A great variely of measures have been proposed or introHuced into both Houses of Cfongress; but nothing of importance has been done. We wül enumeruUsome of the points of greatest interest. In the Scnntfi, Mr. Ashley, introduced r a bilà to estabüsh a permanent genera1 l pre-emption s'ystern in favor of actual settlers upon the publio lnnds ; read twice and referred to the committec on public lands. Mr. Bréese introduced a bilà to reduce and gradúate ihe price of the public lands; rcad twice and referred to the commiltee on public lands. Mr. WooH bridge introduced a bilà to ' anply certain altérnate sedions of the t public domain to the cempletion of works of internal improvctnent in the state of Michigan, and for other purposes ; rend twice and relerrcd to the committee on public lands. Also, a bilà to establish a land office in the northern part of the State of . igan, and to provide for the sale of the mineral lands in the State of Michigan and Territory of Wisconsin, read twice and referred to the committee on public lands. Mr. Bréese submitted the following resolution : Resolved, That the commit'ee on commerce be instructed to inquire into the expediency of making appropriations for such harhors in the United States ns the ' safety of navigation and interests of commerce require. In the House, Mr. Pollock offered a resolution instructing the committee on ways and means to bring in a bilà to repeal the the tnrifF of 184G and re-eunct that of 1842. Lost, yeas 73, naya 107. In the Senaie on Thursday, on motion of J. M. Clayton, it was ordered that the committee on foreign relations be discharged from the further consideraron of the several memorials nnd petkions on the subject of indemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800, and that they be referred to a select commiltee consisiing p( five members, to be appointcd by the Vico President. Messns. Morehead, Cass, Badger, Athertpn an4 Ashjey were accordiftgly appointed. Mr, Bréese submitted the following resolution for consideratior : Resolved, That the Secretary of War be direcied to furnish the Senate with n 6tatement of all appropriations made for construcción and repair of roads, fortificationsand harbors, and for the improvement of rivera in ech and all of thesÃntesand tentÃories oflhe United Siates, showing theamount and period of each appropriation and expendifúre. In the House, Mr. McClelland gave notice of bis inientinn to introduce a bilà to provide for the sale of thc mineral lands south -of Lake Superior, in the state of Michigan and territory of Wisconsin. Also, a bil! making appropriations for ccrtain hnrbors and rivers. Mr. Douglass, f rom the committee on Territorios, introduced a bilà Lr ihe admission of Iowa into the Union, which ws made the special order of the day for Monday. On Friday, in the House, Mr. Martin, of Wisconsit), gavo notice of bis intention to introduce a bilà eslablishing the erritovia] government of Minnesota. The proceedingsfor the remainder of he week furnish nothing of interest. In the Senate, on Monday, Mr. Barow oflbred a resolution calling on the resident to inform the Senato whethcr iny ngent had been sent by him to Honna in relation to the return of Santa nna to Mexico, and calling for all corespondence in relaiion thereto. Laid iver. Bills were introduccd to amend the act )f 1843, regard ing seamen j to remociel he consular system ; creating the office ifSurveyor General of Ori-gon ; to prondcfor the surveyof the mouth of Red Uiverj for the relief of the heirs of Paul Iones, and for the relief of the widow 1 Alexander Ilamilton. In the House of Representatives, bilis ivere introduced to graduare the price of public lands, to provide for the ascerainment and satisfnetion of claims for Trench spoliations, for the improvement if the Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas rivers, to remove obstructions in the Savannah river, and for a new Custom rïouse at Savannah. All read twice and referred. The Iowa admission bill and Ihebill granting n pension to Patrick Keiley,Mnj. Uinggold's mutilated teamster, were then nssed. In the Senate on Tuesday, Mr. Rush ntroduced a resolution instructing the nilitary commitiee to inquire into the propnety of increasing military posls. Bills were reponed establisliina: general pre-emption to ihe actual seitlers of public lands, and providing for the sale of ihe mineral lands. Mr. Seyier introduced a resolution of inquiry into the expediency of constructing a railroad from the Missouri lo the Columbia. The House went inlo committee of the whole on the reference of the President'.message to appröpriate commiitees. - Mpssrs. Morse nnd Martin defended the rourseofthe President in reference to the Mexican war. The President sent a message to lhe House of Representntive.s in' reply to Gnrrett Davis' resolution, wiih the documents upon the subject, from the war and nay dppartmenis, containing all the orders and instructions cmanating from those depnrtments. The message declares that m instructions had been given which nre not clearly authorized by the laws oà nations. Some acts had been commilted by Gen. Kearney in New Mexico which were not approved ; but the official information in relation to them was not in the oossession of the President nt the time the annua! message was submitted. If the authority given had been exceeded, it could be rectified without harm. In lhe Senate, on Wednesd.ay, Mr. Bréese introduccd a bill to authorize territorial government in Oregon. Bills were presented relativo to the United States District Court in New York, and to relinquish the Cumberland Road to the States it passes through. In the House, Mr. Douglass reponed a bill to re-cstablish a territorial government in Oregon. The House went into commiitee of ibe whole on the President's message. - Mr. VV. Hunt has the floor. Among the bilis introduced in the House was one to establish tho Territory of Minnesota, from parts of Iowa and Wisconsin, and a River and Harbor bill.
United States Congress
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Chester Ashley
Sidney Breese
William Woodbridge
James Pollack
John M. Clayton
Charles G. Atherton
Lewis Cass
George E. Badger
James T. Morehead
Robert McClelland
Stephen Douglas
Morgan L. Martin
Washington Barrow
Lopez De Santa Anna
Paul Jones
Alexander Hamilton
Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton
Patrick Kelley
Samuel Ringgold
Thomas J. Rusk
Ambrose H. Sevier
Isaac E. Morse
John P. Martin
Stephen W. Kearny
Frederick Douglass