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A UN1VE11SAL Pronouncing Crazetcer, BY THOMAS BALDWIN, nssisted by soveral oihcr gentlcnieu. With n coloree! mop cxhritmg iho c.uials nm! xailroada of the United Sutes. "This work " to use the langunge of I. F. Mack, Esq. (hile Superintendent ofthe Public Schools of RacWtei, N. Y.) "filis a bitherto irhpjortnnt Mank in English Literature nnd hotild immediaJely be introduced into evory institulion of lenrning - the eonimon school in particular, in the land." Il has been strongly recommonded by n multittidc of our most distinguished liierary men fróm w hose recommendations our liniits will peiinit ua to select only the lbllowing. From Professor Anthón. Nkw YoiiK, Scpt. ni, léñ. Tlio KubscriSer hns pxamióeil Buldwin's ■! nivrnal Prónouncjng G zctieer" wiiii considerable enre, having consul cd it almost d'tily for ni least n rnonth p'isr. nnd uVes grenf pleaeurc in iccojnrr.emliiiií it &s a very superior %oik. (Ji)AS. ANTIION. Having often recred t- nnd etaunncil ihr " Qozcueor." 1 fúllv contfñr wiih PVofeswr Anthon. ' G. C. VEKPLANCK. Extract of a letter from Professor Hurt, Principal of tha Philadelphia High School. "Thiebook onghíto bo n tlm hnrr'snf every teachar, andof all pupüs wliopun ulíurJ it." From the Hon. John Pjckkiung, ( the distingu ish ed Philu logisl . ) 11 This work catino! fnil (o bc bighly u=;efil nw only to insiruciors and pupiis. but to general roadera." From Ira Mayhbw Esq., Supcrintende7t of Public Instrudion, Michigan. Tho " Gszottecr" is a work. wliich. jadglng from ihecxamination I hnve been able to bostow upon it, shonld be nn t!ie jable of cvory teacher, nmi n every faniily libnry." fíThe nuthr have, nray juclgmenf, executed ft diíficult task withgrert fidelity nnd singular obiluv. nnd eup pjied a d es id i re tu :u, whicb 1 trust, wifl be ap preciated by overy educator n the c umry." From Prof. Whedo.v, of Ihe University of Michigan. " As a work upon :!ir? onheiipv oí peogrnphical ñames (the Prooouncing Gazetléér) lilis n placo hiiherto nenily unocenpied ; and it nppcnn. to bO executed with snch n caro i well s wiil Buch a reference to ilic best auiliorities. ns enii tíeB it to be considertd a standard, if not t'ic súpdard in that departnicnt. The synopsis of the ortheopy of the dilFjrrnt lnntjuníjes of Europe, comprises niuch v.ilun in n ?in;ill spnce : since it does not morcly onuMc ihe scholar to Icnrn tlie pronunciation il asintió fo'rcign nnme but fur nishea tho principies fr iho corrci pronunciation oí all odien in the eatne language." ATTENTION THE WORLD ! ! Free JTrade and Tailors Rights. THEcitizcns of Ann Arbor and vicinity, of WashtonawCounty and Countics adjoining. aro informed thnt now is the tiinc o 2'U cohi íortnbly CLOTHED ar.d FfXEQ UI' for n oíd Winter, The very best kind of Cl'lis and Trimti.ings can be bor.ght chenp n Ann Arbor, Lowcr Town. nnd there is a TAI LOR op)osi(e G. &, L. DecWley's Store, who can' t bu outdone any wherc in these p-iTts, ... r. i Ho is preparsd to do work in the most tashionable Stylo, or foilow tito ditections oí his customera, and being possessed of a large simre oí the Milk of Huma.i Kindnc3, his loinisatc es tabüshed on the principie ot "LIVE AND LET LIVE." He has a peculiar trait in hia characier whicli ahould be noticed, it i= stranye. vet trno as eirang,- He toill vot Viólale his Vomísc - Cuatomera can have their garments at the (me pecifiad. FARMERS can be certain of good fitting and easy souing GARMEXTS, nnd are informed that olí kinds of PRODUCE (excepi cabbage) will bc taken in,exchange lor h; services He cuts to order. and his garments are surc tofitifproperlymadcup. , W Ann Arbar, Lower Town, Dec. 5, 184C. 1ÁÑSEED OJLff THE Suliscriber is