Classified Ads
fifi?, mirbor THE undcreigncd fiaying uurchused thc Ãnter esta of his partner in the Marble Business would inform the inhabitan's of tliisand adjoinino counttee, iliat he continúes thc busines&at tÃc oÃd stand in Upper Town, ncar the Prcsbytcriari Church, where he will manufacture to order, Monuments, Grave Slones Painl Slone Talléis, $c. Sc. Those wMiing to o')tain any artielc in his line of business will (indby cnliiiig that he lias an assortment of White and Varicgatcd Maride fio ihe Eastcrn Marble inrrics. whjch wil! bc wrought in Modern stylo, and sold at caslern pri ces, adding transportaron only. Cali nnd theproof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Ann Arbor. July 8, 1810. ly Cheap Hardware StOre. npHE Subscribcr takes tliis nicthod lo inforn JL his old customers and lic public gonorall; thntheptill continúes to keep a largf{and gcrtcrfi assortment f Eurcign and Uomcsiic HARDWARE, CDTLERY, &c. Also. Spike. Wnuiglit; (,'ut pad IJorcShot Nails, Chipa, Sheet iion, Hoop Iron, Sheet am Uar Lcnd, Zyisc. ]5ii,-]ht and Ancaiod Wire, Mo lüsscs Gales and' FasgUs, Miil Saws. Croü.s Cu Snwe. Hand nnd Wooil Snvve, Back and Kcj Hole Saws, Ahvils, Vioc.. ÃöllpwsVAdzes.Coop or's loolf, Diawinr; Knives, Spokc Sliavcs Tup lïorers, Casi Stee) Augurs, Conimon Au ÃÃnrs, Augur 1JÃH3.. fjollow AuuYs, Steel ani Iron Squares. (riind Plaijrbr, Water Lime GrindjSioncs, PotashjCaldron and SugqrKetlléi Cublc, Lo. Trace and HaJÃcr Cbains, Croad HfaDdond Narrow A.vcs, Spuit and Phtmb Ley ela, ioLiCtlicr wilh a género! .-sorinirrit of HolIcw Ware. v.liieh wül jc m!(I Iow for Cash o npprovcfl credit at J2.'. Jil:rsfln Avenue. Eldrcil'B Black. X MA 11 VIN. Detroit, Jan. lGtb. IS-1G. 248-ly O YSTERS O YSTERS ! ! OYSTERSà ROWE A. ('o., liaviiig thoroughly complciei thcir arriiiigeincniH, ote now prepared U furnieh ihe citizciia of üotruitnnd vicinny war OYSTERS! Of n superior quality, at ihc lowcet piicC3. They mtend m'aking n regular business of it, anc will rcccivc daily, by expresa, and keep constant ly on hand, SHELL and Ol'IJlVElJ OYS'ÃKJlSoi a qualily that cannot be aurpasseii. - They wil be put in Cana or Kc3 that hoid frorn une quart to two gailons. Wc do not wis!i you to tukc our word foi the obüve, Lm to eall ani ty us. fflT AU ordcr3 feit nt thc Ttnil Road Nole!, or sent by mail will meet wiih immediaie aii ention. ROWE & Co, Bufftlo, WM. MATÃ1EWS, Ag{. Detroit. p. S. Ãyefcre Jelivércd to any pan ol tho ciiy fice ol chnrgeDciroit, 1346. 285-3m Temperan cc MIousc! 1847. 1847. STEAMBOAT HOTEL, DETROIT, MICII. DA ft i EL BAB1EY, having laken this well known Stand, and thoroughlj- repnired it thronghout, is now extensively prepared to ac.commodatc his friende and ihc Travelling I'ublic with ol! ihosc convcnicnrcs cálcutated to niakc theni conifortoblc, ond vth pricos to euit tho litucs ! Meáis, tiià Cents. Eastcrn and Southern Stage Office keft al lu's House. BF Omnibus and Baggago Wagon always on nnd to convoy Passengere u and trom the House free of charge. 29ü-6m JUSTARRIfED B Y EXPRESS. THE Mostri Collcction of Sacrcd Mueic, by E. Ivcs Jun- .containing jb) cclobrutcd Chrisïusand Miserere by ZingarSfff with Eng - lisli words. Teachers of Music vill pleasc cali and examine thc yorti at Ferry's Booksi'ori'. Octobcr 7, Ifi46. 'M-ú