Classified Ads
BOOKS! "bÃÃKSU AT FERRY'S BOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC TUK undersigned having rcturned fro:n New York with a ncw, largo and valuablc stock, tf i iooks, Stationery and Paper Hangings, e iiovv rc;u!y to scll lor Cash, any ilungin bis inc at !iis ncw stand on Muiu sirect, oppositc 11. Beckcr's Brick Store. Ho will s;iy to 3ook purehaseis. ilwi. by liis cffVts last fall on lis returu frorn New York, tlio pïico oÃ" ucarly ccry ihing in his Une lias beien sold less tlian icrctuforc. nud had it not boen for liini, puichasers WÃufd have conunucd 10 pay the piicesheroofoic chargcd. ]fc cin say also. thnt his sales have been beyoml his most saaguino expectations. showing conclusivcly that a public benefactor, althouh ever so email, will not go unrcwurded in thiacnlightcned community. He iá thnnkful fr the favorsahcady bcstowcd. and would respect fulty solicit a comiminncc of the trhde; and lic would say to jhosc who ntvcr havo purchosed booka of hiin, iliot he wü! show ihcui anieles and priees wit li plentsure a1 any tiñie ihey inay ca 14 whether thcy wieh to purchase or not. Cash orders from the country will bc attended to, and the books packed as wcll as f tbc persons were present to attend thu purchaaëa. He will also bell to children as uheap as thcir parents. Piirchascrs will do wcll to examino bis stock and pricea before purchnsing clscwhcre. Don'lforget the place; be sure youcall at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Streel, a few doors South 'of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arbor, June27. 18IG. . 20!) -t f THRESHING MACHINES. THE undorsigncd would infurm the public tiiat he manulactures llorac Powers and Thfeehing Machines at Scio, ol a superior kind nventod by himsclf. Thess Powc're and Machines are particular!)ndapted to tbc uee ol Farmers who wisli to usc thom lor ihreshing their own grein. Tbc power, (hreëherand fixturesean all be loaded into a comnion sÃ wagon box and drawn wiih onc pair of horsts. Thcy aie deeigned to bc used with l'our iiorscs. and aro alunidanily slrong (or (bat number, and mny be snfety tiscd wiih six 01 eight noises wiih proper care. Thcy work with lesSBtrenglh ol holnes according toihcaniount ol business done thnn any othor poxver, and will thrcBh gancrnlly abou'. SiOO bushels w heat pn day wiih four hoiÃen. In ono nstanco t bushelrf wlicot werp threshcd in ihrce hours with lour horecs. This l'owcr and Machine contnin all the ad vnritffgee neecssary to make thein prolitablcto tbc purcii.igcr. Thcy are strong nnci durable - Tuöy are ca&ily movod from ono place to anothcr. The work ol (lio ïorscs 1 easy on tluse lowci8 in conijiarifion to pihers, nnd ihe pricc is LOVVKR than auy oiher power and marbinc. have ever been told in ihc State, necófding to the real valué. The terms óf paynaent will be liberal fur notes that are knowu to be absolutcly good. I have a number of Powera and Machines now ready for sale and persons wishing to buy are invited to cali soon. CLEAiVERS. I expect lo be prepared wiihin a few day6 to make Cleancrs for thosc who tnay want tbem. The utility and advantages of ilüg Power and Machine will appear evident to all on examinin! the recommendations bclovv. All per?ori3 are cauiioned against makinj: these Povvcrs and Machines: iho undersigned having adoptcd the necessary measiircs for securing letters patent for the same within the time required by law. S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Waahtcnaw Co., Mich.. June Id, J3-1G nECOMMENDATIONS. During the ycar lc?15, cachof tho underpigned purchaBcd and used cithcr individually or jointly with others, ouc of S. V. Foater's newiy in vented Horse Powcrs and threshing machines, bclicve thcy are better adapted to the use of Farmers who wunt Powers and Machines for thcir own uk than any othcr power and threslier within our knowlcdgo. Thcy aio calculated tobe UBcd with fourhoiocs nnd are o ampie strength for _ that number. They appear to br constructed ifi euch a mnnner as to render (hem very durable with linie liabiliiy of gotting out ol order, 'ihey are ejsily moved from one plact to another. They can be worked with any number of hands from four to cight, and will ihrcsb aboiM 200 bushels wheat per day. J. A. POUIEMUS, Scio, Washtonaw co G. BLOOD, T. RICHARDSON, SAMUEL HEALY, " S. P. FOSTER, u N. A. PHELPS, " ADAM SMITM, ' J. Mi BOWEiV. Lima, WM. WALKER, Wcbsier, TÃIOS WARREN, V D. SMALLEY, Lodi. " I threshcd last fall and winter one of S. W. Foelcr's horse powers, more than liftcen thousand bushels grain. The repairs bcstowcd upon tie power omountcd to only G cents, nnd it was in good order wlicn I had done threshing. 1 invariably used six horses. AA RON YOUNGLOVE. Maiion. JuneC, 1S1G. I purchnscd one of S. W. Foster's horst powers last fall and have used it for jobbing. I have used many dificrent kinds of powers and belicve fhis is the best running power 1 have evereeen. D. S. BENNET. Hamburg. June, 181C. We purchascd one of S. W. Fo6tcr's Horsc l'owers Inst fhll, and have used it and think it is a fitst rate Power. JESSE HALL, DANIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg, June, 18415. 2G9-if A. O. M'GRAW & CO., Are now receiving their Fall Stock of Boots & Shocs Which have been selcctcd with much care for the Wholesale Trade! THEY now rcspectiully request the Mercriants of Michigan and adjicent States, to examine their cxtenstvcsiock wJiieh will bc sold at vcry low prices for cash or opproved credit. Having for tbc last fiftcen years sold more 6oods at rctail than any oiher House in Michigan, thcy feel fully persuadcd that thcir selection o.s to trice, quaiitij, and sizes, will suit the wants of tbc pcople. Thcir stock of Lcathcr and Findings is also complete. The retail trade continúes as usual on tho firet floor, Cornkb of Jekferson and Woodward AVKNUKS. . C. McGRAW, &CO. Detroit, Aug. 22, 1846. 24-1y TO COUNTRY MERCIIANTS. THE Subscriber bas constnntly for eale good assortment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, veil adapted to tbc country niarket which he, will cll at wholtsale or retail, vkhy r.ovv. Cali nnd ce thotn at thg M vnhattan Stork. W. A. RAYM0ND, 275-tf Detroit. COUNTY ORDERS. rHE higliestpricepnid in cashby G. F. Lowie, Exchango Broker, opposite the Insurnco Bank, Detroit, for orders on nny of th ountc8Ãn the State of Michigan; hlso for Stato ocuritics of all kinds and uncurrent f uods Cali nd sec. Vee 1, 1845, 241-JJ