mnnufacittrin" Linseed Otl on an extensivo scalo and ho is ablc to nXXV9]MERCIIANTS AMD PAINTER3, on terms more favorable for theni than have ever beforo been oíTcred In this country, and he te prepared to sup"ply orders for large or small quantitics at prices cxtrcmeltj law. O Communicaiions by mail 'ill bc prompt lyancndedto. a L. LAT0URETTF:. Long Lakc, Gcncsec Co. Mich. 28:i-ly IN ATTACHMENT. Befure E. Thomson. Justico of tho Penco. JaraeB Gibson, and Elnailmn Bolsford, veJames Mulholland. State of Michioan, ) gs Conníy ol Washtenaw. J NOTICE is hereby given tha! nn altnchmeni againBt the gooda, chaltols, riyhts, etwülí, nioneys, and effccia oí ihe above namoJ cleíendant Jnraea Mulholland, nn abscondinp dcbtor, has been taken out hom before E. Thomson, Esq , Justice of the Peace of tho said County of Waehtonaw, at the suit of James Gibson, and Elnathan Botsford, Plaintifisj abovc namcd ; ad thai tho eaid Dcfendant nol appearing on the return day thercof, the cause is continued for triü till tho 6th day of March, 1847, at one o'clocl: in the atternoon, ai the office of snid Justtco, in ihe village of Ann Arbor, ín said County. Jamf.s Giiaoir, ) pitlin(iffs, ELHATHAN BÖT6JTOUP., S „ Ann-Arbor, Dcc. 5, 1346. SOI-fí WANTED, at Perry's Bookstore, 5 Tons clean Cotton and Lmcn Rogs; 1 Ton Beeswax, and 3500 Dollars in catsh, for the largcstnösorl ment of Books and Stajionery ever oflered in this Villace. and at his usunl low prices. Ann 'Arbor, Upper Village, Oct. 7, 1846; THE LIBERTY MINSTRELONE HUNDRED COPIES of the iifth ca 'tion of Jhis highly popular work are for snlc at tbc Sienal office at 50 cents single, or $ I,o0 per dozen. Terms Cash. Now is the time for Liberty choirs to eupply themselves. CASH FOR W00DÍ! CASH will be pnid for TWENTY-FIVE Cords of good Wood, delivercd to the subBcribwa in Lower Town. POSTER & DELL. Dec. 8, ieiE. 291-tf INFORMATION WANTED OT ZACH HURRELL- he arrived at New York about 6ixteen years ago with Mark Moulton, Jamei Brand, Geo. Deal, Thomoï Fiower, Richard Lovcney, and others. if any of th above men ahould ece this advertisement. thy would greatly oblipe the f-ubscribcr by send ing him any information concerning th above raan, who will bcar of something to his advantag8 by applymg lo Mr. L. Lambert, Ann Arbor, Michigan. O Any Newopnper will confer a great favor by copying this. 'Qj-Zw TAKE NOTICE' THAT the late firm of R. Davidson, lm this day dispoeed of hia enurs etock oJ Goods. and wishing to cIopc up the tinsettied account ol R. Davideon. ond of R. & L. Davidson. would requast sll indebted to the same to cali mi tttle without dolay and svc cet. AnnArtr, Dc, J6, 184Ö. 29r'-fT A N N E - - y il LEATHER! LEATHER! LEATHER! ELDRED & CO., N o. 1-23, Jeflerson Avenue, "Eldreü'fc lilock," Detroit, tnke this opportunity io inform thcir customcrs, nnd the public gcnoraliy, tli::t they still continuo to keep on hand a l'ull assortmeni oí' Spanisli S-)!c Lcnthcr, 1 Also. Lasis and Pega. Cturcri'Toül, i.c. SI.-iiiuli'ciL'il !o Horsc luid Coltnr Lcn'.licr, JIcuil.icic mnncd lppcr Lciither, Corrlcv.-tn do Ook '" . li Morocco Skins, Fr.'i. cii iniinoi! C;ilf Skins. Seal do' O.ilv uid Ucinlock laiincd do (Iv)at Bindini;. HcuiK'ck tnnned IJarness and Bridlc Lcnher. Decrnii'l Lamb do O.i!t " ' i4 White :hk1 Coloied Lininpa, I}:,i nhd T) Lontbcr, l'riniixl do Skiniiiir. l'lul.idclpliia nn.l Oliio; SIioc Hussel do inïng, and Kit of 11 kimls. As the Suhscribers are now manufócíuring thcir own LéotheF, ihoy are prepnred (o spII ns low asean be purchased n fhiö market. Merclianls and manufacturers will find it to their ndvaníngt; to cali and examine (mr stock before purchnsing elsewhere. ftjCash nnd Lcathvr e.chanicd lor Ilidcs arjcSkins. KLDUKDCO. Detroit, Jan. 1846. 548-1 y