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Report Of The Secretary Of War

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This document lma nptyef bf-en pririfetí. A brief synopsis made from the ofiginnl report, has been furnished' us. The Secrolary gives a full history of thé commencment nad p rog ress of our Mexi enn war opera t ons , the baülcs of Pnk Alto, Reseca do la Palma and Morjtnrey aro ndrrated ; then we have the terniinntion of the armistice ; the conquest of Santa Fe and the Californias, and accounts of the varioua movemenls of the armies. Satisfaclory, though uct official informution has been received of the taking of Monclovn, but not Chihtiahuti. Gen. Kcarncy's detachment was expected to roach the Pacific about November last. - The operations of Col. Fremont and Commodore Stockton west of the Rocky MomUains, are i eferred to with commen. dation. Authentic information but no oflicial report has been received of their operations. The military force of the U. States has been augmenled from 8,640 nen, (o 30,000 men. The dutics of the var deparfment have been nrduous and rmbarrassinsr.The departinent of Tnmaulipas, and the right bank of the Rio Grande forseveral hundrcd miles from i(3 mouth, New Leon, Coahuila, and Chihuahua, have all in effect been wrested from tho eneruy ; and the Mexican authority, civil and military, displaced in New Mexico and the Californias - all in the short space of scven mouths. The regular army, under the law of last session, when filled u; would amount (o 16-,998 ofilcers and men,buUloes no! now oxceed 10,300. Our success irr the field' is aitribmalle probably to the large number af volunteers cnlled out since tho pnssnge ofthebill increasmg the army, It is impossiblc to teil the number of troops which the exigencies of tho war may req irire. Tho Voluntgars called out who have encountered tho enemy, have more than jusiified the expectations formed of this description of troops J but is no disparagcmeni to them to say that regular forcea would be picferred in a war to be pros ecuted in a foreign country. Considerations of economy are also uecidedly in favor of troops engnged to servo during the war. The Secretary is most solicitous that this subject shonld receive the attention of Congress, and that a body of troops should be raiscd to take the place of thoso volunteers who will claim a discharge at the end of their terms of service. The plan suggested by Gen. Macombin his report in 1836, is recommended nowin refoience to regimental field ofli-cers Provisión should be made for offences committed by our troops and by peráons connected with the army, An increase of the regular army is recommended. Tho estiiTiafed appropriation for fortifications for noxt year amouut to Sl9o,G00.The report fhéii gocs on to spcak of our national defeneca ; oí' sappers, miners and topographical enginoers, and thcir present organization ; of the ordnance bureau being inadequate ; deficfency in the medical stafTofthe army ; hisfory of operations in mineral Iands fh& past yenrj number of persons agencies, 41, exclusive oí navy pensions, and numbei of pensioners about 20,000. The independent treasury act contémplales the employment of oflicers narned therein as pension agcnts, and readers it doubtful whether thosc herctofore cmployed are not suspended. lic recconimends that aulhority bo givcn to continue the present agents at a reasonable compensation. Thvee thousand four hu'iulred and thiríy-four Indians have been removed west of the Misissippi Rivcisince my last unnudl report New' tredties yli Indians are referred to, and the soiïciuule of tho government to pnmöla tho welfáfo oftise InJir.ii tribes ís feelinglyThe Boston Chronotype, a shmrp shao(ii.g periodical, givesnn account of nn organization of the " Benevolent Bacchana! Society of Free Drinkers." Among the officers are to be " Ihe Great Grand Puncheon, Great Grand Mogshead, Graat Grand. Pipe, Grent Qránd ííalf Pipt, Great Grand Barrel, Great Grand Fiftoen Gnllon Jug, Great Grand Gallon rug, Great Li;t!o Quarj! Jög, Grand Litlle Glass, Greai Liltle Toddy Stick, Greal Grand Scribe, Grcnt Grand Advocate, Örcüi Grande Cbnpíaín, Great Grond Phnnsee, Gent G-and Ilypori!c.M