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Mnn Br hor ui j ""'ir' ixtttaztH-JgtSBUSSSSBSOm THK undereianed having nurrhisedthe intercstsofhis partner in de Marble Busiuesft. woull infurrn ilie inhahitan'sóf thisandadjoining counties. ihnt he continúes ihe business nt ihe old stond in Upper Twn. near the Prcbyieriau 'l'tirch. wliere hr will irnnu!acrii-ft tr eirrW. Monument s Grove Sloncs Paini Slone, Tablets, fc; $c. Those wishjng to o'itnm any anide in lus line of business will find by calling l'hat he bas nn assortmmt of White nrul Variegated MWrbld from llic Eastern Marble Qmrries. which will bc wrouslil in Modern siylo. and sold ai cnsiern prices. cidding transporutiun only. Cn!l and ge iheproof. J. M. ROCKWELL. Ann Arbor. July ?, 184G. 272-Iy Chcap Kcrdwarc Store. . THE Sulidcriber takes tlus mcthud 10 infortn liis old cusioniers and the public cenernlly tiiat he stül coniinucs 10 kceji a Inrgoahd genera] a6sor[mciit n! FóreTgn iirid UÖmeéïïc HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Alao. pike. VVrontrln. Cm and IJort-e Shoc Naüs. Glo'f, Shooi Irnit, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Mur Leo'l. Zjyic, Riiírlit and Aneuíéa 'ire. MuImsscs Gaten and Faeseits, Mili Savá.,Crp88'Gjii Snwé. Mandend Wond gnxvft. li.-ick mul Kc) Hole Sqws, Anvils. Vic'?. Bel!iws. Afizs.Cnop. nr's '1 (jol. , Drawina Knivcs, Spuke Öhaves. Tap Borcfs, Ci8l Steel Augure, Cominon Aulí'iis. Augur ]5itis. Hollow Atiguis. Steel and fron Sfjuares. Ground Plasiei. W;tcr Linie. CriniiiStones, Poiash.Caldionanil SuearKettJep. Cable. Loít. Trace and Halter Clnins. liroad. Hand lm) ..irrow Axrs. Spirit and Plunib Lev íls. toücthcr with a peñera! assoriment of Hollew Ware. which will be snld low tor Cash c npprovrl credit at Ji23. Jeflcrson Avenue. Eidred'sBlock. lt. MAHV1X. Detroit. Jan. HJtb.lSlfi. 24H_y PEACE DECLAKEO, AND A WHEUEBY S. FELCH can hold PbKK Tll.VUK AM CoMMERCK IN BOOTS, 8MIOJE8, KjEJITIIer.y anil Fiitdings nf af] kinds, with all persons. JSaiives or Foriijner.0, on the foHowine jtiist and cqual terms viz : (Jood Ai Heles - Low Prices - litndy Paij - a ud Xo Tittfiti' The suOscribcr havin? fully teetcl the Crcdii System to bis great loss. boih of cui:fi lence and cash, and hoving sufl'ficd niuch l"as l' íire. no ecssity compela Ji i m ti collect his ptnj 'l OJ.irc harttist," as 'afier harvet and NKxrrAix." very uiteo come up " missing." eaving him sad l'j in ihe Böolnole. fie has come to the snnir conclusión thai ceriain sensible gir!a did on n late occiision. (ter, to Ud or n husüand, rcudij ■piij or no Sliocviahivg ) All persons ihai ran conform to tlie nbove trcaiy will do well to cnll on S. Felch, Ann Arbur, Lowci Town, No. 4 Hú ron Block, wliere ihey will nol be taxed for oihers' work who never p'iy. N, IJ. All persons i ndi'bted in nny way in he s'ibscriber. had hener cali ond pay if they are honest nti'1 mean lo keepso. L97:6,0 S. FELCII. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Jan. 't. If-i7. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERINQ WAREJ100MS. STEVENS & Zt'G, IN the lower end f tiic VVftiw Ulock. dirertly inipiibiie ihe M-.c iio.v.N Exchanorj hnve.on tmnd n loVge ass)Uincni of' tÜRNlTlTRE, iheir (iwn inauuacture, which they will sell very bw for Cash Thrv al30 keep e.xperienc;d Upholsferers. and -■re preparad to do all kinds of Upholstering ai ■U. shortPBl no'ticè. Knrnitiire o!' all kinds made to order of tbc best material, and wnrranied. STF.VENS & ZUG. De'roit. January, 1, 1617. 2J7-Iy GÍ7TTJR, PRASti VIOL, AXD VIOLIN 8TRING8, just reccivod by Dec. 19, 116. 296 C. BLISS..