, ihat he wil! eSow tiiem I anieles and prioes wiih pleasure a' any time ihey may cali whetber they wish to )urchase or noi. Cash orders from the couniry will bc attended to, and the books pneked ns well as if the persona were prpssiii 10 attend the purchases. He wiil also bcil to child.'cn as cheap as their paren is. Purchaseis will do well to examine his stock j and trices bforc purchnsing elsewhere. Don' t forget the place; be sure youcall i at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Street, a feto doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June 27, 181G. 269-tf THRESHING MACHINES. THE undetsigned would inlfórm ihe public Iliat hc inanulactures JJor6e Puwers and Fhreshing 'Machines at Scio, of a superior kind nveined by himself. Thesa Powers and Machines are panicularly ndupteu 1 the iisu of Farmers who wish to use hem lor threshing their uwu gn;in. The power, ih res her and futuros can all be loaded into a common sized wagon box and drawn with' one pair of horst'S. They ai e designed lo be uscd wiih four horses. and are abnndamly stronp (oi ihat nurhber, and may be safuly used with six oi eight norbes wirh proper care. Thry work with lessstrengih ol horses according to (heumoMit ol business done ihan any oiher power, and will ihresh geneially about :.'0i) bushels v heat per day with four hones. In one instancc lot bushels wheat were threshcd in three hours with four horses. This Power and Machine contain nll the nd vantaaes necessary to make tlicm prolilóble to iho purcluser. They are strong and durable. - They are easily moved IVom one to another. The work of ihe muses is easy on tilt poweis in coir parison (o o'hers. and the price is LOWKR than any oiher power nnd machine, have ever been sold jn the Slate. acording to ihe real valué. The terms of paymoni will be liberul fot notes that are known to be absoluttlj ood. I have a number of Powers nnd Mnchlnenow ready for snle and persons wisliiiij to buj are invited to cali soon. CLEANERS. I expect to bc prepared wiihin a few diva lp make Clenners for those who mny wnnt ïhem. The utiliiy and advobtnges oà this Power and Machine ivill appear evident to all on examimnii he recommendaiions hel'iw. Ali persons are cnutiuried agaihst mnluni.' these Powers and Machines; the undersignei: having adoptcd the necessury measnres lor secu ring letters patent lor the sume within the timt requircd by law. S. W. FOSTERScio, WaSjbtcuaw Co., MÃch.. Jane ld, 1316 RECOM.MENDATJONS. Dnring the year 145. enchof ;he undersigned purchased and used either indtviilually or jointiy with others. one uf S. W. Foster's newly in vented Horse Puwers and ihresbing wiachinrs. and hclievc they are better adapied to the use of Farmers who wunt Powers and Machines for iheir own pse than any othci power and ihVèsher within our knowledgo. They are calcu'iated tobe used with four hoi sos and are of amplt' slrcngih for tiiat nuiiiber. They apppar to br consiructed in such a niiinner as to lender llicii' [ very durable with linie liabiliiy of getting out o! order. They are eisily moved from one place j to another. They can be woiked wiil) nny num ber of hands from four to lighi, oi-.d will ihresh I about ÃOO bushels whenr per day. J. A. POLHEMUS. Scio, Washtenaw co G. BLOOD. " " ; T. RICHAUDSON, f' SAMUEL HEALY, ?. P. FORTER, ' it N. A. PIIELPS, " M ADAM SMÃTH, " J. M. BOWEN. Lima. " WM. WALKER. Webster, " TTIOS WARREN, " D. SMALLEY, J.odi, ' I threshcd last fall and winter w.ih one of R. W. Foster's horró powers. more ihan fifteeii thousnnd bushels grain The repairs hestowed ' upon tie power amounied to only Ã5 cents, and ' il was in good order when I had done ihreahing 1 ÃVdrfably used six horses. ' AARON YOUxNGLOVE. II Manon, June 6, 1S16. 'n I purchneed one ot S. W. Foster's horsi powers lnsi fall and have used it for j'jbliiriii. ) p have useri tnany diflerent kinds of poweis and cl believe this is the best running power J have l] everseen. D. S. BEiiET. Hamburg. June, 184C. We pnrchnsed one of S. W. Foster's Horse t Powers Inat tiill, and have used it and think it j? ; a firat late Power. JESSE HALL. DANIELS. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg, June, 18-1G. 2GÃMf y A. C. M'GRAW & CO., e Are now receiving their Fall Stock of Boots & Shoes Which have bcen selected with much care foi tho Wholesale Trade! npHEY now respectlully reque&t ihe MerI' X chants of Michigan and at'j cent States, te v examine their extensive stock which wil] bc sok at very low prices for cash or npproved credit ' Having for the last fifieon years sold mor '" Goods at retail than any other House in Michigan, they feel fully persuaded thai iheir sdei tior 8 to prict, quutitij, and sizrs, will suit the wantf e of the people. '' Their stock of Leather and Findings is alsc complete. " The retaü trade continúes as usnal on thefirs floor, COJINEII OK JeVFERSON AND WOODWARI e AVKNUES. c . C. McGRAW, Sc CO. Detroit, Aug. 22. 184a 2t-ly TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber has constantly for sale gooi nssortment of heavy W00LEN CLOTHS, , well adapied to t!ie country market which h wil . sell at wholetale or reiail. vkky r.ow. Cali ani 5S sce them at tho AInuittan Store, VV. A. RAYMOND. f, 275-tf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. THE highest price paid in cathby G. F. Lew. p, Exchange Broker, opposite the Insnri, anco Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of thi e founti8n the State of Michigan; also for Stat c securities of all kinds tiiid uncurrentfunds Cal and see. Dcc 1, Ãetó 24I-JJ